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hooks vs class

Hooks vs Class

React 释放 hooks 已经半年了,从 hooks 刚刚释放的时候我就开始关注,并且就开始去尝试使用它。 从释放到现在 hooks 刚过不少, 内部源码至少改了两三次, 那为什么要写这篇文章呢 ? 是因为一次偶然的事情引发的。 有一天渊虹老哥抱着电脑对我说, 你看我这个表单的提交时间就是在调用 onSubmit 的时候有点延迟啊, 这是为什么呀? 我试了一下果然是这样, 很奇怪了,为什么会这样呢 ? 于是我想到的第一个问题就是难道我把同步当做异步处理导致的? 还是有可能的啊,于是我在群里问了这样的一个问题 0fc339b7 756155c1 于是我就在第二天跑了一下,试试同步当做异步处理的话,会造成多少的延迟。当数量小于100个时候,简单的函数同步异步时间基本一致,1000个的时候时间就有一些小的差距了, 10000 个的时候差距非常明显, 所以必要的时候,同步还是同步,不要当做异步来处理了, 那一个 form 内部超过 100 个校验函数基本不可能,所以这个方面我就忽略了, 那会不会是另外一种可能呢?

render 时间长且次数多导致的延迟

再一次分析了渊虹老哥的代码,发现在提交表单的时候,render 了四次,于是我去查了下源码,发现这四次分别是,校验设置错误 => 设置提交状态 => 设置表单是否有效 => 设置提交次数, 然后在调用 onSubmit, 哎呀这个地方有有待修改的,比如可以改成这样 设置提交状态 => 如果有效,调用 onSubmit 在设置有效状态和提交次数。 否则在 设置错误和状态, 这样呢就能保证 onSubmit 的提交只有一次 setState 的操作,看下代码的截图





这样在 onSubmit 之前就会调用的很快, 即使 render 很耗时

那肯定会有人提出来这样的问题, render 时间长这个是业务代码中的问题导致的, 那么 render 次数过多这是为什么呢?为什么这里会 render 这么多次呢 ?那从这里就引起今天这个话题了? class vs hooks

代码点击这里 => hooks vs class - CodeSandbox

最简单的就是在事件中来测试区别。hooks and classincrease 事件都是同步的,我们在点击 increasement 的按钮的时候打开控制台看下输出是什么


可以看到 console 的顺序是先输出了事件调用中的 console, 在输出了 render 中的 console, 这个大家都是知道的, setState异步的 , 修改下代码,在这个事件函数里多次 setState 会怎么样呢?结果输出还是一样呢?对于这样是为什么,可以看官网以及setState解析, 在点击 increaseBy 按钮,这个和 decrease 是一样的, 所以我们只取一个来分析, 点击 increaseBy 按钮后看下控制台的输出

class 中的 increase

increaseBy = number => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    console.log("fire increaseBy class", this.state.count);
  }, 1000);

hooks 中的 increase

const increaseBy = number => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    console.log("fire increaseBy hook", count);
  }, 1000);



hooks render 的次数是两次,然而在 class 中 render 了 四次,这是为什么呢?看起来很奇怪是不是。那我们不妨在 hooks 中在增加几个看看怎么样?

const increaseBy = number => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    console.log("fire increaseBy hook", count);
  }, 1000);



完全一样,那我们不妨修改下,在 hooks 中每次都设置不一样的值看看会发生什么

const increaseBy = number => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log("fire increaseBy hook", count);
  }, 1000);



这次是一致了对不对, 都是 render 了4次后才调用 console 的,至于在 class 中为什么表现是这样的看上面的文章

那在 hooks 中为什么会表现的如此不一致呢? 官网也贴了出来


会用 会进行比较,如果认为是一样的,那么就会 bailout, 有的人可能会和我有一样的想法,当初我在看这个时候,我觉得在调用第二次 render 的时候就知道是一样的了,那应该不会在到 commit 阶段了吧。我们不妨来试试

hooks 加上这段代码

 useEffect(() => {
  console.log("update hook");

在 class 中也加上这段代码

componentDidUpdate() {
  console.log("update class");

hooks 中的 increase

const increaseBy = number => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    setCount(count + number);
    console.log("fire increaseBy hook", count);
  }, 1000);

class 中的 increase

increaseBy = number => {
  setTimeout(() => {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + number });
    console.log("fire increaseBy class", this.state.count);
  }, 1000);

此时在点击 increaseBy 按钮看下输出如何?


果真是这样的, 在 hooks 中第二次执行 render 并不会在去执行 commit 了,只在第一次 render 的时候执行了 commit, 然而 class 中却每次都执行了。

有的同学会问执行 setCount 的时候内部源码肯定都会去执行, 那为啥不是 4render一次 commit 呢 ?那我们来看下源码为什么会出现这种情况?

调用 setCount 的时候会调用源码中的 dispatch函数,在第一次调用的时候

setCount(count + number);

count + number = 2 结果是 2 不等于上一次的 0, 所以会走到 updateReducer, 在 updateReducer 里面会进行比较

if (!is(_newState, hook.memoizedState)) {

如果不相同会如何, 会进行标记 didReceiveUpdate, 把 didReceiveUpdate 标记为 true

function markWorkInProgressReceivedUpdate() {
  didReceiveUpdate = true;

如果为 true,会进行更新。对于 didReceiveUpdate 的其他标记是在 beginWork 函数中.

function beginWork(current$$1, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {
  var updateExpirationTime = workInProgress.expirationTime;

  if (current$$1 !== null) {
    var oldProps = current$$1.memoizedProps;
    var newProps = workInProgress.pendingProps;

    if (oldProps !== newProps || hasContextChanged()) {
      // If props or context changed, mark the fiber as having performed work.
      // This may be unset if the props are determined to be equal later (memo).
      didReceiveUpdate = true;
    } else if (updateExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime) {
      didReceiveUpdate = false;

这是第一次 setCount, 当第二次 setCount 的时候, didReceiveUpdatefalse, 会走下面这段代码

if (current$$1 !== null && !didReceiveUpdate) {
    bailoutHooks(current$$1, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);
    return bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current$$1, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime);

这段代码在好几处都有, 其中一处就是在 updateFunctionComponent 这个函数中。那么 bailoutHooks 做了什么 ?

function bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, expirationTime) {
  workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue;
  workInProgress.effectTag &= ~(Passive | Update);
  if (current.expirationTime <= expirationTime) {
    current.expirationTime = NoWork;

WIPupdateQueue 更新为 currentupdateQueue


function bailoutOnAlreadyFinishedWork(current$$1, workInProgress, renderExpirationTime) {

  if (current$$1 !== null) {
    // Reuse previous context list
    workInProgress.contextDependencies = current$$1.contextDependencies;

  if (enableProfilerTimer) {
    // Don't update "base" render times for bailouts.

  // Check if the children have any pending work.
  var childExpirationTime = workInProgress.childExpirationTime;
  if (childExpirationTime < renderExpirationTime) {
    // The children don't have any work either. We can skip them.
    // TODO: Once we add back resuming, we should check if the children are
    // a work-in-progress set. If so, we need to transfer their effects.
    return null;
  } else {
    // This fiber doesn't have work, but its subtree does. Clone the child
    // fibers and continue.
    cloneChildFibers(current$$1, workInProgress);
    return workInProgress.child;

当执行到第三次 setCount 的时候, 会被直接 return 代码在 dispatchAction 中, 因为在 queue.dispatch 绑定了 dispatchAction

function dispatchAction(fiber, queue, action) {
  !(numberOfReRenders < RE_RENDER_LIMIT) ? invariant(false, 'Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.') : void 0;

    !(arguments.length <= 3) ? warning$1(false, "State updates from the useState() and useReducer() Hooks don't support the " + 'second callback argument. To execute a side effect after ' + 'rendering, declare it in the component body with useEffect().') : void 0;

  var alternate = fiber.alternate;
  if (fiber === currentlyRenderingFiber$1 || alternate !== null && alternate === currentlyRenderingFiber$1) {
    // This is a render phase update. Stash it in a lazily-created map of
    // queue -> linked list of updates. After this render pass, we'll restart
    // and apply the stashed updates on top of the work-in-progress hook.
    didScheduleRenderPhaseUpdate = true;
    var update = {
      expirationTime: renderExpirationTime,
      action: action,
      eagerReducer: null,
      eagerState: null,
      next: null
    if (renderPhaseUpdates === null) {
      renderPhaseUpdates = new Map();
    var firstRenderPhaseUpdate = renderPhaseUpdates.get(queue);
    if (firstRenderPhaseUpdate === undefined) {
      renderPhaseUpdates.set(queue, update);
    } else {
      // Append the update to the end of the list.
      var lastRenderPhaseUpdate = firstRenderPhaseUpdate;
      while ( !== null) {
        lastRenderPhaseUpdate =;
      } = update;
  } else {

    var currentTime = requestCurrentTime();
    var _expirationTime = computeExpirationForFiber(currentTime, fiber);

    var _update2 = {
      expirationTime: _expirationTime,
      action: action,
      eagerReducer: null,
      eagerState: null,
      next: null

    // Append the update to the end of the list.
    var _last = queue.last;
    if (_last === null) {
      // This is the first update. Create a circular list. = _update2;
    } else {
      var first =;
      if (first !== null) {
        // Still circular. = first;
      } = _update2;
    queue.last = _update2;

    if (fiber.expirationTime === NoWork && (alternate === null || alternate.expirationTime === NoWork)) {
      // The queue is currently empty, which means we can eagerly compute the
      // next state before entering the render phase. If the new state is the
      // same as the current state, we may be able to bail out entirely.
      var _lastRenderedReducer = queue.lastRenderedReducer;
      if (_lastRenderedReducer !== null) {
        var prevDispatcher = void 0;
          prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current;
          ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;
        try {
          var currentState = queue.lastRenderedState;
          var _eagerState = _lastRenderedReducer(currentState, action);
          // Stash the eagerly computed state, and the reducer used to compute
          // it, on the update object. If the reducer hasn't changed by the
          // time we enter the render phase, then the eager state can be used
          // without calling the reducer again.
          _update2.eagerReducer = _lastRenderedReducer;
          _update2.eagerState = _eagerState;
          if (is(_eagerState, currentState)) {
            // Fast path. We can bail out without scheduling React to re-render.
            // It's still possible that we'll need to rebase this update later,
            // if the component re-renders for a different reason and by that
            // time the reducer has changed.
        } catch (error) {
          // Suppress the error. It will throw again in the render phase.
        } finally {
            ReactCurrentDispatcher$1.current = prevDispatcher;
      if (shouldWarnForUnbatchedSetState === true) {
    scheduleWork(fiber, _expirationTime);

_lastRenderedReducer 就是 basicStateReducer

function basicStateReducer(state, action) {
    return typeof action === 'function' ? action(state) : action;


 if (is(_eagerState, currentState)) {
            // Fast path. We can bail out without scheduling React to re-render.
            // It's still possible that we'll need to rebase this update later,
            // if the component re-renders for a different reason and by that
            // time the reducer has changed.

那么第二次为什么不在这里退出呢 ? 在第二次这里的语句是 false

if (fiber.expirationTime === NoWork && (alternate === null || alternate.expirationTime === NoWork)) 

追溯下内部的调用, 在第二次的时候 fiber.expirationTime !== NoWork, 所以这个判断语句就不会走, 那么第三次为什么又相等了呢?再一次看下 bailoutHooks 函数

function bailoutHooks(current, workInProgress, expirationTime) {
  workInProgress.updateQueue = current.updateQueue;
  workInProgress.effectTag &= ~(Passive | Update);
  if (current.expirationTime <= expirationTime) {
    current.expirationTime = NoWork;

current.expirationTime = NoWork; 进行了赋值。所以这就是整个过程了。


classhooks 中基本保持一致, 但是 hooks 中会做一层 的判断, 所以在进行状态更新的时候, 需要注意下这点。还有在异步调用中, hooks 也无法拿到最新的值, 因为在一个函数中, 每次 render 都是新的函数, 所以输出的都是之前的值, 这个点要注意一下。这个可以参考 Dan 的博客 A Complete Guide to useEffect


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