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siracusa / Pro Display XDR at 120Hz bandwidth
Last active April 28, 2024 03:07
Pro Display XDR at 120Hz bandwidth calculations

From Jonathan Dietz, Jr.:

Almost all new displays employ VESA Coordinated Video Timings using Reduced Blanking Timing Version 2 (CVT-RBv2) which adds a small amount of overhead to the video signal. This overhead includes 80 additional horizontal pixels and enough additional lines to meet the 460 µs minimum vertical blanking interval requirement. You can download an Excel spreadsheet from VESA that will do all the calculations for you, but the math is pretty simple:

460 / ((1000000 / [refresh rate in Hz] - 460) / [vertical resolution])

To get an integer number of lines, you round this result down and add 1. So for Pro Display XDR resolution at 120 Hz that would work out to:

460 / (1000000 / 120 - 460) / 3384) = 197.710 = 198 additional lines

⚠️ Warning: this document is out of date.

For the most recent webpack5 instructions see

Storybook experimental Webpack 5 support

Storybook 6.2 includes experimental Webpack 5 support. Webpack 5 brings a variety of performance improvements, as well as exciting new features like module federation. Here's a quick guide to get you going.


joevt /
Last active July 23, 2024 03:03
A set of shell functions used to view and edit EDIDs.
# by joevt May 24/2023
# Modify EDID

The Context API

The Context API allows you to reference state set on a higher level component from a lower level component. The Context API replaces "prop drilling" as a simpler way to reference state from nested components.

Create a Provider

Set a component named Provider (technically you can name it anything) at the top level component of your app. Provider is the name that is conventionally used for this component.

# Create display override file to force Mac OS X to use RGB mode for Display
# see
require 'base64'
data=`ioreg -l -d0 -w 0 -r -c AppleDisplay`