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Handlebars remote template renderer
* HandleBars remote template loader
* Allows for direct insertion into dom if jQuery selector string is passed (el).
* Returns $.ajax promise regardless so code can attach callbacks externally.
* @example
* // Direct insertion into dom
* Handlebars.renderFromRemote('/media/templates/hello.handlebars', { name: 'Ryan' }, '#content');
* // Get $.ajax promise to attach custom success and therefore, handle rendering of handlebars template ourselves
* var inboxTemplate = Handlebars.renderFromRemote('/media/templates/hello.handlebars');
* inboxTemplate.success(function(template)
* {
* var renderer = Handlebars.compile(template);
* $('#content').html(renderer({ name: 'Ryan' }));
* });
* Ryan Blunden 2011
Handlebars.remoteCache = {};
* @param {String} templatePath Full path to handlebars template
* @param {Object} context Context to pass into handlebars template
* @param {String} [el jQuery selector string]
* @return {$.ajax} Template loader $.ajax promise
Handlebars.renderFromRemote = function(templatePath, context, el)
var context = context || {},
$el = $($el),
hbTemplate = Handlebars.remoteCache[templatePath];
// If this template not loaded, assign the $.ajax promise to the cache and compile
if(typeof hbTemplate === 'undefined')
Handlebars.remoteCache[templatePath] = hbTemplate =
'ajax': $.ajax({ url: templatePath, async : false }),
'compiled': null
hbTemplate.ajax.success(function(template) { hbTemplate.compiled = Handlebars.compile(template); });
// Attach success callback to $.ajax promise in cache and render if selector string is present
if(typeof el !== 'undefined') { hbTemplate.ajax.success(function() { $(el).html(hbTemplate.compiled(context)); }); }
// Return $.ajax promise so external code can register more callbacks once template is loaded
return hbTemplate.ajax;
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