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Last active September 14, 2024 01:23
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Install Ruby 1.9.3 on CentOS, RedHat using RVM
Step 1: Upgrade Packages
# yum update
# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
Step 2: Installing Recommended Packages
# yum install gcc-c++ patch readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel
# yum install libyaml-devel libffi-devel openssl-devel make
# yum install bzip2 autoconf automake libtool bison iconv-devel
Step 3: Install RVM ( Ruby Version Manager )
curl -L | bash -s stable
Step 4: Setup RVM Environment
source /etc/profile.d/
Step 5: Install Required Ruby Version
# rvm install 1.9.3
Step 6: Install Another Version ( if Required )
# rvm install 1.8.6
Step 7: Setup Default Ruby Version
rvm use 1.9.3 --default
Step 8: Check Current Ruby Version
# ruby --version
Update rubygems
$ gem update --system
$ gem install bundler
#Test ruby and rubygems are working
#Close shell and reopen for changes to take effect
$ruby -v
$gem --version
# Rails
$ yum install sqlite-devel
$ gem install rails
$ gem install sqlite3
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Thanks! - so much helpful

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Haezal commented Jan 29, 2016

Very helpful tutorials. Just follow step by step. Now my ruby version is 1.9.3.

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ghost commented Mar 22, 2016


for me, step 4 was "source ~/.profile"

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thank you :)

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when I run gem install rails, then I got the error

ERROR:  Error installing rails:
    mime-types-data requires Ruby version >= 2.0.

my ruby version is ruby 1.9.3p327 (2012-11-10 revision 37606) [x86_64-linux]

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manusreload commented May 30, 2016

Same issue a @daemonchen

[root@localhost ~]# ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p551 (2014-11-13 revision 48407) [x86_64-linux]
[root@localhost ~]# gem --version
[root@localhost ~]# gem install tins
ERROR:  Error installing tins:
    tins requires Ruby version >= 2.0.

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@manusreload, you need to
rvm <version here> --default OR rvm use <version here> --default
not sure what works
but worked for me

Copy link crystal clear steps and works like a gem..tons of thanks..

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danktec commented Jul 14, 2016


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dykim78 commented Aug 3, 2016

This is great!

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This is clever, but there's a much better way that works much better with CentOS: Software collections. Consider this as an alternative to what's basically an OS-uncontrolled source compile on your system:

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Lovely tutorial for this. Has been mentioned before, but I needed to change source /etc/profile.d/ to source ~/.profile apart from that though, very good!

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