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Last active August 29, 2017 08:06
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What my ideal should look like
from adhcoracy4.phases import register_module, ModuleType, PhaseType
from .models import MyModel
from .views import MyDashBoardView, MyCollectView
description = _('Human readable phase name')
view = MyCollectView
features = {
'crud': (MyModel, 'myapp_name.MyOtherModel') # model as class or django style model string
# namespace for platform specifc properties
custom = {
'more_stuff', 'only_present_on_my_platform'
description = _('Human readable phase name')
view = '.views.AwesomeRateView', # path relative to app directory
features = {
'rate': (MyModel),
description = _('Human readable module type')
phase_types = (
# namespace for platform specifc properties
custom = {
'specific_stuff': 'only_my_platform_has',
from collections import namedtuple
from django.apps import apps
_registered_modules = {}
_registered_phases = {}
class ModuleType():
# could be better as property but requires meta class
def get_identifier(cls):
return apps.get_containing_app_config(cls.__module__).label
class PhaseType():
_module_id = None
def name(cls):
return cls.__name__.lower()
def get_identifier(cls):
return '{module_id}:{name}'.format(
def get_module_type(cls):
return _registered_modules[cls._module_id]
def __str__(self):
return '{s.__class__.__name__} ({}:{s.phase})'.format(s=self)
def has_feature(self, feature, model):
return model in self.features.get(feature, [])
def _register_phases(phase_type, module_id):
phase_type._module_id = module_id
_registerd_phases[phase_type.get_identifier()] = phase_type
def register_module(module_type):
_registered_modules[module_type.get_identifier()] = module_type
for phase in module_type.phase_types:
_register_phase(phase_type, module_id)
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