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Created March 18, 2014 09:22
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Erlang tracing, for the Riak source code reading series, 2014-03-18, Tokyo, Japan

Erlang Tracing: more than you wanted to know

Rough Outline

  • What can be traced?
  • How can trace events be specified?
  • "match specifications": twisty passages, all alike
  • WTF, can I just use DTrace and drink my coffee/beer/whisky in peace?
  • Trace delivery mechanisms: pick one of two
  • Trace event receivers: what can they do?
  • Redbug vs. The World
  • Examples of event receivers

Reference docs

What can be traced?

  • Which processes?
    • A specific pid.
    • existing: All processes currently existing
    • new: All processes that will be created in the future
    • all: existing and new
  • What events?
    • function calls: call, return
    • sending of messages
    • receiving of messages
    • process-related events: spawn, exit, register, unregister, link, unlink, getting linked, getting unlinked
    • scheduling of processes: in, out
    • process exiting
    • garbage collection activities
  • Additional bells & whistles
    • microsecond timestamps on all messages
    • report arity # instead of arg list
    • set on spawn / first spawn / link / first link

"match specifications": twisty passages, all alike

  • See docs in ets:fun2ms/1 ms_transform:parse_transform/2
  • Because regular expressions on Erlang data sucks.
  • Match specs attempt to be Erlang'ish
    • And try to be quick to execute
    • But are obtuse to the 7th degree....
  • Example match specs:
    • [{'_',[],[{message,{return_trace}}]}]
    • [{{'$1','$2'},[{'>','$2',{const,3}},{is_atom,'$1'}],['$1']}]
      • ets:fun2ms(fun(A, B) when is_atom(A), B > 3 -> A end).
  • Mostly useful for restricting tracing on function calls
    • After-the-fact tracing filters are good but...
    • ... generating exactly the traces that you want is better.
    • E.g., match foo:bar/3 but only if 1st arg is hellooooooo_world.

Trace delivery mechanisms: pick one of two

  • Erlang process receiver
    • Send the trace events to any pid in the cluster
    • Easy to use
  • TCP receiver
    • Send binary trace events to a TCP port listener
    • Faster & lower overhead: less likely to kill VM in trace event tsunami
  • IMPORTANT: All tracing events must go to the same single receiver.
    • DTrace is far more flexible, alas.

WTF, can I just use DTrace and drink my coffee/beer/whisky in peace?

  • I sooooo wish.......
  • ... unfortunate reality hits ....
  • DTrace isn't available everywhere that Erlang is
  • The VM's tracing infrastructure isn't a good match with DTrace, yet.
    • Pulls requests are welcome!

DANGER: Erlang tracing can crash your VM!

It is quite possible to create a tsunami of trace events.

  • You can easily perturb performance with trace event receiver @ 100% CPU
  • You can easily run your machine out of RAM
  • You can deadlock the tracer and/or other processes.
  • Some trace patterns can disable tail call recursion ... run your VM out of memory even when the # of trace events is very small.

To be safe, do all of these things:

  • Make your trace specifications as specific as possible
    • Do not use "'_':'_'"
    • I.e.: Any module + any function name
    • If you must use "your_module_name:'_'", run for a very short time, until you are confident that you will not create an event tsunami.
  • Simplify your trace receiver as much as possible
  • Limit the amount of time that tracing is enabled
  • Read the docs!
  • Redbug has all of these limits, that's one reason we use/recommend it.

Trace event receivers: what can they do?

  • Anything, really

    • The events are just data. Fold/spindle/mutilate/....
  • In practice, simple is better

  • Most tracers just format the event, in the order received

    • Simple, stateless
    • For example, this is what Redbug does by default
      • But Redbug can use custom event handler, if you wish....
  • Redbug vs. The World

  • Redbug's default trace event receiver is stateless, prints to console

  • Redbug has option to write binary events to a file for offline processing

  • Redbug can use multiple match specs at "full strength & power"

  • So ... when should you not use Redbug?

    • When online & stateful event receiver is needed

Examples of event receivers

Redbug specification:

> redbug:start("erlang:now -> return").
21:31:52 <timer_server> {erlang,now,[]}
21:31:52 <timer_server> {erlang,now,0} -> {1385,555512,322417}
21:31:53 <timer_server> {erlang,now,[]}
21:31:53 <timer_server> {erlang,now,0} -> {1385,555513,322384}
quitting: msg_count

To limit the formatting depth (see all of the "..." for omitted data)

(dev1@> redbug:start("timer:'_' -> return", {print_depth,7}).
21:33:41 <{erlang,apply,2}> {timer,tc,[riak_pipe_stat,produce_stats,[]]}
21:33:41 <<0.3234.1>> {timer,now_diff,[{1385,555621,...},{1385,...}]}
21:33:41 <<0.3234.1>> {timer,now_diff,2} -> 130
21:33:41 <<0.3234.1>> {timer,tc,3} -> {130,

For Redbug help, run redbug:help(). For explanation of Redbug print_depth, see the ~P formatting description in the io man page.

WARNING: Cut-and-paste code style

  • These are not great examples of Erlang code style
  • Close your eyes if you are sensitive to ugly code. ^_^


Source: Scott Fritchie:

Report every Interval seconds the count of init() function calls for the following Riak KV FSM modules: riak_kv_buckets_fsm, riak_kv_exchange_fsm, riak_kv_get_fsm, riak_kv_index_fsm, riak_kv_keys_fsm, riak_kv_put_fsm


Source: Greg Burd:

%% @doc Dynamically add timing to MFA.  There are various types of
%% timing.
%% {all, Max} - time latency of all calls to MFA
%% {sample, N, Max} - sample every N calls and stop sampling after Max
%% {threshold, Millis, Max} - count # of calls where latency is > Millis
%% and count # of calls total, thus percentage of calls over threshold

Sample output:

> timeit:timeit(timer, tc, 3, {sample, 10, 5}). 
[sample 1/10] <0.10771.1>:timer:tc: 0.152 ms
[sample 2/20] <0.10796.1>:timer:tc: 0.484 ms
[sample 3/30] <0.10825.1>:timer:tc: 0.111 ms
[sample 4/40] <0.10849.1>:timer:tc: 0.101 ms
[sample 5/50] <0.10875.1>:timer:tc: 194.682 ms


Source: Scott Fritchie:

Report each riak_kv_put_fsm and riak_kv_get_fsm process that executes in more than LatencyMS milliseconds. Also, for various strategic API functions in the file, bitcask, and eleveldb modules, report latencies above the same limit.


Source: Scott Fritchie:

A more sophisticated version of fsm_latency_tracer. Watches more API functions in the bitcask, eleveldb, file, and riak_kv_fs2_backend modules. Uses the folsom library to generate histograms of latencies of the file:pread() function to show outliers and multi-modal patterns that simple averages & maximums can show.


Source: Scott Fritchie:

Demonstrates how much of every second that the file_server_2 process is busy. It shows pretty dramatically how Bitcask's highest latencies are frequently caused by serialization by file_server_2.


Source: Joe Blomstedt:

  • For calls to riak_kv_get_fsm:calculate_objsize/2, print the Bucket, Key, and object size.
  • For calls to riak_kv_eleveldb_backend:put/5 and riak_kv_bitcask_backend:put/5 and riak_kv_memory_backend:put/5, report if the object size is larger than Size.
  • Stop after Count events have been recorded or Time milliseconds have elapsed.


Source: Scott Fritchie:

A small example of reading a binary-formatted Erlang trace file and doing something simple with it.

Note that Redbug can write its trace events into a binary file. This technique can be used for off-line processing, e.g., to avoid high processing cost in a production environment.

func_args_tracer.erl and latency_histogram_tracerl.erl

Source: Scott Fritchie:


%% For example: what ETS tables are being called the most by ets:lookup/2?
%% The 1st arg of ets:lookup/2 is the table name.
%% Watch for 10 seconds.
%% > func_args_tracer:start(ets, lookup, 2, 10, fun(Args) -> hd(Args) end).
%% Tracer pid: <0.16102.15>, use func_args_tracer:stop() to stop
%% Otherwise, tracing stops in 10 seconds
%% Current date & time: {2013,9,19} {18,5,48}
%% {started,<0.16102.15>}
%% Total calls: 373476 
%% Call stats:         
%% [{folsom_histograms,114065},
%%  {ac_tab,69689},
%%  {ets_riak_core_ring_manager,67147},
%%  {folsom_spirals,57076},
%%  {riak_capability_ets,48862},
%%  {riak_core_node_watcher,8149},
%%  {riak_api_pb_registrations,8144},
%%  {folsom,243},
%%  {folsom_meters,43},
%%  {folsom_durations,20},
%%  {timer_tab,18},
%%  {folsom_gauges,8},
%%  {riak_core_stat_cache,5},
%%  {sys_dist,3},
%%  {inet_db,1},
%%  {21495958,1},
%%  {3145765,1},
%%  {3407910,1}]


%% For example: create a histogram of call latencies for bitcask:put/3.
%% Watch for 10 seconds.
%% > latency_histogram_tracer:start(bitcask, put, 3, 10).
%% Tracer pid: <0.2108.18>, use latency_histogram_tracer:stop() to stop
%% Otherwise, tracing stops in 10 seconds
%% Current date & time: {2013,9,19} {18,14,13}
%% {started,<0.2108.18>}
%% Histogram stats:     
%% [{min,0},
%%  {max,48},
%%  {arithmetic_mean,2.765411819271055},
%%  [...]
%%  {percentile,[{50,3},{75,4},{90,5},{95,6},{99,8},{999,14}]},
%%  {histogram,[{1,13436},
%%              {2,12304},
%%              {3,10789},
%%              {4,7397},
%%              {5,4191},
%%              {6,1929},
%%              [...]
%%              {30,0},
%%              {31,0},
%%              {40,2},
%%              {50,1}]},
%%  {n,51746}]

ktrace.erl and ktrace_fold.erl

Source: Joe Blomstedt: Source: Jordan West:

  • Attempts to capture enough data from Erlang tracing to construct a flamegraph.
  • Aside/see also:
  • On VM #1: ktrace:c()
  • On VM #2, on same machine, running Riak: ktrace:s()
  • Then get Riak to do some get requests.
  • ktrace output should appear in VM #1's console. Save it to a file.
  • Run ktrace_fold:go("/path/to/input-file", "/path/to/output-file").
  • Run /path/to/output-file > "/path/to/output.svg

For example: ... which suggests that only about 15% of the wall-clock time for riak_kv_vnode get processing is due to the backend (Bitcask in this case).


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