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Forked from PtruckStar/Sticky note v3.3.js
Created October 6, 2020 14:47
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sticky notes widget with scriptable
// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: deep-green; icon-glyph: sticky-note;
/* #################################
simple sticky note widget
---background color
------green, red, yellow, blue, #hex
---text size
------small, medium, large
-sparate config and note by: "|"
-text note:
---if you want to add more than one poin
---use ", " to sparate each poin
usage: (config)|(note)
e.g : medium, green|note1, note2, ...
or just note: note1, note2, ...
made by @morinagapltynm
################################# */
let placeholder = "Please type your note to the widget parameter"
let input = (args.widgetParameter == null) ? placeholder : args.widgetParameter
let define = input.split("|")
let conf = define[0]
let noteColor =
// fontSize
if (conf.match(/small/i)){
fontSize = 16
}else if (conf.match(/medium/i)){
fontSize = 32
}else if (conf.match(/large/i)){
fontSize = 45
fontSize = 16
// bgColor
color = {
"green": "C5EA9C",
"yellow": "FFFFA1",
"blue": "B1DAE4",
"red": "FFC2E4",
"white": "F6F6F7",
"black": "191919"
if (conf.match(/green/i)){
bgColor = new Color(
}else if (conf.match(/yellow/i)){
bgColor = new Color(color.yellow)
}else if (conf.match(/blue/i)){
bgColor = new Color(
}else if (conf.match(/red/i)){
bgColor = new Color(
}else if (conf.match(/#/)){
//custom color
let prefix = conf.indexOf("#")
let ctmClr = conf.slice(prefix + 1, prefix + 7)
bgColor = new Color(ctmClr)
}else if (conf.match(/acent/i)){
//iOS acent(not working yet due scriptable bug) vote this at or dm simon :))
if(await isUsingDarkAppearance()){
bgColor = new Color(
noteColor = new Color(color.white)
bgColor = new Color(color.white)
noteColor = new Color(
let hex = Object.values(color)
bgColor = new Color(hex[Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)])
// note
if (define.length == 1){
note = define[0].replace(/, |,/g, "\n• ")
note = define[1].replace(/, |,/g, "\n• ")
// draw widget
let w = new ListWidget()
let text = (note.match("\n") === null) ? w.addText(note) : w.addText("• " + note)
text.font = Font.mediumMonospacedSystemFont(fontSize)
text.textColor = noteColor
w.backgroundColor = bgColor
// credit to supermamon
async function isUsingDarkAppearance() {
const wv = new WebView()
let js ="(window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches)"
let r = await wv.evaluateJavaScript(js)
return r
// run widget
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