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Created February 11, 2017 19:58
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scratch code for using the Talon SRX encoders
int circumferenceInInches = 123;
int pulsesPerRotation = 1000;
protected void function auto1() {
RobotDrive drive = RobotMap.driveSystemdrive;
CANTalon talon = RobotMap.driveSystemCANTalon1;
//Change control mode of talon, other options are Follower Mode or Voltage Compensation
//Select either QuadEncoder or Pulse Width / Analog, we want Quad
//Set the PID constants (p, i, d)
talon.setPID(0.5, 0.001, 0.0);
//Set the voltage ramp rate, will go from 0V to 6V in 1sec
//Enable PID control on the talon
//What position does the encoder think it's in now?
//Reset the encoder to zero as its current position
int distanceInInches = 48;
//Tells the talon to go to XXX encoder counts, using the preset PID parameters.
talon.set(distanceInInches * circumferenceInInches * pulsesPerRotation);
finished = true;
// another option, call this repeatedly and when it returns true you turn off the motors
protected void function hasDrivenFarEnough(int distance) {
int currentPosition = talon.getEncPosition();
int targetPulseCount = distance * circumferenceInInches * pulsesPerRotation;
System.out.println("Current position: " + String.valueOf(currentPosition));
System.out.println("Target position: " + String.valueOf(targetPulseCount));
if (currentPosition >= targetPulseCount) {
return true;
return false;
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