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Created February 22, 2021 15:47
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Crakle Layout with Karabiner
{:profiles {:goku {:default true}},
:devices {:ducky [{:vendor_id 1046, :product_id 291}],
:elecom [{:vendor_id 1390, :product_id 305}]},
:simlayers {:w-mode {:key :w}},
:templates {:alfred "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 4\" to run trigger \"%s\" in workflow \"%s\" with argument \"%s\"'",
:km "osascript -e 'tell application \"Keyboard Maestro Engine\" to do script \"%s\"'",
:swinsian "osascript -e 'tell application \"Swinsian\" to %s'",
:open "open \"%s\""},
:main [{:des "ducky cmd alt",
:rules [[:##left_command :##left_option [:ducky]]
[:##right_command :##right_option [:ducky]]
[:##right_option :##right_command [:ducky]]
{:alone :!Ctab}]]}
{:des "w mode",
:rules [:w-mode
[:b [:km "open: Safari"]]
[:f [:km "open: Firefox Dev"]]
[:s [:km "open: Simulator"]]
[:m [:km "open: Swinsian"]]
[:t [:km "open: Iterm"]]
[:g [:km "open: Sublime Merge"]]
[:e [:km "open: Sublime Text"]]]}
{:des "elecom",
:rules [[:button7 :button3 [:elecom]]
[:button6 :button1 [:elecom]]]}
{:des "normal",
:rules [[:##tab
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]]
[:left_command :left_command nil {:alone :!Ctab}]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]]]}
{:des "snap mode",
:rules [[:##caps_lock
["snap-mode" 1]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]
{:afterup ["snap-mode" 0]}]
["snap-mode" 1]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]
{:afterup ["snap-mode" 0]}]
[:tab :!Shyphen ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##q :1 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##w :2 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##e :3 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##r :4 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##t :5 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##y :6 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##u :7 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##i :8 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##o :9 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##p :0 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##open_bracket :!Sbackslash ["snap-mode" 1]]
["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##caps_lock :!Ssemicolon ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##a :!Sgrave_accent_and_tilde ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##s :equal_sign ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##d :quote ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##f :!Squote ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##g :hyphen ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##h :!Sequal_sign ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##j :comma ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##k :period ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##l :escape ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##semicolon :!Sslash ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##quote :semicolon ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##left_shift :tab ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##z :!Scomma ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##x :!Sopen_bracket ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##c :open_bracket ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##v :!S9 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##b :slash ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##n :backslash ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##m :!S0 ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##comma :close_bracket ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##period :!Sclose_bracket ["snap-mode" 1]]
[:##slash :!Speriod ["snap-mode" 1]]]}
{:des "pop mode",
:rules [[:##open_bracket
["pop-mode" 1]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]
{:afterup ["pop-mode" 0]}]
["pop-mode" 1]
[["snap-mode" 0] ["pop-mode" 0]]
{:afterup ["pop-mode" 0]}]
[:##q :!S1 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##w :!S2 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##e :!S3 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##r :!S4 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##t :!S5 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##y :!S6 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##u :!S7 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##i :!S8 ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##h :left_arrow ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##j :down_arrow ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##k :up_arrow ["pop-mode" 1]]
[:##l :right_arrow ["pop-mode" 1]]]}]}
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