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Last active November 19, 2018 09:08
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Converter from researchmap CSV file to BibTeX file. only english paper
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
# coding: utf-8
require 'csv'
csvfile = ARGV[0] || "paper.csv"
bibfile = ARGV[1] || "paper.bib"
csv =, headers: true, encoding: 'Shift_JIS:UTF-8')
bib =, "w", encoding: "UTF-8")
csv.each do |line|
label = line['タイトル(英語)'][0..8].gsub(' ','_') + line['出版年月']
author = line['著者(英語)']
title = line['タイトル(英語)']
journal = line['誌名(英語)']
volume = line['巻']
number = line['号']
startp = line['開始ページ']
endp = line['終了ページ']
year = line['出版年月'][0..3]
article = <<END
author = "#{author}",
title = "#{title}",
journal = "#{journal}",
volume = "#{volume}",
number = "#{number}",
pages = "#{startp}--#{endp}",
year = "#{year}"
bib.puts article
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