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Last active April 26, 2024 14:36
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Extract 1 dimensional windows from ndarrays
import warnings
import numpy as np
from sklearn import feature_extraction
def extract_windows(arr, sfreq, win_size, step_size, axis=-1):
"""extract 1d signal windows from an ndimensional array
window_size and step_size are defined in terms of seconds
this will extract a so called 'view' to the array, so the memory footprint
is the same as the original array as no data is copied. The resulting
views are therefore write protected to prevent accidental alteration.
arr : np.ndarray
input array
sfreq : int | float
sampling frequency.
window_size : int | float
window size in seconds.
step_size : int | float
window size in seconds.
axis : int, optional
axis that is denominating the time. The default is -1.
windows : np.ndarray
array with the extracted windows as the last two dimensions
win_size_samples = win_size*sfreq
step_size_samples = step_size*sfreq
if np.round(win_size_samples)!=(win_size_samples:=int(win_size_samples)):
rounded_length = win_size_samples/sfreq
warnings.warn(f'{win_size=} s cannot accurately be represented with {sfreq=}, using {rounded_length:.3f} s')
if np.round(step_size_samples)!=(step_size_samples:=int(step_size_samples)):
rounded_length = step_size_samples/sfreq
warnings.warn(f'{step_size=} s cannot accurately be represented with {sfreq=}, using {rounded_length:.3f} s')
patch_shape = np.ones_like(arr.shape)
extraction_step = np.ones_like(arr.shape)
patch_shape[axis] = win_size_samples
extraction_step[axis] = step_size_samples
assert patch_shape[axis]<=arr.shape[axis], f'requested {win_size_samples=} > {arr.shape[axis]} of {axis=}'
windows = feature_extraction.image._extract_patches(arr, patch_shape=patch_shape,
# last but not least get rid of the singular dimensions
new_shape = list(windows.shape[:arr.ndim]) + [x for x in windows.shape[arr.ndim:] if x>1]
# there are some empty dimension
windows = windows.reshape(new_shape)
# make read-only to prevent accidental changes in views
return windows
# simulate data with 144 epochs, 306 channels and 4 seconds of data
arr = np.random.rand(144, 306, sfreq*4)
win_size = 0.5 # extract windows of 500 ms
step_size = 0.25 # take new window every 250 ms
axis=-1 # the time dimension is the last dimension
wins = extract_windows(arr, sfreq, win_size, step_size, axis=axis)
# wins.shape = (144, 306, 7, 500) -> 7 windows extracted for each channel for each epoch
#the same can be achieved with using sample values instead of seconds
window = [1, 1, 500] # extract windows of size 500 samples i.e. 375 ms
step = [1, 1, 250] # stride step size, take a window every 250 sample steps i.e. 187 ms
wins2 = feature_extraction.image._extract_patches(arr, window, extraction_step=step)
# wins2.shape = (144, 306, 7, 1, 1, 500)
wins2 = wins2.squeeze() # call squeeze to get rid of the singular dimensions
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