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Created December 15, 2023 23:56
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Day 15 AOC 2023
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module DayFifteen where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Text.Read as TR
import Debug.Trace (traceShowId, traceShow)
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Map as DM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List.Split as DLS
import qualified Data.Range as R
import qualified Data.Sequence as DS
import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>))
import Data.Range ((+=+), (+=*))
import Safe (atDef, atMay, minimumMay, headMay, headDef)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
testInput :: T.Text
testInput = "rn=1,cm-,qp=3,cm=2,qp-,pc=4,ot=9,ab=5,pc-,pc=6,ot=7"
data Instruction = Assign String Int | Delete String deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
sameLabel left right = getLabel left == getLabel right
type Database = DS.Seq (DS.Seq Instruction)
getAddress = hashString . getLabel
getFocalLength instruction@(Assign s i) = i
getFocalLength _ = 0
getLabel instruction@(Assign s _) = s
getLabel instruction@(Delete s) = s
hashString :: String -> Int
hashString s = go 0 s
where go currentValue [] = currentValue
go currentValue (h:r) = go (f h) r
where f = (`mod` 256) . ((*) 17) . ((+) currentValue) . ord
partOne input = sum $ map (hashString . T.unpack) $ T.split (== ',') input
parseInput s = map parseInstruction $ T.split (== ',') s
where parseInstruction instructionString
| T.last instructionString == '-' = Delete (T.unpack (T.dropEnd 1 instructionString))
| otherwise = Assign (T.unpack textbeforeEquals) (read (T.unpack newValue))
where textbeforeEquals:(newValue:_) = T.split (== '=') instructionString
emptyDatabase :: Database
emptyDatabase = DS.replicate 256 DS.empty
sequenceHas sequence predicate = not $ null $ DS.findIndicesL predicate sequence
applyInstruction db instruction@(Assign s i) = DS.adjust (performInsert instruction) (getAddress instruction) db
applyInstruction db instruction@(Delete s) = DS.adjust (performDelete instruction) (getAddress instruction) db
performInsert instruction box = head $ M.catMaybes [replaced, inserted]
where replaced = do
idx <- DS.findIndexL (sameLabel instruction) box
Just (DS.update idx instruction box)
inserted = Just (box |> instruction)
performDelete instruction box = head $ M.catMaybes [deleted, (Just box)]
where deleted = do
idx <- DS.findIndexL (sameLabel instruction) box
Just (DS.deleteAt idx box)
scoreDatabase db = sum $ map (uncurry scoreBox) $ (zip (toList db) (enumFrom 0))
scoreBox box boxIndex = sum $ map scoreLens (zip (toList box) (enumFrom 0))
where scoreLens (lens, lensIndex) = (1 + boxIndex) * (1 + lensIndex) * (getFocalLength lens)
applyAllInstructions :: [Instruction] -> Database
applyAllInstructions instructions = foldl applyInstruction emptyDatabase instructions
partTwo = scoreDatabase . applyAllInstructions
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