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Created December 15, 2023 13:48
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Day Twelve
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module DayTwelve where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Text.Read as TR
import Debug.Trace (traceShowId, traceShow)
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Map as DM
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.List.Split as DLS
import qualified Data.Range as R
import Data.Range ((+=+), (+=*))
import Safe (atDef, atMay, minimumMay, headMay, headDef)
data Tile = Working | Broken | Unknown deriving (Eq, Ord)
data Row = Row [Tile] [Int] deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
getTiles (Row tiles _) = tiles
getSegmentSpecification (Row _ segments) = segments
rowSize = length . getTiles
instance Show Tile where
show Unknown = "?"
show Broken = "#"
show _ = "."
edgecaseRow = parseRow ".?##???.#?.... 3,2"
testRows :: [T.Text]
testRows = ["???.### 1,1,3",
".??..??...?##. 1,1,3",
"?#?#?#?#?#?#?#? 1,3,1,6",
"????.#...#... 4,1,1",
"????.######..#####. 1,6,5",
"?###???????? 3,2,1"]
parseTile '#' = Broken
parseTile '?' = Unknown
parseTile _ = Working
tails items@(h:r) = items:(tails r)
tails [] = []
cacheable bigRow@(Row tiles sizes) = do
subInstructions <- tails (sizes)
subTiles <- tails $ drop 10 tiles
[Row subTiles subInstructions]
expandRow times row = Row expanded instructions
where expanded = L.intercalate [Unknown] $ take times $ cycle $ [getTiles row]
instructions = concat $ take times $ cycle [getSegmentSpecification row]
parseRow :: T.Text -> Row
parseRow row = Row tilesList sizesList
where sizesList :: [Int]
sizesList = M.catMaybes $ map (TR.readMaybe . T.unpack) $ T.split (== ',') sizes
layout:sizes:_ = T.split (== ' ') row
tilesList = map parseTile (T.unpack layout)
fastSolutionCount remainingRow@(Row tiles []) cache = if (any (== Broken) tiles) then 0 else 1
fastSolutionCount remainingRow@(Row tiles toPlace@(currentTask:rest)) cache
| DM.member remainingRow cache = cache DM.! remainingRow
| chopOutBoring remainingRow /= remainingRow = fastSolutionCount (chopOutBoring remainingRow) cache
| otherwise = sum childAnswers
where lp = legalPlacements remainingRow currentTask
childAnswers = map recur lp
recur newPlacementIndex = fastSolutionCount (Row (drop n tiles) rest) cache
where n = newPlacementIndex + currentTask + 1
-- this just skips the fast-lookup step on the first level of recursion
getCountForCache remainingRow@(Row tiles []) cache = if (any (== Broken) tiles) then 0 else 1
getCountForCache remainingRow@(Row tiles toPlace@(currentTask:rest)) cache
| chopOutBoring remainingRow /= remainingRow = fastSolutionCount (chopOutBoring remainingRow) cache
| otherwise = sum childAnswers
where lp = legalPlacements remainingRow currentTask
childAnswers = map recur lp
recur newPlacementIndex = fastSolutionCount (Row (drop n tiles) rest) cache
where n = newPlacementIndex + currentTask + 1
legalPlacements :: Row -> Int -> [Int]
legalPlacements row@(Row tiles _) placingSize = filter canPlace indices
where canPlace idx = inMultirange usable ourRange && (avoidsMessyOverlaps broken ourRange)
where ourRange = (idx +=+ (idx + placingSize - 1))
usable = usableIndices row
broken = brokenIndices row
indices = 0 `enumFromTo` max
nextBrokenSpot = fmap inc $ headMay $ L.elemIndices Broken tiles
inc x = x + 1
max = head $ M.catMaybes [nextBrokenSpot, Just ((rowSize row) - placingSize)]
avoidsMessyOverlaps world current = (all (inMultirange [current]) potentialHits) && (head (R.joinRanges [current])) `elem` (R.joinRanges (current:world))
where potentialHits = filter (R.rangesAdjoin current) world
chopOutBoring row@(Row tiles sizes) = Row newTiles sizes
where newTiles = dropWhile (== Working) tiles
usableIndices row = R.joinRanges $ map R.SingletonRange $ (L.elemIndices Broken tiles) ++ (L.elemIndices Unknown tiles)
where tiles = getTiles row
unknownIndices row = R.joinRanges $ map R.SingletonRange $ (L.elemIndices Unknown tiles)
where tiles = getTiles row
brokenIndices row = R.joinRanges $ map R.SingletonRange (L.elemIndices Broken tiles)
where tiles = getTiles row
inMultirange ranges candidate = R.intersection ranges cr == cr
where cr = R.joinRanges [candidate]
partTwo copiesCount row = fastSolutionCount bigRow builtCache
where bigRow = expandRow copiesCount row
cacheKeys = cacheable bigRow
builtCache = DM.fromList $ map (\x -> (x, getCountForCache x builtCache)) cacheKeys
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