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Created September 15, 2024 23:20
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This script recursively converts all images in the current/nested directory to WebP format with a specified quality level using the cwebp tool
# you can install cwebp in mac with `brew install webp`
# Default quality value
# Parse command-line options
while getopts "q:" opt; do
case $opt in
q) quality=$OPTARG ;;
*) echo "Usage: $0 [-q quality]"; exit 1 ;;
# Define the image types to search for
image_types=("*.jpeg" "*.jpg" "*.tiff" "*.tif" "*.png")
# Iterate over each image type
for type in "${image_types[@]}"; do
# Find files of the specified image type
find . -type f -iname "$type" | while read -r IMAGE; do
# Get the filename without extension
# Convert the image to WebP format
cwebp "$IMAGE" -o "${filename_without_extension}.webp" -q $quality
echo "Converted $IMAGE to ${filename_without_extension}.webp with quality $quality"
# rm -rf "$IMAGE";
echo "Conversion complete."
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