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Last active October 4, 2021 19:43
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#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <SinricPro.h>
#include <SinricProLight.h>
#include <map>
#define APP_KEY "YOUR-APPKEY" // Should look like "de0bxxxx-1x3x-4x3x-ax2x-5dabxxxxxxxx"
#define APP_SECRET "YOUR-APPSECRET" // Should look like "5f36xxxx-x3x7-4x3x-xexe-e86724a9xxxx-4c4axxxx-3x3x-x5xe-x9x3-333d65xxxxxx"
#define LIGHT_ID "YOUR-DEVICEID" // Should look like "5dc1564130xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
#define BAUD_RATE 9600 // Change baudrate to your need for serial log
#define BLUE_PIN D5 // PIN for BLUE Mosfet - change this to your need (D5 = GPIO14 on ESP8266)
#define RED_PIN D6 // PIN for RED Mosfet - change this to your need (D6 = GPIO12 on ESP8266)
#define GREEN_PIN D7 // PIN for GREEN Mosfet - change this to your need (D7 = GPIO13 on ESP8266)
struct Color {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
// Colortemperature lookup table
using ColorTemperatures = std::map<uint16_t, Color>;
ColorTemperatures colorTemperatures{
// {Temperature value, {color r, g, b}}
{2000, {255, 138, 18}},
{2200, {255, 147, 44}},
{2700, {255, 169, 87}},
{3000, {255, 180, 107}},
{4000, {255, 209, 163}},
{5000, {255, 228, 206}},
{5500, {255, 236, 224}},
{6000, {255, 243, 239}},
{6500, {255, 249, 253}},
{7000, {245, 243, 255}},
{7500, {235, 238, 255}},
{9000, {214, 225, 255}}};
struct DeviceState { // Stores current device state with following initial values:
bool powerState = false; // initial state is off
Color color = {214, 225, 255}; // color is set to white (9000k)
int colorTemperature = 9000; // color temperature is set to 9000k
int brightness = 100; // brightness is set to 100
} device_state;
SinricProLight& myLight = SinricPro[LIGHT_ID]; // SinricProLight device
void setStripe() {
int rValue = map(device_state.color.r * device_state.brightness, 0, 255 * 100, 0, 1023); // calculate red value and map between 0 and 1023 for analogWrite
int gValue = map(device_state.color.g * device_state.brightness, 0, 255 * 100, 0, 1023); // calculate green value and map between 0 and 1023 for analogWrite
int bValue = map(device_state.color.b * device_state.brightness, 0, 255 * 100, 0, 1023); // calculate blue value and map between 0 and 1023 for analogWrite
if (device_state.powerState == false) { // turn off?
digitalWrite(RED_PIN, LOW); // set
digitalWrite(GREEN_PIN, LOW); // mosfets
digitalWrite(BLUE_PIN, LOW); // low
} else {
analogWrite(RED_PIN, rValue); // write red value to pin
analogWrite(GREEN_PIN, gValue); // write green value to pin
analogWrite(BLUE_PIN, bValue); // write blue value to pin
bool onPowerState(const String& deviceId, bool& state) {
device_state.powerState = state; // store the new power state
setStripe(); // update the mosfets
return true;
bool onBrightness(const String& deviceId, int& brightness) {
device_state.brightness = brightness; // store new brightness level
setStripe(); // update the mosfets
return true;
bool onAdjustBrightness(const String& deviceId, int& brightnessDelta) {
device_state.brightness += brightnessDelta; // calculate and store new absolute brightness
brightnessDelta = device_state.brightness; // return absolute brightness
setStripe(); // update the mosfets
return true;
bool onColor(const String& deviceId, byte& r, byte& g, byte& b) {
device_state.color.r = r; // store new red value
device_state.color.g = g; // store new green value
device_state.color.b = b; // store new blue value
setStripe(); // update the mosfets
return true;
bool onColorTemperature(const String& deviceId, int& colorTemperature) {
device_state.color = colorTemperatures[colorTemperature]; // set rgb values from corresponding colortemperauture
device_state.colorTemperature = colorTemperature; // store the current color temperature
setStripe(); // update the mosfets
return true;
bool onIncreaseColorTemperature(const String& devceId, int& colorTemperature) {
auto current = colorTemperatures.find(device_state.colorTemperature); // get current entry from colorTemperature map
auto next = std::next(current); // get next element
if (next == colorTemperatures.end()) next = current; // prevent past last element
device_state.color = next->second; // set color
device_state.colorTemperature = next->first; // set colorTemperature
colorTemperature = device_state.colorTemperature; // return new colorTemperature
return true;
bool onDecreaseColorTemperature(const String& devceId, int& colorTemperature) {
auto current = colorTemperatures.find(device_state.colorTemperature); // get current entry from colorTemperature map
auto next = std::prev(current); // get previous element
if (next == colorTemperatures.end()) next = current; // prevent before first element
device_state.color = next->second; // set color
device_state.colorTemperature = next->first; // set colorTemperature
colorTemperature = device_state.colorTemperature; // return new colorTemperature
return true;
void setupWiFi() {
Serial.printf("WiFi: connecting");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
Serial.printf("connected\r\nIP is %s\r\n", WiFi.localIP().toString().c_str());
void setupSinricPro() {
myLight.onPowerState(onPowerState); // assign onPowerState callback
myLight.onBrightness(onBrightness); // assign onBrightness callback
myLight.onAdjustBrightness(onAdjustBrightness); // assign onAdjustBrightness callback
myLight.onColor(onColor); // assign onColor callback
myLight.onColorTemperature(onColorTemperature); // assign onColorTemperature callback
myLight.onDecreaseColorTemperature(onDecreaseColorTemperature); // assign onDecreaseColorTemperature callback
myLight.onIncreaseColorTemperature(onIncreaseColorTemperature); // assign onIncreaseColorTemperature callback
SinricPro.begin(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET); // start SinricPro
void setup() {
Serial.begin(BAUD_RATE); // setup serial
pinMode(RED_PIN, OUTPUT); // set red-mosfet pin as output
pinMode(GREEN_PIN, OUTPUT); // set green-mosfet pin as output
pinMode(BLUE_PIN, OUTPUT); // set blue-mosfet pin as output
setupWiFi(); // connect wifi
setupSinricPro(); // setup SinricPro
void loop() {
SinricPro.handle(); // handle SinricPro communication
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