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Forked from danneu/ratelimit.clj
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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(ns x.ratelimit
[taoensso.carmine :as car :refer [wcar]]
[ring.util.response :as response]
[ring.mock.request :as mock])
[java.util Calendar]))
;; Util ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn seconds-since-midnight []
(let [c (Calendar/getInstance)
now-ms (.getTimeInMillis c)]
(.set c Calendar/HOUR_OF_DAY 0)
(.set c Calendar/MINUTE 0)
(.set c Calendar/SECOND 0)
(.set c Calendar/MILLISECOND 0)
(let [passed-ms (- now-ms (.getTimeInMillis c))
seconds-passed (long (/ passed-ms 1000))]
;; IntSeconds -> Int
(defn calc-curr-window
"For example: Returns an int in range [1, 96] when window-duration is 900 (15min)
since there are 96x 15min periods in a day."
(inc (quot (dec (seconds-since-midnight)) window-duration)))
;; Backend impl ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defprotocol Backend
(available? [this])
(reset-limits! [this curr-window])
(get-window [this])
(get-limit [self key]))
(deftype RedisBackend [hash-key window-key] Backend
(available? [_]
(= "PONG" (try (wcar {} (car/ping)) (catch Throwable _))))
(reset-limits! [this curr-window]
(wcar {}
(car/del hash-key)
(car/set window-key curr-window)))
(get-window [_]
(when-let [n (wcar {} (car/get window-key))]
(Integer/parseInt n)))
(get-limit [_ field-key]
(wcar {} (car/hincrby hash-key field-key 1))))
(defn make-redis-backend [hash-key]
(let [window-key (str hash-key ":window")]
(RedisBackend. hash-key window-key)))
;; Middleware ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn wrap-ratelimit [handler backend {:keys [window-duration window-limit]}]
(fn [request]
(if-not (available? backend)
(handler request)
(let [curr-window (calc-curr-window window-duration)]
(when (not= (get-window backend) curr-window)
(reset-limits! backend curr-window))
(let [ip (:remote-addr request)
curr-limit (get-limit backend ip)
limit-remaining (max 0 (- window-limit curr-limit))
secs-til-reset (- (* curr-window window-duration)
(-> (if (> curr-limit window-limit)
{:status 429, :body "Too many requests"}
(handler request))
(response/header "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" window-limit)
(response/header "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" limit-remaining)
(response/header "X-Rate-Limit-Reset" secs-til-reset)))))))
;; Demo ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(defn mock-handler [request]
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {}})
(let [backend (make-redis-backend "ratelimits")
handler (wrap-ratelimit mock-handler backend {:window-duration 900
:window-limit 5})]
(handler (mock/request :get "/")))
;; Responses
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "735", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "4", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "732", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "3", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "731", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "2", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "729", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "1", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "728", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "0", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 429, :body "Too many requests", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "726", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "0", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 429, :body "Too many requests", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "705", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "0", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
{:status 200, :body "Hello world", :headers {"X-Rate-Limit-Reset" "887", "X-Rate-Limit-Remaining" "4", "X-Rate-Limit-Limit" "5"}}
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