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Created December 14, 2013 12:54
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HTML5实现中国象棋游戏(无人能敌) From:
var AI = AI||{};
AI.historyTable = {}; //历史表
AI.init = function(pace){
var bill = AI.historyBill || com.gambit; //开局库
if (bill.length){
var len=pace.length;
var arr=[];
for (var i=0;i< bill.length;i++){
if (bill[i].slice(0,len)==pace) {
if (arr.length){
var inx=Math.floor( Math.random() * arr.length );
AI.historyBill = arr ;
return arr[inx].slice(len,len+4).split("");
AI.historyBill = [] ;
var initTime = new Date().getTime();
AI.setHistoryTable.lenght = 0
var val=AI.getAlphaBeta(-99999 ,99999, AI.treeDepth, com.arr2Clone(,;
//var val = AI.iterativeSearch(com.arr2Clone(,
if (!val||val.value==-8888) {
val=AI.getAlphaBeta(-99999 ,99999, AI.treeDepth, com.arr2Clone(,;
//var val = AI.iterativeSearch(com.arr2Clone(,;
if (val&&val.value!=-8888) {
var man = play.mans[val.key];
var nowTime= new Date().getTime();
'<br />搜索深度:'+AI.treeDepth+'<br />搜索分支:'+
AI.number+'个 <br />最佳着法评估:'+
' <br />搜索用时:'+
return [man.x,man.y,val.x,val.y]
}else {
return false;
AI.iterativeSearch = function (map, my){
var timeOut=100;
var initDepth = 1;
var maxDepth = 8;
var initTime = new Date().getTime();
var val = {};
for (var i=initDepth; i<=maxDepth; i++){
var nowTime= new Date().getTime();
var val = AI.getAlphaBeta(-99999, 99999, AI.treeDepth , map ,my)
if (nowTime-initTime > timeOut){
return val;
return false;
AI.getMapAllMan = function (map, my){
var mans=[];
for (var i=0; i<map.length; i++){
for (var n=0; n<map[i].length; n++){
var key = map[i][n];
if (key && play.mans[key].my == my){
play.mans[key].x = n;
play.mans[key].y = i;
return mans;
AI.getMoves = function (map, my, txtMap){
var highMores = []; //优先级高的着法
var manArr = AI.getMapAllMan (map, my);
var moves = [];
var history=AI.historyTable[txtMap];
for (var i=0; i<manArr.length; i++){
var man = manArr[i];
for (var n=0; n<val.length; n++){
if (history){
return highMores.concat(moves);
AI.getMoves = function (map, my){
var manArr = AI.getMapAllMan (map, my);
var moves = [];
var foul=play.isFoul;
for (var i=0; i<manArr.length; i++){
var man = manArr[i];
for (var n=0; n<val.length; n++){
var x=man.x;
var y=man.y;
var newX=val[n][0];
var newY=val[n][1];
if (foul[0]!=x || foul[1]!=y || foul[2]!=newX || foul[3]!=newY ){
return moves;
AI.getAlphaBeta = function (A, B, depth, map ,my) {
//var txtMap= map.join();
//var history=AI.historyTable[txtMap];
// if (history && history.depth >= AI.treeDepth-depth+1){
// return history.value*my;
if (depth == 0) {
return {"value":AI.evaluate(map , my)}; //局面评价函数;
  var moves = AI.getMoves(map , my ); //生成全部走法;
for (var i=0; i < moves.length; i++) {
var move= moves[i];
var key = move[4];
var oldX= move[0];
var oldY= move[1];
var newX= move[2];
var newY= move[3];
var clearKey = map[ newY ][ newX ]||"";
map[ newY ][ newX ] = key;
delete map[ oldY ][ oldX ];
play.mans[key].x = newX;
play.mans[key].y = newY;
  if (clearKey=="j0"||clearKey=="J0") {//被吃老将,撤消这个走法;
play.mans[key] .x = oldX;
play.mans[key] .y = oldY;
map[ oldY ][ oldX ] = key;
delete map[ newY ][ newX ];
if (clearKey){
map[ newY ][ newX ] = clearKey;
// play.mans[ clearKey ].isShow = false;
return {"key":key,"x":newX,"y":newY,"value":8888};
//return rootKey;
  }else {
   var val = -AI.getAlphaBeta(-B, -A, depth - 1, map , -my).value;
//val = val || val.value;
play.mans[key] .x = oldX;
play.mans[key] .y = oldY;
map[ oldY ][ oldX ] = key;
delete map[ newY ][ newX ];
if (clearKey){
map[ newY ][ newX ] = clearKey;
//play.mans[ clearKey ].isShow = true;
   if (val >= B) {
return {"key":key,"x":newX,"y":newY,"value":B};
if (val > A) {
     A = val; //设置最佳走法;
if (AI.treeDepth == depth) var rootKey={"key":key,"x":newX,"y":newY,"value":A};
if (AI.treeDepth == depth) {//已经递归回根了
if (!rootKey){
return false;
return rootKey;
 return {"key":key,"x":newX,"y":newY,"value":A};
AI.setHistoryTable = function (txtMap,depth,value,my){
AI.setHistoryTable.lenght ++;
AI.historyTable[txtMap] = {depth:depth,value:value}
//评估棋局 取得棋盘双方棋子价值差
AI.evaluate = function (map,my){
var val=0;
for (var i=0; i<map.length; i++){
for (var n=0; n<map[i].length; n++){
var key = map[i][n];
if (key){
val += play.mans[key].value[i][n] * play.mans[key].my;
//val+=Math.floor( Math.random() * 10); //让AI走棋增加随机元素
return val*my;
//评估棋局 取得棋盘双方棋子价值差
AI.evaluate1 = function (map,my){
var val=0;
for (var i in play.mans){
var man=play.mans[i];
if (man.isShow){
val += man.value[man.y][man.x] *;
//val+=Math.floor( Math.random() * 10); //让AI走棋增加随机元素
return val*my;
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