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Created May 14, 2015 18:09
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  • Save simplyadrian/69ecf7d78c9b4cdf1c77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save simplyadrian/69ecf7d78c9b4cdf1c77 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Creates a virtual application in a IIS website
# Powershell 2.0
if($env:RS_REBOOT){exit 0}
# Stop and fail script when a command fails.
$errorActionPreference = "Stop"
# load library functions
$rsLibDstDirPath = "$env:rs_sandbox_home\RightScript\lib"
. "$rsLibDstDirPath\tools\PsOutput.ps1"
. "$rsLibDstDirPath\tools\ResolveError.ps1"
. "$rsLibDstDirPath\win\Services.ps1"
. "$rsLibDstDirPath\win\IIS.ps1"
Import-Module WebAdministration
#$dest_dir = Join-Path $env:DIRECTORY_PATH $env:IIS_APP_NAME
if ( !(Test-path $env:VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY_PATH))
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $env:VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY_PATH
# Create application for Identity
$web_app = Join-Path -Path IIS:\Sites\${env:IIS_APP_NAME} -ChildPath $env:VIRTUAL_APP
New-Item $web_app -physicalPath $env:VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY_PATH -type Application
Set-ItemProperty $web_app -name applicationPool -value $env:IIS_APP_POOL_NAME
Write-Host "The virtual directory $env:VIRTUAL_APP has been added to $env:IIS_APP_NAME"
#Modify application authentication methods
$siteName = "$env:IIS_APP_NAME/$env:VIRTUAL_APP"
$authentications = Get-WebConfiguration `
-filter "system.webServer/security/authentication/*" `
-PSPath $web_app
foreach ($auth in $authentications)
$auth.SectionPath -match "/windowsAuthentication$"
$enable = ($matches.count -gt 0)
Set-WebConfigurationProperty `
-filter $auth.SectionPath `
-name enabled -value false -PSPath "IIS:\" -location $siteName
Set-WebConfigurationProperty -filter "/system.webServer/security/authentication/digestAuthentication" -name enabled -value true -PSPath IIS:\Sites\ -location "$env:IIS_APP_NAME/$env:VIRTUAL_APP"
Write-Host "Modification of the security authentication completed. Windows Authentication and Digest Authentication has been enabled for the Identity app."
exit 1
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