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Created May 14, 2015 14:27
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Register private IP with DNS services. Supports DNSMadeEasy, DynDNS, Rackspace and Route53
# Powershell 2.0
if($env:RS_REBOOT){exit 0}
Start-Sleep -s 60
# Stop and fail script when a command fails.
$errorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ip = $env:VNS3_IP_ADDRESS
if ($ip -eq 'VNS3 IP')
$ip = ((ipconfig | findstr [0-9].\.)[0]).Split()[-1]
Write-Host "DNS Service is ${env:DNS_SERVICE}, IP is $ip"
if ($env:VNS3_IP_ADDRESS.StartsWith('10.'))
Write-Warning "VNS3 and private IPs are switched: Re-run the DNS Register VNS3 IP right script when the VNS3 adapter starts."
switch ($env:DNS_SERVICE)
'DNS Made Easy'
$url = "$($env:DNS_USER)&password=$($env:DNS_PASSWORD)&id=$($env:DNS_ID)&ip=$ip"
$wc = New-Object net.WebClient
$response = $wc.downloadData($url)
$strResponse = [text.encoding]::ascii.getString($response)
$ok = ($strResponse.IndexOf("success") -ne -1) -or ($strResponse.IndexOf("error-record-ip-same") -ne -1)
if (-not $ok)
Write-Host "ERROR: $strResponse"
exit 1
$user_pass = "$env:DNS_USER"+":"+"$env:DNS_PASSWORD"
#$result = curl -u $user_pass -S -s -f -g "`"$query`""
$result = curl -u $user_pass -S -g "`"$query`""
#Both success and same ip are considered successful actions
if ($result.IndexOf("good") -ne -1)
Write-Host ("Domain name $VNS3_DOMAIN_NAME was updated with $ip")
elseif ($result.IndexOf("nochg") -ne -1)
Write-Host ("Operation completed. No update was done")
elseif ($result.IndexOf("badauth") -ne -1)
Write-Host ("Operation failed. Incorrect credentials")
Write-Host "ERROR: Operation failed with error: $result"
exit 1
{ $_.StartsWith('Rackspace Cloud DNS')}
Import-Module RaxHelpers
$region = $(if (($env:DNS_SERVICE).Contains('UK')) { 'uk' } else { 'us' })
# Get Auth Token and Account Id from Rackspace
$authResponse = Get-AuthInfo -userName "$env:DNS_USER" -apiKey "$env:DNS_PASSWORD" -accountRegion "$region"
$accountId = $authResponse.Headers["X-Server-Management-Url"].Split('/')[-1]
$authToken = $authResponse.Headers["X-Auth-Token"]
#Using Rackspace API to chajnge ip address
$cdnsClient = New-Object RAXHelpers.CdnsClient
$cdnsClient.CdnsRegion = $region
$cdnsClient.AccountId = $accountId
$cdnsClient.AuthToken = $authToken
# Find my domain
$response = $cdnsClient.Do("GET","domains")
$responseXml = [RaxHelpers.Utils]::GetResponseContentXml($response)
$myDomainId = ($ | where {$ -eq "$env:VNS3_DOMAIN_NAME"}).Id
if ($myDomainId -eq $null)
Write-Host "ERROR: $domainName not found in cdns."
exit 1
# Find records in my domain
$response = $cdnsClient.Do("GET","domains/$myDomainId")
$domainInfo = [RaxHelpers.Utils]::GetResponseContentXml($response)
$recordId = "A-"+$env:DNS_ID
$record = ($domainInfo.domain.recordsList.record | where {$ -eq $recordId}).id
if ($record -eq $null)
Write-Host "ERROR: $record record was not found"
exit 1
$updateDnsXml = "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"UTF-8`" standalone=`"yes`"?><record id=`"$recordId`" data=`"$ip`" ttl=`"$env:DNS_TTL`" xmlns:ns2=`"`" xmlns=`"`" xmlns:ns3=`"`"/>"
$response = $cdnsClient.Put("domains/$myDomainId/records/$recordId", $updateDnsXml)
$responseXml = [RaxHelpers.Utils]::GetResponseContentXml($response)
if ($response.StatusCode -eq "BadRequest")
Write-Host "ERROR: Unable to update record: $($responseXml.badrequest)"
exit 1
Import-Module Route53Tools
[Route53Helper.Authentication]::AwsAccessKeyId = "$env:DNS_USER"
[Route53Helper.Authentication]::AwsSecretAccessKey= "$env:DNS_PASSWORD"
Update-ARecord -domainName "$env:VNS3_DOMAIN_NAME"`
-type "A"`
-ttl "$env:DNS_TTL"`
-hostedZoneId "$env:DNS_ID"`
-comment "Changing ip address"`
-newIP "$ip"
Write-Host "ERROR: Unsupported DNS provider: ${env:DNS_SERVICE}."
exit 101
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