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Created November 25, 2019 12:42
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Objets de données
class ArticlePhygitalDetail
CPointSoftware.Equihira.Extensibility.PointOfSale.DigitalSignage.ArticleReference[] AutresReferences { get; set; }
EmplacementMagasin EmplacementStockMagasin { get; set; }
CPointSoftware.Equihira.Extensibility.PointOfSale.DigitalSignage.ArticlePhygitalLot[] Lots { get; set; }
ArticlePhygitalDimensions Dimensions { get; set; }
CPointSoftware.Equihira.Extensibility.PointOfSale.DigitalSignage.ArticlePhygitalTaxe[] Taxes { get; set; }
ArticlePhygitalBase Parent { get; set; }
CPointSoftware.Equihira.Extensibility.PointOfSale.DigitalSignage.ArticleDispoDigiSign[] Disponibilites { get; set; }
ArticlePhygitalVersion[] Instances { get; set; }
String[] Documents { get; set; }
String[] Videos { get; set; }
ArticleImage[] MoreImages { get; set; }
String[] Labels { get; set; }
Dictionary<System.String,System.String> Attributs { get; set; }
Dictionary<System.String,System.String> AttributsPrives { get; set; }
String[] LogosUrls { get; set; }
Dictionary<System.String,CPointSoftware.Equihira.Extensibility.PointOfSale.DigitalSignage.ArticlePhygitalAssocie[]> ArticlesAssocies { get; set; }
ArticlePhygitalBase[] SuggestionsAuto { get; set; }
ServicesComplementaires[] Services { get; set; }
AvisClient[] Avis { get; set; }
string Url { get; set; }
string OriginalImageUrl { get; set; }
ArticlePhygitalLogistiqueSpecificites LogistiqueSpecificites { get; set; }
InfosMarketPlace MarketPlace { get; set; }
decimal? AvisNote { get; set; }
bool EstEnPromo { get; set; }
decimal? PctRemise { get; set; }
Guid[] AllTags { get; set; }
string UrlExterne { get; set; }
string IntermediateImage { get; set; }
string Marque { get; set; }
decimal? SegmentationPrincipalePk { get; set; }
string MainImage { get; set; }
string SmallImage { get; set; }
Object MainImageObject { get; set; }
string Tag { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCommande { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCentrale { get; set; }
bool DisponibleMagasin { get; set; }
TypeStock TypeStockage { get; set; }
bool EstImmateriel { get; }
bool EstArchive { get; set; }
bool EstLivrable { get; set; }
long ID { get; set; }
Guid Guid { get; set; }
decimal PuHT { get; set; }
decimal PuTTC { get; set; }
decimal PuTVA { get; }
decimal? PuPromoHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuPromoTTC { get; set; }
DateTime? DateDebutPromo { get; set; }
DateTime? DateFinPromo { get; set; }
DateTime DateCreation { get; set; }
string Libelle { get; set; }
string Reference { get; set; }
int FamilleID { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
System.Int32? SousFamilleId { get; set; }
int MarqueId { get; set; }
byte TauxTvaId { get; set; }
short TypeArticleId { get; set; }
bool EstUtilisableInternet { get; set; }
bool EstPrefacturable { get; set; }
bool EstMultiversion { get; set; }
bool EstGenerique { get; set; }
bool EstCompose { get; set; }
bool EstPartenaire { get; set; }
bool EstValide { get; set; }
int EtatCreation { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleTTC { get; set; }
MetaTypeArticle MetaType { get; set; }
bool PromoDefinie { get; }
int ScoreRisque { get; set; }
class ArticleReference
string Reference { get; set; }
string Type { get; set; }
bool EstPrincipale { get; set; }
enum EmplacementMagasin
Inconnu, // =0
EnSurface, // =1
EnReserve, // =2
class ArticlePhygitalLot
decimal MontantTtc { get; set; }
decimal MontantHT { get; set; }
class ArticlePhygitalDimensions
decimal PoidsBrut { get; set; }
decimal HauteurBrut { get; set; }
decimal LargeurBrut { get; set; }
decimal ProfondeurBrut { get; set; }
decimal? PoidsNet { get; set; }
decimal? HauteurNet { get; set; }
decimal? LargeurNet { get; set; }
decimal? ProfondeurNet { get; set; }
class ArticlePhygitalTaxe
string Libelle { get; set; }
string Code { get; set; }
decimal Montant { get; set; }
bool EstInclusDansPrix { get; set; }
class ArticlePhygitalBase
decimal? AvisNote { get; set; }
bool EstEnPromo { get; set; }
decimal? PctRemise { get; set; }
Guid[] AllTags { get; set; }
string UrlExterne { get; set; }
string IntermediateImage { get; set; }
string Marque { get; set; }
decimal? SegmentationPrincipalePk { get; set; }
string MainImage { get; set; }
string SmallImage { get; set; }
Object MainImageObject { get; set; }
string Tag { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCommande { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCentrale { get; set; }
bool DisponibleMagasin { get; set; }
TypeStock TypeStockage { get; set; }
bool EstImmateriel { get; }
bool EstArchive { get; set; }
bool EstLivrable { get; set; }
long ID { get; set; }
Guid Guid { get; set; }
decimal PuHT { get; set; }
decimal PuTTC { get; set; }
decimal PuTVA { get; }
decimal? PuPromoHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuPromoTTC { get; set; }
DateTime? DateDebutPromo { get; set; }
DateTime? DateFinPromo { get; set; }
DateTime DateCreation { get; set; }
string Libelle { get; set; }
string Reference { get; set; }
int FamilleID { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
System.Int32? SousFamilleId { get; set; }
int MarqueId { get; set; }
byte TauxTvaId { get; set; }
short TypeArticleId { get; set; }
bool EstUtilisableInternet { get; set; }
bool EstPrefacturable { get; set; }
bool EstMultiversion { get; set; }
bool EstGenerique { get; set; }
bool EstCompose { get; set; }
bool EstPartenaire { get; set; }
bool EstValide { get; set; }
int EtatCreation { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleTTC { get; set; }
MetaTypeArticle MetaType { get; set; }
bool PromoDefinie { get; }
int ScoreRisque { get; set; }
class ArticleDispoDigiSign
Guid? MagasinGuid { get; set; }
string Libelle { get; set; }
bool EstDisponible { get; set; }
string Commentaire { get; set; }
decimal? Stock { get; set; }
class ArticlePhygitalVersion
Dictionary<System.String,System.String> Attributs { get; set; }
Dictionary<System.String,System.String> AttributsPrives { get; set; }
int Importance { get; set; }
decimal? AvisNote { get; set; }
bool EstEnPromo { get; set; }
decimal? PctRemise { get; set; }
Guid[] AllTags { get; set; }
string UrlExterne { get; set; }
string IntermediateImage { get; set; }
string Marque { get; set; }
decimal? SegmentationPrincipalePk { get; set; }
string MainImage { get; set; }
string SmallImage { get; set; }
Object MainImageObject { get; set; }
string Tag { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCommande { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCentrale { get; set; }
bool DisponibleMagasin { get; set; }
TypeStock TypeStockage { get; set; }
bool EstImmateriel { get; }
bool EstArchive { get; set; }
bool EstLivrable { get; set; }
long ID { get; set; }
Guid Guid { get; set; }
decimal PuHT { get; set; }
decimal PuTTC { get; set; }
decimal PuTVA { get; }
decimal? PuPromoHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuPromoTTC { get; set; }
DateTime? DateDebutPromo { get; set; }
DateTime? DateFinPromo { get; set; }
DateTime DateCreation { get; set; }
string Libelle { get; set; }
string Reference { get; set; }
int FamilleID { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
System.Int32? SousFamilleId { get; set; }
int MarqueId { get; set; }
byte TauxTvaId { get; set; }
short TypeArticleId { get; set; }
bool EstUtilisableInternet { get; set; }
bool EstPrefacturable { get; set; }
bool EstMultiversion { get; set; }
bool EstGenerique { get; set; }
bool EstCompose { get; set; }
bool EstPartenaire { get; set; }
bool EstValide { get; set; }
int EtatCreation { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleTTC { get; set; }
MetaTypeArticle MetaType { get; set; }
bool PromoDefinie { get; }
int ScoreRisque { get; set; }
enum TypeStock
NonStocke, // =0
Immateriel, // =1
StockeFifo, // =2
StockePump, // =3
enum MetaTypeArticle
Produit, // =0
FraisDePort, // =1
Avantages, // =2
Services, // =3
Loyers, // =4
Lot, // =5
Financier, // =6
Taxe, // =7
LicenceEtBrevet, // =8
class ArticleImage
string UrlSmall { get; set; }
string UrlBig { get; set; }
class ArticlePhygitalAssocie
decimal QteParParent { get; set; }
string Raison { get; set; }
int Importance { get; set; }
decimal? AvisNote { get; set; }
bool EstEnPromo { get; set; }
decimal? PctRemise { get; set; }
Guid[] AllTags { get; set; }
string UrlExterne { get; set; }
string IntermediateImage { get; set; }
string Marque { get; set; }
decimal? SegmentationPrincipalePk { get; set; }
string MainImage { get; set; }
string SmallImage { get; set; }
Object MainImageObject { get; set; }
string Tag { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCommande { get; set; }
bool DisponibleCentrale { get; set; }
bool DisponibleMagasin { get; set; }
TypeStock TypeStockage { get; set; }
bool EstImmateriel { get; }
bool EstArchive { get; set; }
bool EstLivrable { get; set; }
long ID { get; set; }
Guid Guid { get; set; }
decimal PuHT { get; set; }
decimal PuTTC { get; set; }
decimal PuTVA { get; }
decimal? PuPromoHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuPromoTTC { get; set; }
DateTime? DateDebutPromo { get; set; }
DateTime? DateFinPromo { get; set; }
DateTime DateCreation { get; set; }
string Libelle { get; set; }
string Reference { get; set; }
int FamilleID { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
System.Int32? SousFamilleId { get; set; }
int MarqueId { get; set; }
byte TauxTvaId { get; set; }
short TypeArticleId { get; set; }
bool EstUtilisableInternet { get; set; }
bool EstPrefacturable { get; set; }
bool EstMultiversion { get; set; }
bool EstGenerique { get; set; }
bool EstCompose { get; set; }
bool EstPartenaire { get; set; }
bool EstValide { get; set; }
int EtatCreation { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleHT { get; set; }
decimal? PuConseilleTTC { get; set; }
MetaTypeArticle MetaType { get; set; }
bool PromoDefinie { get; }
int ScoreRisque { get; set; }
class ServicesComplementaires
bool SelectionneParDefaut { get; set; }
string Libelle { get; set; }
string Code { get; set; }
decimal PuHT { get; set; }
decimal PuTTC { get; set; }
class AvisClient
Guid Guid { get; set; }
Guid ArticleGuid { get; set; }
string Nom { get; set; }
string Message { get; set; }
Guid? ClientGuid { get; set; }
string Email { get; set; }
bool EstValide { get; set; }
DateTime Date { get; set; }
decimal Note { get; set; }
class ArticlePhygitalLogistiqueSpecificites
string TypePreparation { get; set; }
bool MatiereDangereuse { get; set; }
bool RestrictionsExport { get; set; }
class InfosMarketPlace
ArticleMarketPlace VendeurPrincipal { get; set; }
ArticleMarketPlace[] VendeursSecondaires { get; set; }
class ArticleMarketPlace
string NomVendeur { get; set; }
decimal Prix { get; set; }
decimal? PrixPromotionnel { get; set; }
DateTime? DateDebutPromotion { get; set; }
DateTime? DateFinPromotion { get; set; }
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