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Created October 19, 2012 16:50
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  • Save simonwistow/3919291 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save simonwistow/3919291 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Yahoo's old proprietary front end scripting language - HTML Form Two Thousand
# HF2K Example
<!-- if $^r.uri !="/search/dir_ukie" && $|req[r] && $|req[y] == "n" -->
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ($|req[y]=="i" && $|req[p]!="") -->
##set eur_adv=1
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ($|req[page] || !$|req[p]) && ($|req[va] || $|req[vo] || $|req[vp]) -->
##set composed_query {##func ysComposeAdvQuery:$|req[va]$|req[vo]$|req[vp]$|req[ve]OR }
##set(^r.args,"${^r.args}&p=##esc composed_query ")
##set ^r.args=##func delPair:va,&,=,${^r.args}
##set eur_adv=1
##set adv_showpat=$composed_query
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ($|req[r]) -->
<!-- if ($|req[y]=="y" || $|req[y]=="i") -->
<!-- endif ($|req[y]=="y" || $req[y]=="i") -->
<!-- endif ($|req[r]) -->
##set eurdo_prterr=0
##set eurdo_prtiym=0
##set eurdo_prtcats=0
##set eurdo_prtspon=0
##set eurdo_prtsites=0
##set searchurl=/search/ukie
##func str2hash:temphash,&,=,${^r.args}
##func str2hash:paramHash,&,=,${^r.args}
##set querylen=##func strlen:${^temphash.p}
<!-- if $querylen=0 -->
##dispForm $templateDir/empty.html
<!-- endif $querylen=0 -->
##comment for badwords
##set value=""
##set lcq=$|req[p]
##set lcq=##func strconv:tolower,$lcq
##func ysShmHashGet:/home/search/ukie/data/badwords.shm,$lcq
##set badwordsval=$value
<!-- if ($value=2 || $value=7) && $|req[prv] != y -->
##dispForm $templateDir/pornjump.html
<!-- elseif $value=8 && $|req[y]=i && $|req[prv] != y -->
##dispForm $templateDir/intlpornjump.html
<!-- elseif $value==3 -->
##set (^paramHash.y, "uk")
##set ^r.args=##func hash2str:paramHash,&,=
<!-- elseif $value==4 -->
##set (^paramHash.y, "fr")
##set ^r.args=##func hash2str:paramHash,&,=
<!-- elseif $value==5 -->
##set (^paramHash.y, "es")
##set ^r.args=##func hash2str:paramHash,&,=
<!-- elseif $value==6 -->
##set (^paramHash.y, "y")
##set ^r.args=##func hash2str:paramHash,&,=
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${^r.uri}="/search/dir_ukie" || $value=1 || $value=2 || $|req[r] -->
##set showDir=1
##set searchurl=/search/dir_ukie
##set next_h=S
##set catredir=DS0
##set scatredir=DS2
<!-- else -->
##set showDir=0
##set next_h=W
<!-- if $|req[h]=C -->
##set catredir=DS0
<!-- else -->
##set catredir=WS0
<!-- endif h=c -->
##set scatredir=WS2
<!-- endif ${^r.uri}="/search/dir_ukie" -->
##set abs_searchurl=$searchurl
<!-- if h!=C && h!=D && h!=S -->
<!-- if showDir=0 -->
<!-- if eur_adv=1 -->
##func ysearch:/web/ukie,${^r.args}
<!-- else -->
##func ysearch:/websearch/ukie,${^r.args}
<!-- endif -->
##set log {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log&H=0")
<!-- if adv_showpat -->
##set showpat=$adv_showpat
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $spelling && $nsites==0 -->
##func str2hash:spell_hash,&,=,${^r.args}
##set (^,"$pattern")
##set (^spell_hash.spd,"1")
##set (^spell_hash.p,"$spelling")
##set spellargs=##func hash2str:spell_hash,&,=
##redirect $abs_searchurl?$spellargs
<!-- endif $spelling && $nsites==0 -->
<!-- if $spelling -->
##set spellq=##func strconv:tolower,$spelling
<!-- else -->
##set spellq=$lcq
<!-- endif -->
##set value=
##func ysShmHashGet:/home/search/ukie/data/spellingexception.shm,$spellq
<!-- if $value!="" -->
##set spelling=$value
<!-- endif $value -->
<!-- if $error_type==remote_connection -->
##set err_code=-1
<!-- elseif $error_type==remote_timeout -->
##set err_code=-2
<!-- else -->
##set err_code=$stotal
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $ys_cachedResult==1 -->
##set is_cache=cached
##set ys_scError=0
<!-- else -->
##set is_cache=searched
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if !$ys_fromCBackned || $ys_fromCBackned==0 -->
##set search_loc=frontend
<!-- else -->
##set search_loc=backend
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if !$r_server_ip -->
##set r_server_ip=00000000
<!-- endif -->
##set rtimetaken {##func ysSearchReplace:/,/./,$rtimetaken }
##func logSearchData:/home/y/logs/yapache/us/searchLogs,$r_server_ip,$rtimetaken,$r_bytes_received,/search/uk/google,p=${pattern},$is_cache|$err_code|$property_name|$search_loc|$ys_scError
<!-- else -->
##func ysearch:/search/ukie,${^r.args}
##set log {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log")
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif h!=C && h!=D && h!=S -->
<!-- if h==s -->
##set ^r.args=##func delPair:h,&,=,${^r.args}
<!-- endif -->
##func ysearch:dirHash,/search/cat_ukie,${^r.args}
##set vlog {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log|$vlog")
<!-- if $showDir=0 -->
##func set_adpattern:$pattern
<!-- endif -->
##set pagetotal+${^dirHash.cend}
<!-- if ${^dirHash.ctotal} -->
<!-- if h!=S && h!=W -->
##set eurdo_prtcats=1
<!-- else -->
##set eurdo_prtcats=0
<!-- endif h!=S && h!=W -->
##set ncats=${^dirHash.ncats}
<!-- if ncats==0 -->
##set eurdo_prtcats=0
<!-- endif ncats==0 -->
##set cend=${^dirHash.cend}
##set cbegin=${^dirHash.cbegin}
<!-- endif dirHash.ctotal -->
##set ptotal=$pagetotal
<!-- if h!=C -->
##set eurdo_prtspon=1
<!-- endif h!=C -->
<!-- if h!=C -->
<!-- if h!=W && h!=S -->
##set eurdo_prtiym=1
<!-- endif h!=W && h!=S -->
##set eurdo_prtsites=1
<!-- endif h!=C -->
##set sponsor_show=1
##set sponsor_enable=1
##set spon_searcharg=$searcharg
##set searcharg=##func delPair:page,&,=,$searcharg
##func str2hash:sargHash,&,=,$spon_searcharg
<!-- if $testID -->
<!-- if $showDir=1 -->
##set ptype {testg}
<!-- else -->
##set ptype {test}
<!-- endif showdir=1 -->
##set srd_test_data {TID=${testID}_${bucket}:${ptype}}
##set rd_test_data=${ptype}/${testID}_${bucket}
<!-- endif $testID -->
<!-- if $|req[hq] -->
##func regex:/site:(.*)/,$|req[hq]
<!-- if $^regex.1!=0 -->
##set restrict=local
##set domain=$^regex.1
##set sponsor_enable=0
##set eurdo_prterr=1
<!-- endif regex.1 -->
<!-- endif req[hq] -->
<!-- if country=uk || country=ie -->
##set restrict=property
##set eurdo_prterr=1
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $domain -->
##set eurdo_prterr=1
##set restrict=subcat
<!-- endif $domain -->
<!-- if !h && nsites#>20 -->
##set send=20
##set stotal=20
##set ntotal=20
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if nsites==0 -->
##func info_setup:ads,ad-location:NEAn5EELSEFADSKYSHPSPULREC,ad-spaceid:0:7825331:9197745:15425975:81109959:95939784,ad-property:ukie_webse,ad-stitcher:qnews,ad-keyword:$pattern
##set spaceid=95939784
<!-- else nsites==0 -->
##func info_setup:ads,ad-location:NEAESPU,ad-spaceid:0:7825331:9197745:11111254,ad-property:ukie_webse,ad-stitcher:qnews,ad-keyword:$pattern
##set spaceid=11111254
<!-- endif nsites==0 -->
Yahoo! UK & Ireland - Search results for
<!-- if nicepattern -->
<!-- else nicepattern -->
<!-- if showpat -->
<!-- endif showpat -->
<!-- endif nicepattern -->
<!-- bucket $bucket -->
<body topmargin=5 bgcolor=white>
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr valign=top><td>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_gif_url=${rd_test_data}/m/l/*
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_gif_url}*"><img src="" alt="Yahoo! UK & Ireland" width="277" height="39" border=0></a></td>
<td align=center valign=bottom>
##func info_insertion:N
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_form_url=${rd_test_data}/tss/s/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<form action="${test_form_url}*-">
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
<tr bgcolor=999966><td height=1 colspan=2><table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=black><tr><td height=1><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td height=1></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>
<tr bgcolor=c2d6f5>
<TD width="70%" nowrap><FONT face=arial size=+1>&nbsp;<b>
<!-- if h=C -->
Directory Category Matches
<!-- else h=C -->
<!-- if h=S -->
Web Matches
<!-- else h=S -->
Search Summary
<!-- endif h=S -->
<!-- endif h=C -->
<TD align=right width="30%">
<!-- if $testID -->
##set advurl=$rd_test_data/tss/a/*-*-$searcharg
##set test_help=$rd_test_data/tss/h/*-
<!-- else -->
##set advurl=*-$searcharg
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $showDir=1 -->
##set advtemp=$advurl&h=c
##set advurl=$advtemp
<!-- endif $showDir=1 -->
<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<tr><TD nowrap align=right>
<INPUT name=p size=25 value="$showpat">&nbsp;
<td width="1%" nowrap><INPUT type=submit value='Search'></td>
<td nowrap width="5%"><font face=arial size=-2>&nbsp;<a href="${test_help}*-">hints</a><br>&nbsp;<a href="${advurl}">advanced search</a></font></td>
<tr><td colspan=3 valign=top nowrap>
<font face=arial size=-1>
<!-- if $value<3 -->
<!-- if country=y -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y checked>all sites &nbsp;<input
type=radio name=y value=uk>UK only <input type=radio name=y
value=ie>Ireland only
<!-- elseif country=uk -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y>all sites&nbsp;<input type=radio
name=y value=uk checked>UK only <input type=radio name=y
value=ie>Ireland only
<!-- elseif country=ie -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y>all sites&nbsp;<input type=radio
name=y value=uk>UK only <input type=radio name=y value=ie
checked>Ireland only
<!-- else -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y checked>all sites&nbsp;<input
type=radio name=y value=uk>UK only <input type=radio name=y
value=ie>Ireland only
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif $value<3 -->
</table><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width="100%">
<td nowrap>
<FONT face=arial size=-1>Results for <b>$showpat</b></font>
<td align=right nowrap width=1%><font face=arial size=-1>Search in:
##set web_url=$pattern
<!-- if $testID -->
##set web_url=${rd_test_data}/navbar/top/wp/*-*-$pattern
<!-- else -->
##set web_url=*-$pattern
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if querylen==0 -->
<font color=999999><b>The Web</b></font> |
<!-- else querylen==0 -->
<!-- if $value==1 -->
<font color=999999><b>The Web</b></font> |
<!-- else $value==1 -->
<!-- if (showDir=0 && h!=C) -->
<b>The Web</b> |
<!-- else (showDir=0 && h!=C) -->
<b><a href="$web_url">The Web</a></b> |
<!-- endif showDir=0 && h!=C -->
<!-- endif $value==1 -->
<!-- endif querylen==0 -->
##set dir_url=$pattern
<!-- if $testID -->
##set dir_url=${rd_test_data}/navbar/top/cat/*-*-$pattern
<!-- else -->
##set dir_url=*-$pattern
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${^dirHash.send}>0 -->
<!-- if showDir=1 || h=C -->
<b>Directory </b> |
<!-- else showDir=1 || h=C -->
<!-- if country -->
<b><a href="$dir_url&y=$country">Directory </a></b> |
<!-- else country -->
<b><a href="$dir_url">Directory </a></b> |
<!-- endif country -->
<!-- endif showDir=1 || h=C -->
<!-- else ${^dirHash.send}>0 -->
<font color=999999><b>Directory </b></font> |
<!-- endif ${^dirHash.send}>0 -->
##set news_url=$pattern&n=10&z=date
<!-- if $testID -->
##set news_url=${rd_test_data}/navbar/top/ns/*-*-$pattern&n=10&z=date
<!-- else -->
##set news_url=*-$pattern&n=10&z=date
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if querylen==0 -->
<font color=999999><b>News</b></font>
<!-- else querylen==0 -->
<b><a href="$news_url">News</a></b>
<!-- endif querylen==0 -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td bgcolor=999999><spacer type=block height=1></td></tr></form></table>
<!-- if $|req[nr] || ($spelling && $spelling != $showpat) -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td><font face=arial size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><br></b>
<!-- if $|req[nr] -->
<img src= width=23 height=17 border=0 align=absmiddle alt=Tip> We couldn't find any results for <b>$|req[nr]</b>. We have corrected it automatically to <font color="#ff0000">$showpat</font>
##set log {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log|spredirect->$spelling")
<!-- endif $|req[nr] -->
<!-- if $spelling -->
##set rdspelling=##esc spelling
##func str2hash:spell_hash,&,=,${^r.args}
##set (^spell_hash.sp,"1")
##set (^spell_hash.p,"$rdspelling")
##set spellargs=##func hash2str:spell_hash,&,=
<img src= width=23 height=19 border=0 align=middle alt=Alert> Did you mean&nbsp;:
<a href="$req[p]/*-$abs_searchurl?$spellargs"><nobr><strong>$spelling</strong></nobr></a>&nbsp;?</b>
<!-- endif $spelling -->
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td bgcolor=999999><spacer type=block height=1></td></tr></form></table></td>
<!-- endif $req[nr] || $spelling-->
<!-- if $|req[sp]==1 -->
##set log {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log|sp->$showpattern")
<!-- endif $|req[sp]==1 -->
<table height=4 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=0><tr><td></td></tr></table>
<td width=100%>
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
<tr valign=top>
<td width=100%>
<a name="main"></a>
<!-- if $value>=3 -->
##set eurdo_prterr=0
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if nsites==0 -->
##set eurdo_prtspon=1
##set eurdo_prterr=1
##set restrict=noresult
##set eurdo_prtiym=0
##set eurdo_prtcats=0
##set eurdo_prtsites=0
<!-- endif nsites==0-->
<!-- if eurdo_prterr==1 -->
<!-- $intlurl -->
<!-- if restrict=noresult -->
<b><font face=arial><font color=red>No results were found
for your search:</font> <em>$showpat</em>.</font></b><p>
<font face=arial size=-1>
<b>Helpful Hints:</b>
<li>Check your spelling. Are all the words spelled correctly?
<li>Try using fewer words.
<li>Remove quotation marks or plus signs - they limit your search results.
<li>Try different but similar words such as "football"
instead of "soccer".</li> </ul>
<b>Or, Browse the Yahoo! Directory to find sites:</b><br></font>
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>
<tr><td valign=top nowrap><font face=arial size=-1><ul>
<li><a href="">Arts &amp; Humanities</a>
<li><a href="">Business &amp; Economy</a>
<li><a href="">Computers &amp; Internet</a>
<li><a href="">Education</a>
<li><a href="">Entertainment</a>
<li><a href="">Government</a>
<li><a href="">Health</a></li>
</ul></font></td><td> </td>
<td valign=top nowrap><font face=arial size=-1><ul>
<li><a href="">News &amp; Media</a>
<li><a href="">Recreation &amp; Sport</a>
<li><a href="">Reference</a>
<li><a href="">Regional</a>
<li><a href="">Science</a>
<li><a href="">Social Science</a>
<li><a href="">Society &amp; Culture</a></li>
</tr></table></p><!-- endif restrict=noresult -->
<!-- if restrict=local -->
<p><font face=arial size=1><font color=ff0033><b>PLEASE NOTE: </b></font>
This search was restricted to <b>$domain</b>. For more matches, try searching <a href="$pattern">all the web</a>.</font>
<!-- else restrict=local -->
<!-- if restrict=subcat -->
<p><font face=arial size=1><font color=ff0033><b>PLEASE NOTE: </b></font>
This search was restricted to <b>$domain</b>. For more matches, try searching <a href="$pattern">all the web</a>.</font>
<!-- else restrict=subcat -->
<!-- if restrict=date -->
<p><font face=arial size=1><font color=ff0033><b>PLEASE NOTE: </b></font>
This search was restricted to listings within the last $age days.<br>
<font size=-1>(ranging from $datelowerbound to $dateupperbound)</font><br>
For more matches, try searching <a href="/search//restrict/?$abs_searchurl?p=$pattern">all the web</a>.</font>
<!-- else -->
<!-- if restrict=property -->
<!-- if country==uk -->
<p><font face=arial size=1><font color=ff0033><b>PLEASE NOTE: </b></font>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set rdurl=${rd_test_data}/restrict/*-*-
<!-- else -->
##set rdurl=*-
<!-- endif -->
You have just searched Yahoo! for <font color=FF0000><b>UK sites</b></font>. For more matches, try searching <a href="$rdurl$abs_searchurl?p=$pattern"><b>all the web</b></a>.</font>
<!-- else -->
<!-- if country==ie -->
<p><font face=arial size=1><font color=ff0033><b>PLEASE NOTE: </b></font>
You have just searched Yahoo! for <font color=FF0000><b>Irish sites</b></font>. For more matches, try searching <a href="${rdurl}$abs_searchurl?p=$pattern"><b>all the web</b></a>.</font>
<!-- else -->
<p><font face=arial size=1><font color=ff0033><b>PLEASE NOTE: </b></font>
You have just searched <b>all of Yahoo!</b>.Try searching Yahoo! for just <a href="${rdurl}$abs_searchurl?p=$pattern&y=uk">
<b>UK sites</b></a> or <a href="${rdurl}$abs_searchurl?p=$pattern&y=ie"><b>Irish sites</b></a> to narrow your results.</font>
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif restrict=property -->
<!-- endif restrict=date -->
<!-- endif restrict=subcat -->
<!-- endif restrict=local --><!-- endif eurdo_prterr==1 -->
<!-- if eurdo_prtiym==1 -->
##set nlcq {##func ysNormalizeString("$lcq")}
##func ysShmHashGet:/home/search/ukie/data/insideyahoo.shm,$nlcq
<!-- if $value -->
<!-- if $showDir=0 -->
##set iylog=iyg/$pattern
<!-- else -->
##set iylog=iy/$pattern
<!-- endif -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width="100%" bgColor=#e3e9f8 border=0>
<TR><TD><FONT face=arial size=-1><B>Inside Yahoo</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=7 width="100%" border=0>
<TR><TD valign=top>
<!-- if $testID -->
##func ysSearchReplace:/http:\/\/\/\/\/S=$spaceid:IY\/K=$pattern\/${srd_test_data}\/\*-http:\/\/,$value
<!-- else -->
<!-- endif -->
<TABLE><TR><TD height=4></TD></TR></TABLE>
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif eurdo_prtiym==1 -->
<!-- if eurdo_prtcats==1 -->
<!-- if ${^dirHash.(prop)nsupcat}#>0 -->
##set show_location=1
##set suptext {List <b>"${showpat}"</b> by location}
<!-- if ^dirHash.(prop)ctotal > 3 -->
##set ^dirHash.(prop)ctotal-1
##set cend-1
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif -->
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=e3e9f8 >
<TD nowrap><FONT face=arial size=-1> <B>Directory Category Matches</b></font></td>
<TD align=right nowrap><FONT face=arial size=-1>
<!-- if cbegin!=1 && cbegin -->
##set first_url=$abs_searchurl?$searcharg
##set first_url=*-$first_url";
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/c/firstc/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$first_url">First Page</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif cbegin!=1 -->
<!-- if cbegin#>$pagesize -->
##set prev_begin=$cbegin
##set prev_begin-$pagesize
##set prev_url=*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&b=$prev_begin&h=C
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/c/prevc/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$prev_url">Previous $pagesize</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif cbeing > pagesize -->
$cbegin&nbsp;-&nbsp;$cend&nbsp;of&nbsp;$ncats &nbsp;
<!-- if ncats#>$cend -->
##set next_begin=$cend
##set next_begin+1
##set nnext=$ncats
##set nnext-$cend
<!-- if nnext#>$pagesize -->
##set nnext=$pagesize
<!-- endif nnext#>$pagesize -->
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_next_url=${rd_test_data}/c/nextc/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<!-- if nnext>0 -->
<b><a href="${test_next_url}*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&b=$next_begin&h=C">
<!-- if nnext=1 -->
Next 1</a></b>
<!-- else nnext=1 -->
Next $nnext</a></b>
<!-- endif nnext=1 -->
<!-- endif nnext>0 -->
<!-- endif ncats#> -->
<TABLE height=8 cellPadding=4 cellspacing=0><TR><TD height=8></td></tr></table>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD width="1%">
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=17 border=0><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
##set rootCategory=Home
##set now=##datestamp %s
##set ct=0
##set rank=$cbegin
##set query=$pattern
##func makeRedirectSafe:query
<!-- while check#<4 -->
##set catlen=##func strlen:${^dirHash.(prop)shortc(check)}
<!-- if !${^dirHash.(prop)shortc(check)} -->
##set catlen=##func strlen:${^dirHash.(prop)category(check)Leaf}
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if catlen#>55 -->
##set long=1
<!-- endif -->
##set check+1
<!-- endwhile -->
<!-- if $suptext -->
##set catlen=##func strlen:$suptext
<!-- if catlen#>55 -->
##set long=1
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif -->
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%>
<!-- while ct#<${^dirHash.(prop)ctotal} -->
##set ctsmall=$ct
##set ctsmall%2
<!-- if $h || $long -->
##set ctsmall=1
<!-- endif -->
##set st=0
<!-- if $testID -->
##set catpurl=$spaceid:$catredir/R=$rank/K=$query/CS=${^dirHash.(prop)idc(ct)}/${srd_test_data}/*-
<!-- else -->
##set catpurl=$spaceid:$catredir/R=$rank/K=$query/CS=${^dirHash.(prop)idc(ct)}/*-
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${^dirHash.(prop)restrictedBydate} -->
- <small><i>##datestamp {^dirHash.(prop)dates(ct)}=%m/%d/%Y
<!-- endif -->
<FONT face=arial size=-1>&#149;<BIG>
<!-- if ${^dirHash.(prop)boldshortc(ct)} -->
<a href="$catpurl##func escPound:${^dirHash.(prop)category(ct)Url}">${^dirHash.(prop)boldshortc(ct)}</a>
<!-- else -->
<a href="$catpurl##func escPound:${^dirHash.(prop)category(ct)Url}">${^dirHash.(prop)boldcategory(ct)Leaf}</a>
<!-- endif -->
##set docage=$now
##set docage-${^dirHash.(prop)dates(ct)}
##set docage/86400
##set docage-1
<!-- if docage#<=7 -->
<img width=28 height=11 alt=new! src=>
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $ctsmall==1 -->
<!-- endif -->
##set ct+1
##set rank+1
<!-- endwhile ct#<${^dirHash.(prop)ctotal} -->
<!-- if $show_location==1 -->
<FONT face=arial size=-1>&#149;<BIG>
<a href=*-$pattern&r=Regional&h=C>$suptext</a></big></font></td>
<!-- endif -->
<TABLE height=8 cellspacing=4 border=0><TR><TD height=8></td></tr></table>
<!-- if cbegin!=1 && cbegin -->
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<TD align=right nowrap><FONT face=arial size=-1>
<!-- if cbegin!=1 && cbegin -->
##set first_url=$abs_searchurl?$searcharg
##set first_url=*-$first_url";
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/c/firstc/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$first_url">First Page</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif cbegin!=1 -->
<!-- if cbegin#>$pagesize -->
##set prev_begin=$cbegin
##set prev_begin-$pagesize
##set prev_url=*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&b=$prev_begin&h=C
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/c/prevc/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$prev_url">Previous $pagesize</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif cbeing > pagesize -->
$cbegin&nbsp;-&nbsp;$cend&nbsp;of&nbsp;$ncats &nbsp;
<!-- if ncats#>$cend -->
##set next_begin=$cend
##set next_begin+1
##set nnext=$ncats
##set nnext-$cend
<!-- if nnext#>$pagesize -->
##set nnext=$pagesize
<!-- endif nnext#>$pagesize -->
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_next_url=${rd_test_data}/c/nextc/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<!-- if nnext>0 -->
<b><a href="${test_next_url}*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&b=$next_begin&h=C">
<!-- if nnext=1 -->
Next 1</a></b>
<!-- else nnext=1 -->
Next $nnext</a></b>
<!-- endif nnext=1 -->
<!-- endif nnext>0 -->
<!-- endif ncats#> -->
<!-- endif cbegin!=1 -->
<!-- endif eurdo_prtcats==1 -->
<!-- if eurdo_prtspon==1 -->
<!-- $sponsor_enable:$sponsor_show -->
<!-- if $sponsor_enable=1 -->
##set value=""
##func ysShmHashGet:/home/search/ukie/data/commercial.shm,$lcq
<!-- if $value -->
##set hits=6
##set OV=1
<!-- else -->
##set hits=5
##set OV=0
<!-- endif $value -->
##func ysearch:adHash,/espotting/uk,$spon_searcharg&hits=$hits
##set nextPageNum=$^adHash.pageNum
##set nextPageNum+1
<!-- if $^ > 1 -->
##set source=next
<!-- else -->
##set source=first
<!-- endif -->
<!-- $^adHash.nsites:$^adHash.rtimetaken -->
<!-- if $^adHash.error_type==remote_connection || $^adHash.error_type==remote_timeout -->
##func ysTableSet:subprocess_env,plogdata,espotting/-1
<!-- else -->
<!-- if $^adHash.nsites==0 -->
<!-- if $^adHash.isCatex==True -->
##set ad_reason=/ec
<!-- elseif $^adHash.isAdex==True -->
##set ad_reason=/ea
<!-- elseif $^adHash.isKeyex==True -->
##set ad_reason=/ek
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif nsites=0 -->
##func ysTableSet:subprocess_env,plogdata,espotting/$source/OV=E$OV/$^adHash.nsites$ad_reason
<!-- endif -->
##func ysTableSet:subprocess_env,nlogdata,$^adHash.rtimetaken
<!-- endif $sponsor_enable=1 -->
##set adct=0
<!-- if $sponsor_show==1 -->
<!-- if adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=e3e9f8>
<TD><FONT face=arial size=-1> <B>Sponsored Matches</b></font></td>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set signup_url=${rd_test_data}/spon/top/*-*-
<!-- else -->
##set signup_url=*-
<!-- endif -->
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=-2>(<A href="$signup_url">Advertise Here</a>)</font></td>
<TABLE><TR><TD height=4></td></tr></table>
<TABLE border=0 width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>
##set sponsor_no=$adct
##set sponsor_no+1
##set query=$pattern
##set hits-2
<!-- if $^adHash.nsites > $hits -->
##set esp_toplimit=$hits
<!-- else -->
##set esp_toplimit=$^adHash.nsites
<!-- endif -->
<!-- while adct#<$esp_toplimit -->
<!-- if ${srd_test_data} -->
##set sponsored_srd=$spaceid:WS4/R=$sponsor_no/K=$pattern/TR=$^adHash.nsites/${srd_test_data}/*-
<!-- endif ${srd_test_data} -->
<tr valign=top>
<TD width="1%" align=right><font face=arial size=3>&#149;</font></td>
<td><FONT face=arial size=-1><BIG>
<a href="${sponsored_srd}$source/OV=E$OV/$^adHash.nsites/$sponsor_no/$query/*-$^adHash.urls(adct)">##func ysSearchReplace:/¨/&euro;/,$^adHash.boldtitles(adct)</a></big>
##set test {##func ysSearchReplace:/¨/&euro;/,${^adHash.boldcomments(adct)} }
##func ysSearchReplace:/"/'/,$test
<br><font color=746884>##func ysSearchReplace:/http:\/\///,$^adHash.sitehosts(adct)</font></font>
##set adct+1
##set sponsor_no+1
<!-- endwhile adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
</table><TABLE><TR><TD height=4></td></tr></table>
<!-- endif adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
<!-- endif $sponsor_show==1 -->
<!-- endif eurdo_prtspon==1 -->
<!-- if eurdo_prtsites==1 -->
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_link_data=${srd_test_data}/
##set test_rd_data=${rd_test_data}/
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if !$nextPageNum -->
##set nextPageNum=$|req[page]
##set nextPageNum+1
<!-- endif !$nextPageNum -->
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=e3e9f8>
<FONT face=arial size=2>
<b>Web Matches</b>
<TD align=right nowrap width="1%"><FONT face=arial size=-1>
<!-- if sbegin!=1 && sbegin -->
##set first_url=$abs_searchurl?$searcharg
##set first_url=*-$first_url";
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/s/firstws/t/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$first_url">First Page</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if sbegin#>$pagesize -->
##set prev_begin=$sbegin
##set prev_begin-$pagesize
##set prev_url=${test_rd_data}ws/prevws/t/*-*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&hs=$nsites&b=$prev_begin&h=${next_h}
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/s/prevs/t/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$prev_url">Previous $pagesize</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif sbeing > pagesize -->
##set roundnsites {##func strconv:delimit,$nsites }
$sbegin - $send of $roundnsites
<!-- if nsites#>$send && $nsites#>=$pagesize -->
##set next_begin=$send
##set next_begin+1
##set remain=$nsites
##set remain-$send
<!-- if remain#>20 -->
##set remain=20
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<!-- if remain>0 -->
<b><a href="${test_rd_data}ws/nextws/t/*-*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&hs=$nsites&b=$next_begin&h=${next_h}&page=$nextPageNum">Next $remain</a></b>
<!-- endif remain=0 --><!-- endif nsites#>$send -->
##set now=##datestamp %s
##set ct=0
##set rank=$sbegin
##set query=$pattern
##func makeRedirectSafe:query
##set msf=0
<font face=arial size=-1>
<ol start=$sbegin>
<!-- while ct#<$stotal -->
##set printed=0
##set viewcounter=$ct
##set viewcounter+$sbegin
<!-- if ${*(prop)grpfirsts(ct)}!=0 -->
##set setul=1
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${*URLs(ct)} -->
##set printed=1
<!-- if $siteRDUrl && ${*URLs(ct)ShouldRedirect} -->
##set no=
##set no+1
<li><big><a href="$rank/K=$query/${test_link_data}*-##func escPound:${*URLs(ct)}">
<!-- else -->
<li><big><a href="${*URLs(ct)}">
<!-- endif siteRDUrl -->
<!-- elseif ${*urls(ct)} -->
##set printed=1
##set no=
##set no+1
<li><big><a href="$rank/K=$query/${test_link_data}*-##func escPound:${*urls(ct)}">
<!-- endif URLS -->
<!-- if $printed=1 -->
<!-- if ${*boldtitles(ct)} -->
<!-- else -->
<!-- if !${*Titles(ct)} -->
<!-- else -->
<!-- endif !${*Titles(ct)} -->
<!-- endif ${*boldtitles(ct)} -->
<!-- if ${*adults(ct)}==1 -->
<!-- endif ${*adults(ct)}==1 -->
##set mime=${*MimeTypes(ct)}
<!-- if $mime="application/pdf" -->
<font size=-2 color=990000>(PDF)</font>
<!-- endif pdf -->
<!-- if $mime="application/msword" -->
<font size=-2 color=990000>(DOC)</font>
<!-- endif word -->
<!-- if ${*(prop)ratings(ct)} > 8 -->
<img alt="cool site" src=>
<!-- endif -->
##set docage=$now
##set docage-${*(prop)dates(ct)}
##set docage/86400
##set docage-1
<!-- if docage#<=7 -->
<img width=28 height=11 alt=new! src=> <!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${*(prop)boldcomments(ct)} -->
- ${*(prop)boldcomments(ct)}
<!-- else -->
<!-- if ${*Summarys(ct)} -->
- ##func ysSearchReplace:/<br>//,${*Summarys(ct)}
<!-- endif ${*Summarys(ct)} -->
<!-- endif ${*(prop)boldcomments(ct)} -->
<br><FONT color=996666>
<!-- if !${*boldurls(ct)} -->
##set dispurl=##func ysSearchReplace:/http:\/\///,${*URLs(ct)}
<!-- else -->
##set dispurl=##func ysSearchReplace:/http:\/\///,${*(prop)boldurls(ct)}
<!-- endif -->
##func truncateAt:100,$dispurl
<!-- if ${*Hostnames(ct)} -->
<a href="$rank/K=$query/${test_link_data}*-$abs_searchurl?p=$pattern&hq=site:${*Hostnames(ct)}&h=W&y=${country}"><font color=666666>[More Results from ${*Hostnames(ct)}]</font></a>
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${*boldshortsc(ct)} -->
##set msf+1
<img src= alt='Yahoo! CategorÌa' width=15 height=9>More sites about:&nbsp;<font color=666666><a href="$scatredir/R=$rank/K=$query/${test_link_data}*-##func escPound:${*(prop)grpCategory(ct)Url}">${*boldshortsc(ct)}</font></a><br>
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${*shoplinks(ct)} -->
<img src= height=16 width=16 border=0 alt="Shopping" hspace=2>Yahoo! Shopping: <a href="${*shoplinks(ct)}">Shop at ${*(prop)boldtitles(ct)}</a><br>
<!-- endif ${*shoplinks(ct)} -->
<!-- endif printed -->
##set ct+1
##set rank+1
<!-- endwhile -->
<!-- if $|req[y]=i && $badwordsval!=1 -->
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $showDir=0 -->
##set log {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##set log {<!-- if $log -->$log&<!-- endif -->msf=$msf }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log")
<!-- endif -->
<TABLE><TR><TD height=12></td></tr></table>
<!-- endif eurdo_prtsites==1 -->
<!-- if eurdo_prtspon==1 -->
<!-- if $sponsor_show==1 -->
<!-- if adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=e3e9f8>
<TD><FONT face=arial size=-1> <B>More Sponsored Matches</b></font></td>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set signup_url=${rd_test_data}/spon/bot/*-*-
<!-- else -->
##set signup_url=*-
<!-- endif -->
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=-2>(<A href="$signup_url">Advertise Here</a>)</font></td>
<TABLE><TR><TD height=4></td></tr></table>
<TABLE border=0 width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=3>
##set sponsor_no=$adct
##set sponsor_no+1
##set query=$pattern
<!-- while adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
<!-- if ${srd_test_data} -->
##set sponsored_srd=$spaceid:WS4/R=$sponsor_no/K=$pattern/TR=$^adHash.nsites/${srd_test_data}/*-
<!-- endif ${srd_test_data} -->
<tr valign=top>
<TD width="1%" align=right><font face=arial size=3>&#149;</font></td>
<td><FONT face=arial size=-1><BIG>
<a href="${sponsored_srd}$source/OV=E$OV/$^adHash.nsites/$sponsor_no/$query/*-$^adHash.urls(adct)">$^adHash.boldtitles(adct)</a></big>
##func ysSearchReplace:/"/'/,${^adHash.boldcomments(adct)}
<br><font color=746884>##func ysSearchReplace:/http:\/\///,$^adHash.sitehosts(adct)</font></font>
##set adct+1
##set sponsor_no+1
<!-- endwhile adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
</table><TABLE><TR><TD height=4></td></tr></table>
<!-- endif adct#<$^adHash.nsites -->
<!-- endif $sponsor_show==1 -->
<!-- endif eurdo_prtspon==1 -->
<!-- if eurdo_prtsites==1 -->
<!-- if !$nextPageNum -->
##set nextPageNum=$|req[page]
##set nextPageNum+1
<!-- endif !$nextPageNum -->
<TABLE width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=e3e9f8>
<TD align=right nowrap width="1%"><FONT face=arial size=-1>
<!-- if sbegin!=1 && sbegin -->
##set first_url=$abs_searchurl?$searcharg
##set first_url=*-$first_url";
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/s/firstws/b/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$first_url">First Page</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if sbegin#>$pagesize -->
##set prev_begin=$sbegin
##set prev_begin-$pagesize
##set prev_url=${test_rd_data}ws/prevws/b/*-*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&hs=$nsites&b=$prev_begin&h=${next_h}
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_prev_url=${rd_test_data}/s/prevs/b/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<b><a href="${test_prev_url}$prev_url">Previous $pagesize</a></b>&nbsp;|&nbsp;
<!-- endif sbeing > pagesize -->
##set roundnsites {##func strconv:delimit,$nsites }
$sbegin - $send of $roundnsites
<!-- if nsites#>$send && $nsites#>=$pagesize -->
##set next_begin=$send
##set next_begin+1
##set remain=$nsites
##set remain-$send
<!-- if remain#>20 -->
##set remain=20
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if remain>0 -->
<b><a href="${test_rd_data}ws/nextws/b/*-*-$abs_searchurl?$searcharg&hc=$ncats&hs=$nsites&b=$next_begin&h=${next_h}&page=$nextPageNum">Next $remain</a></b>
<!-- endif remain=0 --><!-- endif nsites#>$send -->
</TABLE><!-- endif eurdo_prtsites==1 -->
<td><table border=0 width=8 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td></td></tr></table></td>
##func info_insertion:EA
##func info_insertion:E
<table border=0 width=150 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td></td></tr></table>
<table border=0 width=100%>
##set form_url=
<!-- if $testID -->
##set form_url=${rd_test_data}/bss/s/*-*-
<!-- else -->
##set form_url=*-
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $nsites>0 -->
<form action="$form_url">
<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4 width="100%">
<td align=right nowrap width=1%><font face=arial size=-1>Search in:
##set web_url=$pattern
<!-- if $testID -->
##set web_url=${rd_test_data}/navbar/bottom/wp/*-*-$pattern
<!-- else -->
##set web_url=*-$pattern
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if querylen==0 -->
<font color=999999><b>The Web</b></font> |
<!-- else querylen==0 -->
<!-- if $value==1 -->
<font color=999999><b>The Web</b></font> |
<!-- else $value==1 -->
<!-- if (showDir=0 && h!=C) -->
<b>The Web</b> |
<!-- else (showDir=0 && h!=C) -->
<b><a href="$web_url">The Web</a></b> |
<!-- endif showDir=0 && h!=C -->
<!-- endif $value==1 -->
<!-- endif querylen==0 -->
##set dir_url=$pattern
<!-- if $testID -->
##set dir_url=${rd_test_data}/navbar/bottom/cat/*-*-$pattern
<!-- else -->
##set dir_url=*-$pattern
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if ${^dirHash.send}>0 -->
<!-- if showDir=1 || h=C -->
<b>Directory </b> |
<!-- else showDir=1 || h=C -->
<!-- if country -->
<b><a href="$dir_url&y=$country">Directory </a></b> |
<!-- else country -->
<b><a href="$dir_url">Directory </a></b> |
<!-- endif country -->
<!-- endif showDir=1 || h=C -->
<!-- else ${^dirHash.send}>0 -->
<font color=999999><b>Directory </b></font> |
<!-- endif ${^dirHash.send}>0 -->
##set news_url=$pattern&n=10&z=date
<!-- if $testID -->
##set news_url=${rd_test_data}/navbar/bottom/ns/*-*-$pattern&n=10&z=date
<!-- else -->
##set news_url=*-$pattern&n=10&z=date
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if querylen==0 -->
<font color=999999><b>News</b></font>
<!-- else querylen==0 -->
<b><a href="$news_url">News</a></b>
<!-- endif querylen==0 -->
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width="100%">
<tr bgcolor=eeeeee>
<TD width="70%" nowrap><FONT face=arial size=+1>&nbsp;<b>
<!-- if h=C -->
Directory Category Matches
<!-- else h=C -->
<!-- if h=S -->
Web Matches
<!-- else h=S -->
Search Summary
<!-- endif h=S -->
<!-- endif h=C -->
<TD align=right width="30%">
<!-- if $testID -->
##set advurl=$rd_test_data/bss/a/*-*-$searcharg
##set test_help=$rd_test_data/bss/h/*-
<!-- else -->
##set advurl=*-$searcharg
<!-- endif -->
<!-- if $showDir=1 -->
##set advtemp=$advurl&h=c
##set advurl=$advtemp
<!-- endif $showDir=1 -->
<table width=100% border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>
<tr><TD nowrap align=right>
<INPUT name=p size=25 value="$showpat">&nbsp;
<td width="1%" nowrap><INPUT type=submit value='Search'></td>
<td nowrap width="5%"><font face=arial size=-2>&nbsp;<a href="${test_help}*-">hints</a><br>&nbsp;<a href="${advurl}">advanced search</a></font></td>
<tr><td colspan=3 valign=top nowrap>
<font face=arial size=-1>
<!-- if $value<3 -->
<!-- if country=y -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y checked>all sites &nbsp;<input
type=radio name=y value=uk>UK only <input type=radio name=y
value=ie>Ireland only
<!-- elseif country=uk -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y>all sites&nbsp;<input type=radio
name=y value=uk checked>UK only <input type=radio name=y
value=ie>Ireland only
<!-- elseif country=ie -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y>all sites&nbsp;<input type=radio
name=y value=uk>UK only <input type=radio name=y value=ie
checked>Ireland only
<!-- else -->
<input type=radio name=y value=y checked>all sites&nbsp;<input
type=radio name=y value=uk>UK only <input type=radio name=y
value=ie>Ireland only
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif $value<3 -->
<tr bgcolor=999966><td height=1 colspan=2>
<table width=100% cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 bgcolor=black><tr><td height=1><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr><td height=1></td></tr></table></td></tr></table>
<!-- endif $nsites>0 --><!-- if $nsites>0 -->
<p><font face=arial size=-1>
<B>Other Yahoo! Services</b><br>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_1=${rd_test_data}/oy/mail/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_1}*-"><b>Mail</b></a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_2=${rd_test_data}/oy/mobile/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_2}*-"><b>Mobile/SMS</b></a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_3=${rd_test_data}/oy/finance/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_3}*-">Finance</a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_4=${rd_test_data}/oy/travel/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_4}*-">Travel</a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_5=${rd_test_data}/oy/shopping/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_5}*-">Shopping</a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_6=${rd_test_data}/oy/companion/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_6}*-"><b>Companion</b></a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_7=${rd_test_data}/oy/messenger/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_7}*-"><b>Messenger</b></a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_8=${rd_test_data}/oy/sports/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_8}*-">Sport</a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_more=${rd_test_data}/oy/more/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_more}*-"><b>More...</b></a>
<p><font face=arial size=-1><B>Other Search Engines</b><br>
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_1=${rd_test_data}/results/altavista/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_1}*-$pattern&kl=&what=uk&CampID=244&AVTrack=1&CampTP=ukresult/clickthru"><b>Altavista</b></a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_2=${rd_test_data}/results/askjeeves/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_2}*-$pattern&origin=1035"><b>Ask Jeeves</b></a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_3=${rd_test_data}/results/doras/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_3}*-$pattern&Source=Yahoo&">Doras</a> -
<!-- if $testID -->
##set test_other_url_more=${rd_test_data}/results/more/*-
<!-- endif $testID -->
<a href="${test_other_url_more}*-">More...</a>
<!-- endif $nsites>0 -->
<td align=center>
##func info_insertion:S
<hr size=1 noshade>
<!-- if $showDir==0 -->
Search Technology provided by Google
<!-- endif $showDir==0 --> <center><small><i>
(Sites included are property of their respective owners and may be protected<br>
by copyrights, trademarks or other proprietary rights and laws.)<br>
Copyright © 2003 Yahoo! UK Limited. All rights reserved.</i></small>
<hr width="600" size=1>
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<img alt="" width=1 height=1 src="$pattern&s=11111254">
##func info_insertion:PU
<!-- if $testID -->
<!-- if $showDir=0 -->
##set testlog=|testg/${testID}_${bucket}
<!-- else -->
##set testlog=|test/${testID}_${bucket}
<!-- endif -->
<!-- endif -->
##set log {##func ysTableGet("subprocess_env,logTempData") }
##set log {<!-- if $log -->$log|<!-- endif -->${iylog}${testlog} }
##func ysTableSet("subprocess_env,logTempData,$log")
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