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Forked from edwardhorsford/filters.js
Created February 27, 2020 14:51
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Useful Nunjucks filters for the GOV.UK Prototype Kit
Convert an array to form needed for govukTable macro
Expects array or nested array.
{% set tableData = [
["1 January", "Friday", "New Year’s Day"],
["2 April", "Friday", "Good Friday"],
["5 April", "Monday", "Easter Monday"]
{{ govukTable({
caption: "2021 Bank holidays",
firstCellIsHeader: true,
head: [
text: "Date"
text: "Day of week"
text: "Holiday name"
rows: tableData | arrayToGovukTable
}) }}
filters.arrayToGovukTable = (array) => {
// Coerce to nested array
array = (Array.isArray(array[0])) ? array : [array]
let tableData = []
array.forEach(row => {
let rowData = []
row.forEach(item => {
html: item // html for flexibility
// tableData = (tableData.length == 1) ? tableData[0] : tableData
return tableData;
Convert a CSV string to array or nested array
Expects CSV string. Requires 'csv-string' npm module
let csvData =
"Product images,✔,✔,✔,✗
Case images,✔,✔,✔,✗
Attachments uploaded with a document,✔,✔,✔,✗
Generic attachments,✔,✔,✗,✗"
{% set arrayData = csvData | csvToArray %}
var CSV = require('csv-string')
filters.csvToArray = (csvString) => {
array = CSV.parse(csvString);
// Flatten nested array if it's only a single line
array = (array.length == 1) ? array[0] : array
return array;
Convert a CSV string to form needed for govukTable macro
Expects a CSV string. Requires csvToArray filter (above)
{% set tableData =
"1 Janury, Friday, New Year’s Day
2 April, Friday, Good Friday
5 April, Monday, Easter Monday"
{{ govukTable({
caption: "2021 Bank holidays",
firstCellIsHeader: true,
head: [
text: "Date"
text: "Day of week"
text: "Holiday name"
rows: tableData | csvToGovukTable
}) }}
filters.csvToGovukTable = (csvString) => {
let array = filters.csvToArray(csvString)
return filters.arrayToGovukTable(array);
Convert a nested array to form needed for govukSummaryList
Expects nested array. Key and value are required, the others optional
let summaryListData = [
[ "Full name", "Ed Horsford", "/change-name"],
[ "Email address", "", "/change-email"],
[ "Password", "Set 22 days ago", "/reset", "Reset", "your password"],
{{ govukSummaryList({
rows: summaryListData | arrayToSummaryList
}) }}
filters.arrayToSummaryList = array => {
let arrData = []
array.forEach( row => {
let key = row[0] // required
let value = row[1] // required
let href = (row[2] != null) ? row[2] : false
let text = (row[3] != null ) ? row[3] : "Change"
let visuallyHiddenText = (row[4] != null ) ? row[4] : row[0].toLowerCase()
let rowData = {
key: {
text: key
value: {
html: value // html for flexibility
// Action (optional)
if (href){
let item = {
rowData.actions = {
items: [item]
return arrData;
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