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Last active January 7, 2023 09:51
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CFG derivation tester
package main
import (
func main() {
// ! Edit grammar
cfg := NewGrammar('S', map[byte]Rule{
'S': {"", "SS", "aSb", "bSa"},
// ! Edit test cases
// ************************** TESTER SOURCE **************************
type Rule = []string
type Grammar struct {
initialVariable byte
rules []*Rule
func NewGrammar(initialVariable byte, rules map[byte]Rule) (cfg Grammar) {
cfg.initialVariable = initialVariable
cfg.rules = make([]*Rule, 'Z'-'A'+1)
for variable, rule := range rules {
cfg.rules[variable-'A'] = &rule
func (cfg *Grammar) Get(variable byte) *Rule {
if variable < 'A' || variable > 'Z' {
return nil
return cfg.rules[variable-'A']
func (cfg *Grammar) TestDerivation(test string) {
displayTest := test
if test == "" {
displayTest = "<empty string>"
if cfg.CanDerive(test) {
fmt.Println("Accept:", displayTest)
} else {
fmt.Println("Reject:", displayTest)
func (cfg *Grammar) CanDerive(test string) bool {
derived := make([]byte, len(test))
toDerive := fmt.Sprintf("%c", cfg.initialVariable)
return cfg.canDerive(&test, &derived, 0, toDerive, 15)
func (cfg *Grammar) canDerive(
test *string,
derived *[]byte,
derivedOffset int,
toDerive string,
depth int,
) bool {
if depth < 0 {
// Too many recursive calls
return false
alreadyDerived := string(*derived)[:derivedOffset]
if !strings.HasPrefix(*test, alreadyDerived) {
// The string I'm deriving starts with "alreadyDerived", but "test" doesn't
return false
// Copy terminal variables until found
nonTerminalVarFoundAtIndex := -1
for i, variable := range toDerive {
if cfg.Get(byte(variable)) == nil {
// It's a terminal variable, copy if there is enough space
if derivedOffset == len(*test) {
// No more space left and the string has not ended yet
return false
(*derived)[derivedOffset] = byte(variable)
} else {
// Non terminal variable found!
nonTerminalVarFoundAtIndex = i
if nonTerminalVarFoundAtIndex >= 0 {
// Must derive a non terminal variable
for _, rule := range *cfg.Get(toDerive[nonTerminalVarFoundAtIndex]) {
// Apply this rule and keep going
nextToDerive := rule + toDerive[nonTerminalVarFoundAtIndex+1:]
if cfg.canDerive(test, derived, derivedOffset, nextToDerive, depth-1) {
// Propagate acceptance!
return true
// No branch accepted, refuse
return false
} else {
// Derivation has ended
return derivedOffset == len(*test) && string(*derived) == *test
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