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Simone Primarosa simonepri

Getting ML research experience.
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simonepri /
Last active May 23, 2020 09:41
GED Utils
lcpz / revolut-gma.bash
Last active August 4, 2023 17:04
Giacenza Media Annua for Revolut accounts
# Compute the Giacenza Media Annua (GMA) of a Revolut account, required by the Italian INPS.
# Dependencies: awk, GNU date, getopts, xargs
# Computation method:
# Thread on Revolut forum:
# Assumptions:
dentechy /
Last active August 16, 2024 09:18
A step by step tutorial on how to automatically start ssh server on boot on the Windows Subsystem for Linux

How to automatically start ssh server on boot on Windows Subsystem for Linux

Microsoft partnered with Canonical to create Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, running through a technology called the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Below are instructions on how to set up the ssh server to run automatically at boot.

  1. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file by running the command sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config and do the following
    1. Change Port to 2222 (or any other port above 1000)
    2. Change PasswordAuthentication to yes. This can be changed back to no if ssh keys are setup.
  2. Restart the ssh server:
    • sudo service ssh --full-restart
  3. With this setup, the ssh server must be turned on every time you run Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, as by default it is off. Use this command to turn it on:
iaincollins / Google Spreadsheet.js
Last active May 30, 2021 16:03
Example Node.js code to append to a Google Spreadsheet every hour
* Append data to a Google Spreadsheet
* You will need a file called '.env' with the following values:
* - GOOGLE_ID (Google oAuth Client ID)
* - GOOGLE_SECRET (Google oAuth Client Secret)
* - GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN (Google oAuth Refresh Token)
* - GOOGLE_SPREADSHEET_ID (Google Spreadsheet ID)
// Includes functions for exporting active sheet or all sheets as JSON object (also Python object syntax compatible).
// Tweak the makePrettyJSON_ function to customize what kind of JSON to export.
var FORMAT_ONELINE = 'One-line';
var FORMAT_MULTILINE = 'Multi-line';
var FORMAT_PRETTY = 'Pretty';
var LANGUAGE_JS = 'JavaScript';
var LANGUAGE_PYTHON = 'Python';
CyberPunkCodes /
Last active November 21, 2022 16:41
Mac Bash script to kill Adobe Create Cloud and other processes that Adobe forces on us.
echo "\n\n--- Killing Stupid Adobe Auto Load Crap ---\n\n"
launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist
launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchAgents/com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
echo "\n\n--- Done! ---\n\n"
Bhavdip /
Created October 6, 2016 15:53
Modify Sketch to never ending trial

###Sketch trial non stop

Open hosts files:

$ open /private/etc/hosts

Edit the file adding:

rougier /
Created January 25, 2016 09:50
A fast way to calculate binomial coefficients in python (Andrew Dalke)
def binomial(n, k):
A fast way to calculate binomial coefficients by Andrew Dalke.
if 0 <= k <= n:
ntok = 1
ktok = 1
for t in xrange(1, min(k, n - k) + 1):
ntok *= n
jcouyang / contribution-svg.rb
Last active February 11, 2023 22:32
SVG image for your github contributions calendar
require "nokogiri"
require "open-uri"
url = "{params['username']}"
document = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
contrib_boxes = document.css('svg.js-calendar-graph-svg')[0]
width = (params['width']||54*13-2).to_i
height = (params['height']||89).to_i
// Restify Server CheatSheet.
// More about the API:
// Install restify with npm install restify
// 1.1. Creating a Server.
var restify = require('restify');