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Created March 13, 2023 07:28
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from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.otBase import OTTableWriter
import sys
from fontTools.feaLib.lookupDebugInfo import LOOKUP_DEBUG_INFO_KEY
font = TTFont(sys.argv[1])
def locate(table, ix):
if "Debg" not in font:
return str(ix)
debg = font["Debg"].data[LOOKUP_DEBUG_INFO_KEY][table].get(str(ix))
if debg:
return f"{ix} = {debg[0]} ({debg[1]})"
return str(ix)
for table in ["GSUB", "GPOS"]:
print(f"{table} table")
lookups = font.get(table).table.LookupList.Lookup
sizes = []
for ix, lookup in enumerate(lookups):
writer = OTTableWriter()
lookup.compile(writer, font)
sizes.append((locate(table, ix), len(writer.getAllData())))
for location, size in (list(sorted(sizes, key=lambda a:-a[1])))[0:10]:
print(location, "\t", size)
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