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Forked from nathanchere/
Created March 24, 2018 13:55
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Build Polybar on Fedora-ish systems
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Builds Polybar on Fedora-based systems
# Tested on Fedora 25, Fedora 26 and Korora 25, untested on others
# To get started:
# wget -O- | bash
sudo dnf install -y cmake @development-tools gcc-c++ i3-ipc jsoncpp-devel alsa-lib-devel wireless-tools-devel libmpdclient-devel libcurl-devel cairo-devel xcb-proto xcb-util-devel xcb-util-wm-devel xcb-util-image-devel
rm -rf /tmp/polybar
git clone --recursive /tmp/polybar
cd /tmp/polybar
pkill polybar
./ -f
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Builds Polybar on Fedora-based systems
# Tested on Fedora 25, Fedora 26 and Korora 25, untested on others
# To get started:
# wget -O- | bash
# Main build dependencies #
sudo dnf install -y cmake @development-tools gcc-c++
sudo dnf install -y cairo-devel xcb-proto xcb-util-devel xcb-util-wm-devel xcb-util-image-devel
# Optional module dependencies #
# i3
sudo dnf -y install i3-ipc jsoncpp-devel
# Volume
sudo dnf -y install alsa-lib-devel
# Network
sudo dnf -y install wireless-tools-devel
sudo dnf -y install libmpdclient-devel
# Github
sudo dnf -y install libcurl-devel
# Get latest Polybar source #
# Clone repo locally
rm -rf /tmp/polybar
git clone --recursive /tmp/polybar
cd /tmp/polybar
# Check out the latest tagged release
currentRelease=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
git checkout $currentRelease
./ -f
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