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  • Save sigmaprojects/a8bbbe745805101c4a0211fd6aa5719d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// the nonce can be any unique identifier -- guids and timestamps work well
nonce = uniqid();
// a standard unix timestamp. a request must be received within 60s
// of its timestamp header.
timestamp = now(); // but get the seconds, I forget what it is... now().getTime()?
// setting up the request data itself
verb = "POST";
cUrl = "";
requestData = [
// this is a pretty minimalistic example...
// complete reference material is available on the dev portal.
"Ecommerce" => [
"OrderNumber" => "Invoice " . rand(0, 1000),
"Amounts" => [
"Total" => "1.00"
"CardData" => [
"Number" => "5454545454545454",
"Expiration" => "1019"
// convert to json for transport
payload = serializeJson(requestData);
// the request is authorized via an HMAC header that we generate by
// concatenating certain info, and then hashing it using our client key
toBeHashed = verb & cUrl & payload & merchantCredentials["ID"] & nonce & timestamp;
hmac = getHmac(toBeHashed, developerCredentials["KEY"]);
// ok, let's make the request! cURL is always an option, of course,
// but i find that file_get_contents is a bit more intuitive.
$context = stream_context_create($config);
$result = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
$response = json_decode($result);
cfhttp(method=VERB, charset="utf-8", url=cUrl, result="result") {
cfhttpparam(name="clientId", type="header", value=developerCredentials["ID"]);
cfhttpparam(name="merchantId", type="header", value=merchantCredentials["ID"]);
cfhttpparam(name="merchantKey", type="header", value=merchantCredentials["KEY"]);
cfhttpparam(name="nonce", type="header", value=nonce);
cfhttpparam(name="timestamp", type="header", value=timestamp);
cfhttpparam(name="authorization", type="header", value=hmac);
cfhttpparam(name="content-type", type="header", value="application/json");
cfhttpparam(type="body", value=payload);
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