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Last active March 20, 2022 19:46
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  • Save sigmaSd/69a45af461e7a6acc6c43f7099186393 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const $ = async (e: string) => {
cmd: ["sh", "-c", e],
const MAKE = "make";
const PUBLIC_DIR = "public";
const OUT_DIR = "build";
const BUNDLED = `${OUT_DIR}/bundle.js`;
const MINIFIED = `${OUT_DIR}/bundle.min.js`;
const IGNORE = `--ignore=${PUBLIC_DIR},${OUT_DIR},docs,`;
const CONFIG = "--config tsconfig.json";
export const tasks: {
[key: string]: () => Promise<void>;
} = {
all: async () => {
await tasks.hooks();
await tasks.install();
await tasks["fmt-check"]();
await tasks.lint();
// deno-lint-ignore require-await
help: async () => {
h: async () => {
hooks: async () => {
await $(`cd .git/hooks && ln -s -f ../../hooks/pre-push pre-push`);
install: async () => {
await $(`deno cache deps.ts`);
await $(`deno cache dev_deps.ts`);
upgrade: async () => {
await $(`deno cache --reload deps.ts`);
await $(`deno cache --reload dev_deps.ts`);
fmt: async () => {
await $(`deno fmt ${IGNORE} --unstable`);
"fmt-check": async () => {
await $(`deno fmt --check ${IGNORE} --unstable`);
lint: async () => {
await $(`deno lint --unstable ${IGNORE}`);
l: async () => {
await tasks.lint();
clean: async () => {
await $(`rm -rf ${OUT_DIR}`);
assets: async () => {
await $(`mkdir -p ${OUT_DIR}`);
await $(`cp ${PUBLIC_DIR}/styles.css ${OUT_DIR}`);
"bundle-dev": async () => {
await $(`cp ${PUBLIC_DIR}/dev.html ${OUT_DIR}/index.html`);
await $(`deno bundle --watch ${CONFIG} src/index.jsx ${BUNDLED}`);
"bundle-prod": async () => {
await $(`cp ${PUBLIC_DIR}/prod.html ${OUT_DIR}/index.html`);
await $(`deno bundle ${CONFIG} src/index.jsx ${BUNDLED}`);
"static-server": async () => {
await $(`deno run ${CONFIG} --allow-net --allow-read static.ts`);
serve: async () => {
await $(`${MAKE} -j 2 bundle-dev static-server`);
s: async () => {
await tasks.serve();
minify: async () => {
await $(`npx esbuild ${BUNDLED} \
--outfile=${MINIFIED} \
--minify \
--sourcemap \
build: async () => {
await tasks["bundle-prod"]();
await tasks.minify();
await tasks[Deno.args[0] || "install"]();
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