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Created August 13, 2022 12:51
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Get deno.json that was used in this run by deno
export const getDenoJson = async () => {
const parseMaps = (maps: string) => {
const data = [];
for (const line of maps.split("\n")) {
if (!line) {
const [adddrRange, flags, , , , name] = line.split(/ +/);
name: name !== "" ? name : undefined,
startAddr: parseInt(adddrRange.split("-")[0], 16),
endAddr: parseInt(adddrRange.split("-")[1], 16),
flags: {
r: flags.includes("r"),
w: flags.includes("w"),
return data;
const maps = Deno.readTextFileSync("/proc/self/maps");
const mem = Deno.openSync("/proc/self/mem");
const heap = parseMaps(maps).find((d) => == "[heap]");
Deno.seekSync(mem.rid, heap!.startAddr, Deno.SeekMode.Start);
class Finder extends WritableStream<string> {
sink: Sink;
constructor(start: string, end: string) {
const sink = new Sink(start, end);
this.sink = sink;
/// use global variable because the class is destroyed when an exception is rose
let target: string | undefined;
class Sink implements UnderlyingSink<string> {
constructor(public startS: string, public endS: string) {
write(chunk: string) {
if (!target && chunk.includes(this.endS)) {
const startIndex = chunk.indexOf(this.startS);
const endIndex = startIndex +
chunk.slice(startIndex).indexOf(this.endS) +
const result = chunk.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
if (result) {
target = result;
const finder = new Finder("file:///", "deno.json");
const stringMem = mem.readable.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).pipeTo(
try {
await stringMem;
} catch { /*ignore*/ }
return target;
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