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Created August 29, 2024 03:02
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Función que genera un output similar al de stargazer, pero en formato tabulado para que puedan exportarlo
generate_regression_table <- function(models, se_type = "HC3") {
# Initialize lists to store results
results_list <- list()
# Loop over each model
for (i in seq_along(models)) {
model <- models[[i]]
# Calculate robust standard errors
robust_se <- sqrt(diag(vcovHC(model, type = se_type)))
# Extract model statistics
coefficients <- coef(model)
std_errors <- robust_se
t_values <- coefficients / std_errors
p_values <- 2 * pt(-abs(t_values), df = df.residual(model))
# Extract additional model statistics
n_obs <- length(model$residuals)
r_squared <- summary(model)$r.squared
adj_r_squared <- summary(model)$adj.r.squared
residual_std_error <- summary(model)$sigma
f_statistic <- summary(model)$fstatistic[1]
# Create a data frame for the coefficients and standard errors
model_df <- data.frame(
Term = names(coefficients),
Coefficient = paste0(round(coefficients, 4), " (", round(std_errors, 4), ")")
# Add other statistics to the model data frame
model_df <- rbind(
data.frame(Term = "N", Coefficient = n_obs),
data.frame(Term = "R^2", Coefficient = round(r_squared, 4)),
data.frame(Term = "Adj. R^2", Coefficient = round(adj_r_squared, 4)),
data.frame(Term = "Residual Std. Error", Coefficient = round(residual_std_error, 4)),
data.frame(Term = "F Statistic", Coefficient = round(f_statistic, 4))
# Store the model results in the list
results_list[[paste("Model", i)]] <- model_df$Coefficient
# Combine all models' results into a single data frame
final_results <- data.frame(
Term = model_df$Term,, results_list)
# Return the final results as a data frame
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