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Last active September 14, 2022 13:43
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fullstack mentorship start
tell me about yourself
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what are your short-term goals?
what are your long-term goals?
what are you right now? only backend, only frontend, fullstack?
what stack do you use today?
what stack do you wanna learn?
what is your current company (if any)? do you have space to grow there?
how can I help you?
send me a list of questions that you wanna me to answer/help
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sibelius commented Dec 10, 2021

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  • tell me about yourself
    I'm someone trying to find a path I love, where work can be something I like to do. My first experience with IT goes back to the end of the '90s when I spent a year studying computer science. By then it appeared to be a good idea to change my path to advertising. After college and almost 10 years working with it, I came to realize my favorite things about work were technology-related. Then, almost 40 years old, I went back to college to study Software Engineering. Now I'm finishing my first year working as a front-end developer. But I miss the back-end part of the job and I think there are a few more opportunities for full-stack developers.
  • send me your GitHub
  • send me your LinkedIn
  • what are your short-term goals?
    become a more complete software developer
  • what are your long-term goals?
    let advertising go and find a career path where I love what I do
  • what are you right now? only backend, only frontend, fullstack?
    I'm a front-end developer
  • what stack do you use today?
  • HTML, CSS, JS, ReactJS, SQL Server
  • what stack do you wanna learn?
    MySQL, PostgreSQL, Java, Springboot or NodeJS
  • what is your current company (if any)? do you have space to grow there?
    I'm working for Furnas through Solutis Tecnologias. It appears to be a good place to grow, but it seems to take a longer time than I want. Maybe it could be quicker in someplace else
  • how can I help you?
    In college, you have a structure that shows you a lot, but there isn't time to go deep in some subjects. You could help me find a way to study a stack that will lead me to better jobs, greater enterprises, and startups. You can even help me find a way to jump from front-end developer to software engineer. I know a University Degree does not make me an engineer, so your help would be great.

What is the best stack to work with companies from outside the country?
Is it better to learn back-end in Java or Node?
Any website tips to find remote jobs?
What are the main data structures for a fullstack developer?
What is generally expected of a junior in technical interviews? What changes in these questions for those looking for fullstack or front-end jobs?
Starting at 40 is one thing, but should I hope as a senior at 50?

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@dmitryrocha can you ping me on twitter?

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right now

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eduardo-borges-goncalves commented Jan 23, 2022

Well. I'm a self-taught student and a big fan of Jobs. My English it's not soo good, so, I apologize for it. I'm a student that wanna get in a technology team to work. It can be with data science, or web, or robotics, I don't have passion yet in IT. My real dream, at this point, it was create things that change the people life. Like, a integration between man and machine to get up the intelligence of some people that have really problems to learn. But, I really know that it's not easy, so I can change life people getting other things better. Example, I started to development a system to SUS users that notify them about them exams are scheduled, about them position when they wait to the exams are scheduled, to turn the SUS process more clear, transparent and accessible. This, for me, it what I love in technology. The chance to get the things better and easier. I also wanna to say that I'm really workaholic and dedicated when I wanna something. Besides that, I really like to help people, like, I'm felling really really gorgeous when I do that.


My short-term goals it's get in a IT company to practice and get more knowledge. At this moment, it's really that. But it's also study technology, because I feel that I don't know enough yet to work. Fábio Akita say that we need to know more to not became just a code copier. I wanna know what it's happening in everything. But I also question it because, if it's to me just make an a ecommerce, this is really necessary? Until where I need to study?

How I said before, my long-term goals it's work creating integration between man and machine. But it's also work in USA or Europe. I wanna become fluent in English too.

I'm student, so I'm studying front and back to get know and choose what I like more. But I like both until now.

I use javascript, css, html, node and I'm learning Java.

So many things, but first I have double about Java or react and node or ruby on rails.

I'm in prefeitura de Anápolis like public server and in Remotar Jobs like intern. In both, I think not. The remotar it's great but it's really at the beginning, so they don't have the structure yet.

  1. Well, I'm really confused how about language study, how the opportunities are going in the Brasilian market at this moment, and I wanna your really good advice about that. And, if a bootcamp worth in this moment or just study and apply to jobs it's enough.

Questions: Java or node?
Why node don't have junior opportunities in Brasil.

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devmateusramos commented Jan 23, 2022

tell me about yourself:

Eu sou de Palmas Tocantins. Sou estudante na faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica no IFTO no 7 período. Durante a pandemia eu passei refletir muito sobre o que gosto e como eu gostaria de trabalhar resolvendo problemas, mas o que eu mais tinha visto de legal na faculdade de engenharia elétrica que me identifiquei eram as áreas de computação e tecnologia. Foi então que comecei minha jornada aprendendo programação até que cerca de um tempo atrás aprendendo sobre Javascript, React, Node conheci sobre o Sibelius e pude estar pegando um monte de dicas que me ajudaram. Principalmente o post de conseguindo o primeiro emprego. Persisti em estudar Node e React até que comecei a trabalhar numa startup e tenho convicção de que quero ser um Engenheiro de Software hoje.

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what are your short-term goals?

Me tornar um desenvolvedor "pleno". Ou seja que consegue resolver problemas de formas hábeis e que já possui um valor bom pro mercado de trabalho o suficiente para eu gerar resultados e conseguir ter uma renda de me manter desenvolvendo Software que é o que amo e poder ajudar minha família.

what are your long-term goals?

Me tornar um desenvolvedor Senior com alta capacidade de entrega e com maior acesso para ajudar mais pessoas a entrarem na tecnologia e também para pessoas que como eu nunca tiveram muito acesso na vida por questões de serem minorias sociais.

what are you right now? only backend, only frontend, fullstack?

Eu sou um desenvolvedor Full Stack. Tenho 4, quase 5 meses de experiência de trabalho desenvolvendo ecommerces com Node, Express, Typescript, Docker,, React, Javascript, Sass, Material UI. Tenho recentemente começado a estudar mais sobre Go (golang), estou concluindo o curso da Elen Korbes ainda estou na metade. Mas desejo ir adicionando o Go como uma das minhas Stacks que domino e também tenho experiência programando em Python por uns 4 anos mas não foi desenvolvimento Back End foram só coisas de Engenharia mesmo como cálculo, transformada de La Place essas coisas.

what stack do you use today?

Node, Typescript, Docker, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, React, Redux, Next.js

what stack do you wanna learn?

Mais frameworks de Node.js, GraphQL, Relay, Golang, React Native e Flutter.

what is your current company (if any)? do you have space to grow there?

É uma Startup de Palmas Tocantins onde moro chamada Nervu Sistemas, e tenho uma outra que fui recentemente contratado chamada NSH Technologies. Não me passaram mais tasks assim na Startup e é uma situação complicada mas que sou grato de poder ter aprendido muito com eles. Não sei sobre eu ter espaço para aprender pois estou numa situação incerta com eles. Mas na outra acredito que sim, estarei cosntruindo componentes com React, Knockout e lidando com Node para o Ecommerce, porém é uma caraga horária ainda baixa mas não sei como vai ser, eu posso arrumar um outro trabalho dependendo do que desenrolar sobre a startup, afinal não tenho sido pago mesmo após 3 meses de trabalho nela, e não tem ninguém me ajudando e não recebi mais task dela esse mês, por isso eu busco um outro trabalho também pra ser meu principal.

how can I help you?

Gostaria de ter a mentoria assíncrona pra me ajudar a evoluir a ponto de ser um desenvolvedor Full Stack Pleno pronto para trabalhar na Entria, com a mentalidade e habilidades corretas pra que eu evolua e contribua nesse trabalho cada vez mais.

send me a list of questions that you wanna me to answer/help

Posso ir fazendo a mentoria tranquilo até atingir o nível de skill que fique claro que estou pronto pra trabalhar na Entria como um Pleno e ser ajudado nessa caminhada até eu atingir essa evolução?
Acha que é melhor eu ir focando em concluir grandes partes dos meus crudes com o Node no Back End e React no Front e só depois de dominar isso distribuir tempo pro React Native?

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tell me about yourself
I'm Darlan Oliveira, 18 Years Old and I am a Computer Science student;

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what are your short-term goals?
Getting into the job market in the Programming/Development area!

what are your long-term goals?
Be a Senior Programmer with recognition due to skills and effort in the market. May in the future be a reference to the younger ones.

what are you right now? only backend, only frontend, fullstack?
Actually, Fullstack.

what stack do you use today?
I Use HTML, CSS, Python mostly recently, but I use more Python, and i have knowledge on mySQL, C#, and a bit Of: Firebase, H2, Java(with Spring Boot React);

what stack do you wanna learn?
ReactJS, Angular, Typescript, React Spring boot, Java.

what is your current company (if any)? do you have space to grow there
I don't have any company actually. I don't experienced any of the professional experiences of a programmer yet.

how can I help you?
You can tutor me in hard moments in the company.

send me a list of questions that you wanna me to answer/help
How did you get your first job in the stack?

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