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Created April 22, 2020 02:09
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Save siahuat0727/7399f6c4b8cb7f6a26adf9a67c7eb050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lane line detection
name: "lane line detection"
#layer {
# name: "data_lane"
# type: "LaneLineData"
# top: "data_lane"
# top: "label_lane"
# transform_param {
# mean_value: 95
# mean_value: 99
# mean_value: 96
# mirror: false
# }
# lane_line_param {
# lane_parsing: false
# lane_reg: true
# label_road_col: 5
# label_lane_col: 4
# downsample: 8
# road_num: 3
# center_line_mask_ratio: 0.3
# debug: false
# single_thread: false
# label_height_reverse: true
# }
# image_data_param {
# root_folder: "data/lane_line_l4/"
# source: "data/lane_line_l4/train_list.txt"
# batch_size: 8
# shuffle: true
# start_height: 80 #300
# crop_height: 960
# crop_width: 960 #1920
# new_height: 768 #384
# new_width: 768
# # lane_fill_pixels_700: 3
# # lane_fill_pixels_1200: 18
# }
# include {
# phase: TRAIN
# }
layer {
name: "data"
type: "Input"
top: "data"
input_param {
shape {
dim: 1
dim: 3 #640
dim: 640 #1920
dim: 1536
############################################ Entry flow ####################################################
############## conv1 ##############
layer {
name: "conv1"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "data"
top: "conv1"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 32
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
stride: 2
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
layer {
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
name: "bn_conv1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
name: "scale_conv1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "conv1_relu"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv1"
############## conv2 ##############
layer {
name: "conv2"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv1"
top: "conv2"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 48
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
bias_term: false
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
layer {
bottom: "conv2"
top: "conv2"
name: "bn_conv2"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "conv2"
top: "conv2"
name: "scale_conv2"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "conv2_relu"
type: "ReLU"
bottom: "conv2"
top: "conv2"
####################### pooling 1 ##########################
layer {
bottom: "conv2"
top: "pool1"
name: "pool1"
type: "Pooling"
pooling_param {
kernel_size: 2
stride: 2
pool: MAX
############################ res2a ############################
layer {
bottom: "pool1"
top: "res2a_branch1"
name: "res2a_branch1"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch1"
top: "res2a_branch1"
name: "bn2a_branch1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch1"
top: "res2a_branch1"
name: "scale2a_branch1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "pool1"
top: "res2a_branch2a"
name: "res2a_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
top: "res2a_branch2a"
name: "bn2a_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
top: "res2a_branch2a"
name: "scale2a_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
top: "res2a_branch2a"
name: "res2a_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch2a"
top: "res2a_branch2b"
name: "res2a_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
top: "res2a_branch2b"
name: "bn2a_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
top: "res2a_branch2b"
name: "scale2a_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res2a_branch1"
bottom: "res2a_branch2b"
top: "res2a"
name: "res2a"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res2a"
top: "res2a"
name: "res2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
############################ res2b ############################
layer {
bottom: "res2a"
top: "res2b_branch2a"
name: "res2b_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
top: "res2b_branch2a"
name: "bn2b_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
top: "res2b_branch2a"
name: "scale2b_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
top: "res2b_branch2a"
name: "res2b_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res2b_branch2a"
top: "res2b_branch2b"
name: "res2b_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 64
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
top: "res2b_branch2b"
name: "bn2b_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
top: "res2b_branch2b"
name: "scale2b_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res2a"
bottom: "res2b_branch2b"
top: "res2b"
name: "res2b"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res2b"
top: "res2b"
name: "res2b_relu"
type: "ReLU"
######################## res 3a ########################
layer {
bottom: "res2b"
top: "res3a_branch1"
name: "res3a_branch1"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch1"
top: "res3a_branch1"
name: "bn3a_branch1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch1"
top: "res3a_branch1"
name: "scale3a_branch1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res2b"
top: "res3a_branch2a"
name: "res3a_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
top: "res3a_branch2a"
name: "bn3a_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
top: "res3a_branch2a"
name: "scale3a_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
top: "res3a_branch2a"
name: "res3a_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch2a"
top: "res3a_branch2b"
name: "res3a_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
top: "res3a_branch2b"
name: "bn3a_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
top: "res3a_branch2b"
name: "scale3a_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3a_branch1"
bottom: "res3a_branch2b"
top: "res3a"
name: "res3a"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res3a"
top: "res3a"
name: "res3a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
####################### res 3b ####################
layer {
bottom: "res3a"
top: "res3b_branch2a"
name: "res3b_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
top: "res3b_branch2a"
name: "bn3b_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
top: "res3b_branch2a"
name: "scale3b_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
top: "res3b_branch2a"
name: "res3b_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res3b_branch2a"
top: "res3b_branch2b"
name: "res3b_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
top: "res3b_branch2b"
name: "bn3b_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
top: "res3b_branch2b"
name: "scale3b_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3a"
bottom: "res3b_branch2b"
top: "res3b"
name: "res3b"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res3b"
top: "res3b"
name: "res3b_relu"
type: "ReLU"
#################### res 3c ##################
layer {
bottom: "res3b"
top: "res3c_branch2a"
name: "res3c_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
top: "res3c_branch2a"
name: "bn3c_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
top: "res3c_branch2a"
name: "scale3c_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
top: "res3c_branch2a"
name: "res3c_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res3c_branch2a"
top: "res3c_branch2b"
name: "res3c_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
top: "res3c_branch2b"
name: "bn3c_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
top: "res3c_branch2b"
name: "scale3c_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3b"
bottom: "res3c_branch2b"
top: "res3c"
name: "res3c"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res3c"
top: "res3c"
name: "res3c_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res3c"
top: "res3c_input_8"
name: "res3c_input_8"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 96
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res3c_input_8"
top: "res3c_input_8"
name: "bnres3c_input_8"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res3c_input_8"
top: "res3c_input_8"
name: "scaleres3c_input_8"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3c_input_8"
top: "res3c_input_8"
name: "res3c_input_8_relu"
type: "ReLU"
################### res 4a ####################
layer {
bottom: "res3c"
top: "res4a_branch1"
name: "res4a_branch1"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch1"
top: "res4a_branch1"
name: "bn4a_branch1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch1"
top: "res4a_branch1"
name: "scale4a_branch1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res3c"
top: "res4a_branch2a"
name: "res4a_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
top: "res4a_branch2a"
name: "bn4a_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
top: "res4a_branch2a"
name: "scale4a_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
top: "res4a_branch2a"
name: "res4a_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch2a"
top: "res4a_branch2b"
name: "res4a_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
top: "res4a_branch2b"
name: "bn4a_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
top: "res4a_branch2b"
name: "scale4a_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4a_branch1"
bottom: "res4a_branch2b"
top: "res4a"
name: "res4a"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res4a"
top: "res4a"
name: "res4a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
######################### res 4b ########################
layer {
bottom: "res4a"
top: "res4b_branch2a"
name: "res4b_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
#kernel_size: 3
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 5
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 2
#pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
top: "res4b_branch2a"
name: "bn4b_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
top: "res4b_branch2a"
name: "scale4b_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
top: "res4b_branch2a"
name: "res4b_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res4b_branch2a"
top: "res4b_branch2b"
name: "res4b_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
#kernel_size: 3
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 5
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 2
#pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
top: "res4b_branch2b"
name: "bn4b_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
top: "res4b_branch2b"
name: "scale4b_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4a"
bottom: "res4b_branch2b"
top: "res4b"
name: "res4b"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res4b"
top: "res4b"
name: "res4b_relu"
type: "ReLU"
######################## res 4c ###############
layer {
bottom: "res4b"
top: "res4c_branch2a"
name: "res4c_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
#kernel_size: 3
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 5
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 2
#pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
top: "res4c_branch2a"
name: "bn4c_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
top: "res4c_branch2a"
name: "scale4c_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
top: "res4c_branch2a"
name: "res4c_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res4c_branch2a"
top: "res4c_branch2b"
name: "res4c_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
#kernel_size: 3
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 5
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 2
#pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
top: "res4c_branch2b"
name: "bn4c_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
top: "res4c_branch2b"
name: "scale4c_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4b"
bottom: "res4c_branch2b"
top: "res4c"
name: "res4c"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res4c"
top: "res4c"
name: "res4c_relu"
type: "ReLU"
######################## res 4d #######################
layer {
bottom: "res4c"
top: "res4d_branch2a"
name: "res4d_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
#kernel_size: 3
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 5
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 2
#pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
top: "res4d_branch2a"
name: "bn4d_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
top: "res4d_branch2a"
name: "scale4d_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
top: "res4d_branch2a"
name: "res4d_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res4d_branch2a"
top: "res4d_branch2b"
name: "res4d_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
#kernel_size: 3
kernel_h: 3
kernel_w: 5
pad_h: 1
pad_w: 2
#pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
top: "res4d_branch2b"
name: "bn4d_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
top: "res4d_branch2b"
name: "scale4d_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4c"
bottom: "res4d_branch2b"
top: "res4d"
name: "res4d"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res4d"
top: "res4d"
name: "res4d_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res4d"
top: "res4d_input_16"
name: "res4d_input_16"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 144
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res4d_input_16"
top: "res4d_input_16"
name: "bnres4d_input_16"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res4d_input_16"
top: "res4d_input_16"
name: "scaleres4d_input_16"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4d_input_16"
top: "res4d_input_16"
name: "res4d_input_16_relu"
type: "ReLU"
#################### res 5a###################
layer {
bottom: "res4d"
top: "res5a_branch1"
name: "res5a_branch1"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 216
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch1"
top: "res5a_branch1"
name: "bn5a_branch1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch1"
top: "res5a_branch1"
name: "scale5a_branch1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res4d"
top: "res5a_branch2a"
name: "res5a_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 216
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
top: "res5a_branch2a"
name: "bn5a_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
top: "res5a_branch2a"
name: "scale5a_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
top: "res5a_branch2a"
name: "res5a_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch2a"
top: "res5a_branch2b"
name: "res5a_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 216
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
top: "res5a_branch2b"
name: "bn5a_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
top: "res5a_branch2b"
name: "scale5a_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res5a_branch1"
bottom: "res5a_branch2b"
top: "res5a"
name: "res5a"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res5a"
top: "res5a"
name: "res5a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
################### res 5b ################
layer {
bottom: "res5a"
top: "res5b_branch2a"
name: "res5b_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 216
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
top: "res5b_branch2a"
name: "bn5b_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
top: "res5b_branch2a"
name: "scale5b_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
top: "res5b_branch2a"
name: "res5b_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res5b_branch2a"
top: "res5b_branch2b"
name: "res5b_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 216
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
top: "res5b_branch2b"
name: "bn5b_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
top: "res5b_branch2b"
name: "scale5b_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res5a"
bottom: "res5b_branch2b"
top: "res5b"
name: "res5b"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res5b"
top: "res5b"
name: "res5b_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res5b"
top: "res5b_input_32"
name: "res5b_input_32"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 216
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res5b_input_32"
top: "res5b_input_32"
name: "bnres5b_input_32"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res5b_input_32"
top: "res5b_input_32"
name: "scaleres5b_input_32"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res5b_input_32"
top: "res5b_input_32"
name: "res5b_input_32_relu"
type: "ReLU"
#################### res 6a###################
layer {
bottom: "res5b"
top: "res6a_branch1"
name: "res6a_branch1"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 324
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch1"
top: "res6a_branch1"
name: "bn6a_branch1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch1"
top: "res6a_branch1"
name: "scale6a_branch1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res5b"
top: "res6a_branch2a"
name: "res6a_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 324
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch2a"
top: "res6a_branch2a"
name: "bn6a_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch2a"
top: "res6a_branch2a"
name: "scale6a_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch2a"
top: "res6a_branch2a"
name: "res6a_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch2a"
top: "res6a_branch2b"
name: "res6a_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 324
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch2b"
top: "res6a_branch2b"
name: "bn6a_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch2b"
top: "res6a_branch2b"
name: "scale6a_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res6a_branch1"
bottom: "res6a_branch2b"
top: "res6a"
name: "res6a"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res6a"
top: "res6a"
name: "res6a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
################### res 6b ################
layer {
bottom: "res6a"
top: "res6b_branch2a"
name: "res6b_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 324
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res6b_branch2a"
top: "res6b_branch2a"
name: "bn6b_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res6b_branch2a"
top: "res6b_branch2a"
name: "scale6b_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res6b_branch2a"
top: "res6b_branch2a"
name: "res6b_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res6b_branch2a"
top: "res6b_branch2b"
name: "res6b_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 324
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res6b_branch2b"
top: "res6b_branch2b"
name: "bn6b_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res6b_branch2b"
top: "res6b_branch2b"
name: "scale6b_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res6a"
bottom: "res6b_branch2b"
top: "res6b"
name: "res6b"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res6b"
top: "res6b"
name: "res6b_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res6b"
top: "res6b_input_64"
name: "res6b_input_64"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 324
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res6b_input_64"
top: "res6b_input_64"
name: "bnres6b_input_64"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res6b_input_64"
top: "res6b_input_64"
name: "scaleres6b_input_64"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res6b_input_64"
top: "res6b_input_64"
name: "res6b_input_64_relu"
type: "ReLU"
#################### res 7a###################
layer {
bottom: "res6b"
top: "res7a_branch1"
name: "res7a_branch1"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 488
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch1"
top: "res7a_branch1"
name: "bn7a_branch1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch1"
top: "res7a_branch1"
name: "scale7a_branch1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res6b"
top: "res7a_branch2a"
name: "res7a_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 488
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 2
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch2a"
top: "res7a_branch2a"
name: "bn7a_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch2a"
top: "res7a_branch2a"
name: "scale7a_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch2a"
top: "res7a_branch2a"
name: "res7a_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch2a"
top: "res7a_branch2b"
name: "res7a_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 488
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch2b"
top: "res7a_branch2b"
name: "bn7a_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch2b"
top: "res7a_branch2b"
name: "scale7a_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res7a_branch1"
bottom: "res7a_branch2b"
top: "res7a"
name: "res7a"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res7a"
top: "res7a"
name: "res7a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
################### res 7b ################
layer {
bottom: "res7a"
top: "res7b_branch2a"
name: "res7b_branch2a"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 488
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res7b_branch2a"
top: "res7b_branch2a"
name: "bn7b_branch2a"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res7b_branch2a"
top: "res7b_branch2a"
name: "scale7b_branch2a"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res7b_branch2a"
top: "res7b_branch2a"
name: "res7b_branch2a_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res7b_branch2a"
top: "res7b_branch2b"
name: "res7b_branch2b"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 488
kernel_size: 3
pad: 1
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res7b_branch2b"
top: "res7b_branch2b"
name: "bn7b_branch2b"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res7b_branch2b"
top: "res7b_branch2b"
name: "scale7b_branch2b"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res7a"
bottom: "res7b_branch2b"
top: "res7b"
name: "res7b"
type: "Eltwise"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
bottom: "res7b"
top: "res7b"
name: "res7b_relu"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
bottom: "res7b"
top: "res7b_input_128"
name: "res7b_input_128"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 488
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "res7b_input_128"
top: "res7b_input_128"
name: "bnres7b_input_128"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "res7b_input_128"
top: "res7b_input_128"
name: "scaleres7b_input_128"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
bottom: "res7b_input_128"
top: "res7b_input_128"
name: "res7b_input_128_relu"
type: "ReLU"
## Up Sampling ##
## DeConvolution ##
layer {
name: "deconv1"
type: "Deconvolution"
bottom: "res7b_input_128"
top: "deconv1"
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
kernel_size: 2 # {{2 * factor _ factor % 2}} 2 * 2 _ 0
stride: 2 # {{factor}}
num_output: 324 # {{C}}
pad: 0 # {{ceil((factor _ 1) / 2.)}} 2 _ 1 / 2
weight_filler: { type: "xavier" }
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "deconv1"
top: "deconv1"
name: "bn_deconv1"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "deconv1"
top: "deconv1"
name: "scale_deconv1"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "relu_deconv1"
bottom: "deconv1"
top: "deconv1"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
name: "reduce1_add"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "deconv1"
bottom: "res6b_input_64"
top: "reduce1_add"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "deconv2"
type: "Deconvolution"
bottom: "reduce1_add"
top: "deconv2"
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
kernel_size: 2 # {{2 * factor _ factor % 2}} 2 * 2 _ 0
stride: 2 # {{factor}}
num_output: 216 # {{C}}
pad: 0 # {{ceil((factor _ 1) / 2.)}} 2 _ 1 / 2
weight_filler: { type: "xavier" }
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "deconv2"
top: "deconv2"
name: "bn_deconv2"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "deconv2"
top: "deconv2"
name: "scale_deconv2"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "relu_deconv2"
bottom: "deconv2"
top: "deconv2"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
name: "reduce2_add"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "deconv2"
bottom: "res5b_input_32"
top: "reduce2_add"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "deconv3"
type: "Deconvolution"
bottom: "reduce2_add"
top: "deconv3"
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
kernel_size: 2 # {{2 * factor _ factor % 2}} 2 * 2 _ 0
stride: 2 # {{factor}}
num_output: 144 # {{C}}
pad: 0 # {{ceil((factor _ 1) / 2.)}} 2 _ 1 / 2
weight_filler: { type: "xavier" }
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "deconv3"
top: "deconv3"
name: "bn_deconv3"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "deconv3"
top: "deconv3"
name: "scale_deconv3"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "relu_deconv3"
bottom: "deconv3"
top: "deconv3"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
name: "reduce3_add"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "deconv3"
bottom: "res4d_input_16"
top: "reduce3_add"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
layer {
name: "deconv4"
type: "Deconvolution"
bottom: "reduce3_add"
top: "deconv4"
lr_mult: 1
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
kernel_size: 2 # {{2 * factor _ factor % 2}} 2 * 2 _ 0
stride: 2 # {{factor}}
num_output: 96 # {{C}}
pad: 0 # {{ceil((factor _ 1) / 2.)}} 2 _ 1 / 2
weight_filler: { type: "xavier" }
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "deconv4"
top: "deconv4"
name: "bn_deconv4"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "deconv4"
top: "deconv4"
name: "scale_deconv4"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "relu_deconv4"
bottom: "deconv4"
top: "deconv4"
type: "ReLU"
layer {
name: "reduce4_add"
type: "Eltwise"
bottom: "deconv4"
bottom: "res3c_input_8"
top: "reduce4_add"
eltwise_param {
operation: SUM
######## segmentation branch ############
## DeConvolution 5 - 6 ##
layer {
bottom: "reduce4_add"
top: "conv_out_final"
name: "conv_out_final"
type: "Convolution"
param {
lr_mult: 10
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 48
kernel_size: 1
pad: 0
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
bias_term: false
layer {
bottom: "conv_out_final"
top: "conv_out_final"
name: "conv_out_final_bn"
type: "BatchNorm"
layer {
bottom: "conv_out_final"
top: "conv_out_final"
name: "conv_out_final_scale"
type: "Scale"
scale_param {
bias_term: true
layer {
name: "conv_out_final_relu"
bottom: "conv_out_final"
top: "conv_out_final"
type: "ReLU"
### deconv6 to conv and lane resample ####
layer {
name: "conv_out"
type: "Convolution"
bottom: "conv_out_final"
top: "conv_out"
param {
lr_mult: 10
decay_mult: 1
convolution_param {
num_output: 9
bias_term: false
pad: 1
kernel_size: 3
stride: 1
weight_filler {
type: "xavier"
#layer {
# name: "slice_conv_out"
# type: "Slice"
# bottom: "conv_out"
# top: "conv_out_center"
# top: "conv_out_cx"
# top: "conv_out_left_right"
# top: "conv_out_lane"
# slice_param {
# axis: 1
# slice_point: 4
# slice_point: 5
# slice_point: 7
# }
#layer {
# name: "tanh_cx"
# type: "TanH"
# bottom: "conv_out_cx"
# top: "tanh_cx"
#layer {
# name: "sigmoid_left_right"
# type: "Sigmoid"
# bottom: "conv_out_left_right"
# top: "sigmoid_left_right"
#layer {
# name: "slice_label"
# type: "Slice"
# bottom: "label_lane"
# top: "label_center"
# top: "label_cx"
# top: "label_left_right"
# top: "label_ignore" #road type
# slice_param {
# axis: 1
# slice_point: 1
# slice_point: 2
# slice_point: 4
# }
# name:"loss_cls_center"
# type:"SoftmaxWithLoss"
# bottom:"conv_out_center"
# bottom:"label_center"
# top:"loss_cls_center"
# loss_weight: 1
# loss_param {
# ignore_label: 255
# }
# include {
# phase: TRAIN
# }
# name: "map_positive_center"
# type: "LabelMapping"
# bottom: "label_center"
# top: "map_positive_center"
# label_mapping_param{
# mapping {
# src_label: 0
# map_label: 0
# }
# mapping {
# src_label: 1
# map_label: 1
# }
# mapping {
# src_label: 2
# map_label: 1
# }
# mapping {
# src_label: 3
# map_label: 1
# }
# mapping {
# src_label: 4
# map_label: 1
# }
# }
#layer {
# name: "loss_cx"
# type: "EuclideanWithMaskLoss"
# bottom: "tanh_cx"
# bottom:"label_cx"
# #mask
# bottom: "map_positive_center"
# top: "loss_cx"
# loss_weight: 2
# euclidean_with_mask_loss_param {
# is_valid_count: true
# }
#layer {
# name: "silence_blob"
# type: "Silence"
# bottom: "conv_out_lane"
# bottom: "label_ignore"
#layer {
# name: 'loss_reg'
# type: 'IouLineLoss'
# bottom: 'sigmoid_left_right'
# bottom: 'label_left_right'
# top: 'loss_reg'
# loss_weight: 2
# include {
# phase: TRAIN
# }
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