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Last active August 1, 2023 14:34
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testing lpm by comparing outputs with generated tz files
module Fpath = Fpath
module OS = Bos.OS
module Cmd = Bos.Cmd
open Core
let ( let* ) o f = Result.bind o ~f
let get_tmp_dir () : string = OS.Dir.default_tmp () |> Fpath.to_string
let rm_rf ~(path : string) : unit =
OS.Dir.delete ~must_exist:true ~recurse:true (Fpath.v path) |> function
| Ok () -> ()
| Error (`Msg s) -> raise @@ Failure s
let create_tmp ~(path : string) : (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
let tmp_path = get_tmp_dir () ^ "/" ^ path in
OS.Dir.create ~path:true (Fpath.v path) |> function
| Ok _ -> Ok tmp_path
| Error e -> Error e
let output_file ~(path : string) : string =
get_tmp_dir () ^ "/" ^ "output" ^ "/" ^ path ^ ".tz"
let git_clone ~(repo : string) ~(dest : string) : Cmd.t =
Cmd.(v "git" % "clone" % repo % dest)
let cd ~(dir : string) : (unit, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
OS.Dir.set_current @@ Fpath.v dir
(* let ligo_install_pkgs ~(package_dir : string) ~(cache_path : string) ~(baseurl : string) : (unit, [> Rresult.R.msg]) result = package_dir cache_path baseurl *)
let ligo_install () : Cmd.t = Cmd.(v "ligo" % "install")
let ligo_compile_contract ~(src : string) : Cmd.t =
Cmd.(v "ligo" % "compile" % "contract" % src)
let get_repo repo = "" ^ repo ^ ".git"
let find_main_contract : Fpath.t list -> (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
fun lst ->
|> ~f:Fpath.to_string
|> List.filter ~f:(String.is_substring ~substring:"main")
|> List.hd
|> function
| Some s -> Ok s
| None -> Error (Rresult.R.msg "couldn't find main contract")
let get_main_path ~(repo : string) : (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
let* lst = OS.Dir.contents Fpath.(v (repo ^ "/" ^ "src")) in
find_main_contract lst
let repos = [
let run_cmd_to_null : Cmd.t -> (unit, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
fun cmd -> OS.Cmd.(run_out cmd |> to_null)
let run_cmd_to_string : Cmd.t -> (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
fun cmd -> OS.Cmd.(run_out cmd |> to_string ~trim:true)
let package_dir = "."
let cache_path = ".ligo"
let ligo_registry = ""
let rec run_seq : string -> (string, [> Rresult.R.msg ]) result =
fun repo ->
(* create the tmp dir for the repo *)
let* repo_dest = create_tmp ~path:repo in
(* check if dir present, if true then delete and re-clone *)
match OS.Dir.must_exist (Fpath.v repo_dest) with
| Ok repo_dst ->
rm_rf ~path:(Fpath.to_string repo_dst);
run_seq repo
(* run clone cmd*)
| _ ->
let* _ =
run_cmd_to_null @@ git_clone ~repo:(get_repo repo) ~dest:repo_dest
(* cd the repo dir *)
let* _ = cd ~dir:repo_dest in
(* run ligo install *)
(* ligo_install_pkgs ~package_dir ~cache_path ~ligo_registry >>= fun _ -> *)
let* _ = run_cmd_to_null @@ ligo_install () in
(* find the main.* file *)
let* src = get_main_path ~repo:repo_dest in
(* compile contract and save the output as a string *)
let* s = run_cmd_to_string (ligo_compile_contract ~src) in
Ok s
let run : unit -> (string * string) list =
fun () -> ~f:(fun repo -> (repo, run_seq repo)) repos
|> List.fold ~init:[] ~f:(fun init (repo, s) ->
match s with
| Ok s -> (repo, s) :: init
| Error (`Msg msg) -> raise @@ Failure msg)
let get_test_tz_files : path:string -> (string * string) list =
fun ~path ->
let path = Fpath.v path in
OS.Dir.contents path |> function
| Ok files ->
~f:(fun file -> file |> function
| Ok s -> (
let file = List.hd_exn @@ String.split ~on:'.' @@ List.last_exn @@ Fpath.segs file in
(file, String.strip s))
| Error (`Msg msg) -> raise @@ Failure msg)
| Error (`Msg msg) -> raise @@ Failure msg
let minify : string -> string =
fun tz_file ->
let is_uneccessary : char -> bool =
fun c ->
(Char.equal c ' ' || Char.equal c '\t' || Char.equal c '\n'
|| Char.equal c '\r')
String.filter tz_file ~f:is_uneccessary
module StringMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = end)
let _ =
let test_tz_files = ~f:(fun (repo, s) -> (repo, minify s)) (get_test_tz_files ~path:"/home/sk/nuke/lpm_tests/tests/sample_install_tz_files")
let generated_tz_files = ~f:(fun (repo, s) -> (repo, minify s)) @@ run () in
List.iter2 ~f:(fun (repo_a, _) (repo_b, _) -> Printf.printf "%s %s\n" repo_a repo_b) test_tz_files generated_tz_files |> fun _ ->
(* map of static sample test files *)
let repo_test_map = Caml.List.to_seq test_tz_files |> StringMap.of_seq in
(* map of generated test files *)
let repo_gen_map = Caml.List.to_seq generated_tz_files |> StringMap.of_seq in
(* assert between static samples and generated tests *)
List.iter ~f:(fun repo -> assert (String.equal (StringMap.find repo repo_test_map) (StringMap.find repo repo_gen_map))) repos
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