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Generate Unique, Hashed, Random Token in Scala for use in API calls or as an OAuth Token Bearer
import scala.util._
* Generates a Bearer Token with a length of
* 32 characters (MD5) or 64 characters (SHA-256) according to the
* specification RFC6750 (
* Uniqueness obtained by hashing system time combined with a
* application supplied 'tokenprefix' such as a sessionid or username
* public methods:
* generateMD5Token(tokenprefix: String): String
* generateSHAToken(tokenprefix: String): String
* Example usage:
* val tokenGenerator = new BearerTokenGenerator
* val username = "mary.smith"
* val token = tokenGenerator.generateMD5Token(username)
* println(token)
* Author: Jeff Steinmetz, @jeffsteinmetz
class BearerTokenGenerator {
val TOKEN_LENGTH = 45 // TOKEN_LENGTH is not the return size from a hash,
// but the total characters used as random token prior to hash
// 45 was selected because System.nanoTime().toString returns
// 19 characters. 45 + 19 = 64. Therefore we are guaranteed
// at least 64 characters (bytes) to use in hash, to avoid MD5 collision < 64
val TOKEN_CHARS = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_.-"
val secureRandom = new SecureRandom()
private def toHex(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = "%02x".format(_) ).mkString("")
private def sha(s: String): String = {
private def md5(s: String): String = {
// use tail recursion, functional style to build string.
private def generateToken(tokenLength: Int) : String = {
val charLen = TOKEN_CHARS.length()
def generateTokenAccumulator(accumulator: String, number: Int) : String = {
if (number == 0) return accumulator
generateTokenAccumulator(accumulator + TOKEN_CHARS(secureRandom.nextInt(charLen)).toString, number - 1)
generateTokenAccumulator("", tokenLength)
* Hash the Token to return a 32 or 64 character HEX String
* Parameters:
* tokenprifix: string to concatenate with random generated token prior to HASH to improve uniqueness, such as username
* Returns:
* MD5 hash of (username + current time + random token generator) as token, 128 bits, 32 characters
* or
* SHA-256 hash of (username + current time + random token generator) as token, 256 bits, 64 characters
def generateMD5Token(tokenprefix: String): String = {
md5(tokenprefix + System.nanoTime() + generateToken(TOKEN_LENGTH))
def generateSHAToken(tokenprefix: String): String = {
sha(tokenprefix + System.nanoTime() + generateToken(TOKEN_LENGTH))
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