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Created May 29, 2020 17:38
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streaming using janus
var server = "wss://";
var janus = null;
var streaming = null;
var opaqueId = "streamingtest-" + Janus.randomString(12);
var bitrateTimer = null;
var spinner = null;
var simulcastStarted = false,
svcStarted = false;
var selectedStream = null;
$(document).ready(function () {
// Initialize the library (all console debuggers enabled)
debug: "all",
callback: function () {
$(this).attr("disabled", true).unbind("click");
// Make sure the browser supports WebRTC
if (!Janus.isWebrtcSupported()) {
//bootbox.alert("No WebRTC support... ");
// Create session
janus = new Janus({
server: server,
success: function () {
// Attach to Streaming plugin
plugin: "janus.plugin.streaming",
opaqueId: opaqueId,
success: function (pluginHandle) {
streaming = pluginHandle;
selectedStream = "1";
var body = { request: "watch", id: parseInt(selectedStream) };
streaming.send({ message: body });
"Plugin attached! (" +
streaming.getPlugin() +
", id=" +
streaming.getId() +
error: function (error) {
Janus.error(" -- Error attaching plugin... ", error);
//bootbox.alert("Error attaching plugin... " + error);
onmessage: function (msg, jsep) {
Janus.debug(" ::: Got a message :::");
var result = msg["result"];
if (result !== null && result !== undefined) {
if (
result["status"] !== undefined &&
result["status"] !== null
) {
var status = result["status"];
if (status === "starting")
.text("Starting, please wait...")
else if (status === "started")
else if (status === "stopped") stopStream();
} else if (msg["streaming"] === "event") {
// Is simulcast in place?
var substream = result["substream"];
var temporal = result["temporal"];
if (
(substream !== null && substream !== undefined) ||
(temporal !== null && temporal !== undefined)
) {
if (!simulcastStarted) {
simulcastStarted = true;
temporal !== null && temporal !== undefined
// We just received notice that there's been a switch, update the buttons
updateSimulcastButtons(substream, temporal);
// Is VP9/SVC in place?
var spatial = result["spatial_layer"];
temporal = result["temporal_layer"];
if (
(spatial !== null && spatial !== undefined) ||
(temporal !== null && temporal !== undefined)
) {
if (!svcStarted) {
svcStarted = true;
// We just received notice that there's been a switch, update the buttons
updateSvcButtons(spatial, temporal);
} else if (msg["error"] !== undefined && msg["error"] !== null) {
if (jsep !== undefined && jsep !== null) {
Janus.debug("Handling SDP as well...");
var stereo = jsep.sdp.indexOf("stereo=1") !== -1;
// Offer from the plugin, let's answer
jsep: jsep,
// We want recvonly audio/video and, if negotiated, datachannels
media: { audioSend: false, videoSend: false, data: true },
customizeSdp: function (jsep) {
if (stereo && jsep.sdp.indexOf("stereo=1") == -1) {
// Make sure that our offer contains stereo too
jsep.sdp = jsep.sdp.replace(
success: function (jsep) {
Janus.debug("Got SDP!");
var body = { request: "start" };
streaming.send({ message: body, jsep: jsep });
error: function (error) {
Janus.error("WebRTC error:", error);
//bootbox.alert("WebRTC error... " + JSON.stringify(error));
onremotestream: function (stream) {
Janus.debug(" ::: Got a remote stream :::");
var addButtons = false;
if ($("#remotevideo").length === 0) {
addButtons = true;
'<video class="rounded centered" id="remotevideo" width="100%" height="100%" style="border:solid" autoplay playsinline/>'
// Show the stream and hide the spinner when we get a playing event
$("#remotevideo").bind("playing", function () {
// $("#waitingvideo").remove();
/* if (this.videoWidth)
$("#remotevideo").removeClass("hide").show(); */
/* if (spinner !== null && spinner !== undefined)
spinner = null; */
var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
if (
videoTracks === null ||
videoTracks === undefined ||
videoTracks.length === 0
var width = this.videoWidth;
var height = this.videoHeight;
.text(width + "x" + height)
if (
Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "firefox"
) {
// Firefox Stable has a bug: width and height are not immediately available after a playing
setTimeout(function () {
var width = $("#remotevideo").get(0).videoWidth;
var height = $("#remotevideo").get(0).videoHeight;
.text(width + "x" + height)
}, 2000);
Janus.attachMediaStream($("#remotevideo").get(0), stream);
var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
if (
videoTracks === null ||
videoTracks === undefined ||
videoTracks.length === 0
) {
// No remote video
if ($("#stream .no-video-container").length === 0) {
'<div class="no-video-container">' +
'<i class="fa fa-video-camera fa-5 no-video-icon"></i>' +
'<span class="no-video-text">No remote video available</span>' +
} else {
$("#stream .no-video-container").remove();
if (!addButtons) return;
if (
videoTracks &&
videoTracks.length &&
(Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "chrome" ||
Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "firefox" ||
Janus.webRTCAdapter.browserDetails.browser === "safari")
) {
bitrateTimer = setInterval(function () {
// Display updated bitrate, if supported
var bitrate = streaming.getBitrate();
//~ Janus.debug("Current bitrate is " + streaming.getBitrate());
// Check if the resolution changed too
var width = $("#remotevideo").get(0).videoWidth;
var height = $("#remotevideo").get(0).videoHeight;
if (width > 0 && height > 0)
.text(width + "x" + height)
}, 1000);
ondataopen: function (data) {
Janus.log("The DataChannel is available!");
// $("#waitingvideo").remove();
'<input class="form-control" type="text" id="datarecv" disabled></input>'
/* if (spinner !== null && spinner !== undefined) spinner.stop();
spinner = null; */
ondata: function (data) {
Janus.debug("We got data from the DataChannel! " + data);
error: function (error) {
destroyed: function () {
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