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What input value greater than 4294967296 and within the prime field satisfies the given equation?
pragma circom 2.1.4;
include "circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
template RangeProof(bits, max_abs_value) {
signal input in;
component lowerBound = LessThan(bits);
component upperBound = LessThan(bits);[0] <== max_abs_value + in;[1] <== 0;
lowerBound.out === 0;[0] <== 2 * max_abs_value;[1] <== max_abs_value + in;
upperBound.out === 0;
component main = RangeProof(33, 4294967296);
/* INPUT = {
"in": ""
} */
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