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Shreyas Minocha shreyasminocha

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shreyasminocha / regex.css
Created April 23, 2020 15:40
Prism.js regex highlighting stylesheet
.token.language-regex {
color: #4d4d4d;
.token.quantifier {
color: #58f;
.token.special-escape {



body itali bol

# Formatting helpers
redEcho() { echo "$RED$1$NORMAL"; }
greenEcho() { echo "$GREEN$1$NORMAL"; }
shreyasminocha / dabblet.css
Created September 1, 2018 06:45
* 140Journal
textarea.entry {
width: 50%;
height: 100px;
font-size: 2em;
font-family: Raleway;
resize: none;
shreyasminocha / countdown.js
Created August 16, 2017 07:09
DSMUN countdown
(function() {
var endDate = "August 18, 2017 09:30:00 GMT+0530";
function zeroPad(number) {
return ("0" + number).slice(-2);
function getRemainingTime(deadline) {
var t = Date.parse(deadline) - Date.parse(new Date());
var seconds = Math.floor((t / 1000) % 60);
shreyasminocha / style.css
Created July 24, 2017 06:06 stylesheet
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
body {
background: url(/images/bg.jpg) center fixed;
background-size: cover;
color: #222222;
shreyasminocha / quotes.json
Last active February 17, 2024 08:18
Quotes for freeCodeCamp Random Quote Machine
"quote": "Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.",
"author": "Kevin Kruse"
"quote": "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.",
"author": "Napoleon Hill"
shreyasminocha / .hyper.js
Created January 11, 2017 09:43
module.exports = {
config: {
// default font size in pixels for all tabs
fontSize: 14,
// font family with optional fallbacks
fontFamily: 'Hack, Menlo, "DejaVu Sans Mono", Consolas, "Lucida Console", monospace',
// terminal cursor background color and opacity (hex, rgb, hsl, hsv, hwb or cmyk)
cursorColor: '#bbb',