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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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A generator for a puzzle exercise given by the teacher in my Uni, created to generate test data to check your solution.
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (id)
import Data.List (intersperse)
import System.Random
import Control.Applicative
type PieceId = String
type PieceContent = Char
data Piece = Piece { character :: PieceContent
, id :: PieceId
, northId :: PieceId
, eastId :: PieceId
, southId :: PieceId
, westId :: PieceId
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Piece where
show (Piece c i ni ei si wi) = concat . intersperse "\t" $ [i, [c], ni, ei, si, wi]
noneId :: String
noneId = "VUOTO"
type UnsolvedPuzzle = [Piece]
type SolvedPuzzle = [[Piece]]
calcNorthId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> PieceId
calcNorthId (w, _) i =
let x = i - w
in if x >= 0
then show x
else noneId
calcEastId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> PieceId
calcEastId (w, _) i =
let x = i + 1
in if (x `mod` w) /= 0
then show x
else noneId
calcSouthId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> PieceId
calcSouthId (w, h) i =
let x = i + w
in if (x `div` w) < h
then show x
else noneId
calcWestId :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> PieceId
calcWestId (w, _) i =
let x = i - 1
in if (i `mod` w) /= 0
then show x
else noneId
generatePieces :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> String -> [Piece]
generatePieces _ _ [] = []
generatePieces sz i (c:cs) =
(Piece c (show i) (calcNorthId sz i)
(calcEastId sz i)
(calcSouthId sz i)
(calcWestId sz i)) : generatePieces sz (i + 1) cs
generateSolvedPuzzle :: (Int, Int) -> String -> [Piece]
generateSolvedPuzzle (w, h) s
| w * h /= length s = error "String length is dependent on the puzzle's size"
| otherwise = generatePieces (w, h) 0 $ s
shuffle :: [a] -> IO [a]
shuffle [] = return []
shuffle lst = do
(e, rest) <- pickElem <$> getIx
(e:) <$> shuffle rest
getIx = getStdRandom $ randomR (1, length lst)
pickElem n = case splitAt n lst of
([], s) -> error $ "failed at index " ++ show n
(r, s) -> (last r, init r ++ s)
main :: IO ()
main = do
let p = generateSolvedPuzzle (4, 3) "ABCDEFGHILMN"
(shuffle p) >>= (mapM_ print)
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