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Created May 2, 2015 16:14
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type alias Unit = Float
type Vec2 = Vec2 Unit Unit
(|+|) : Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
(Vec2 ax ay) |+| (Vec2 bx by) = Vec2 (ax + bx) (ay + by)
negate : Vec2 -> Vec2
negate (Vec2 x y) = Vec2 (-x) (-y)
(|-|) : Vec2 -> Vec2 -> Vec2
v1 |-| v2 = v1 |+| (negate v2)
(|*) : Vec2 -> Unit -> Vec2
(Vec2 x y) |* k = Vec2 (x * k) (y * k)
(*|) : Unit -> Vec2 -> Vec2
k *| v1 = v1 |* k
(|/) : Vec2 -> Unit -> Vec2
(Vec2 x y) |/ k = Vec2 (x * k) (y * k)
(/|) : Unit -> Vec2 -> Vec2
k /| v1 = v1 |/ k
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