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Created July 18, 2012 16:10
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Mysql Storage Provider for Bitlbee. main repository
* BitlBee -- An IRC to other IM-networks gateway *
* *
* Copyright 2002-2006 Wilmer van der Gaast and others *
* Storage backend that uses an MySQL.
* Sample schema can be found on /doc/schema_mysql.sql
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL;
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "bitlbee.h"
#include "protocols/bee.h"
#include "base64.h"
#include "arc.h"
#include "sha1.h"
#include <mysql/mysql.h>
#include <mysql.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <glib/gstdio.h>
/* GLib < 2.8.0 doesn't have g_access, so just use the system access(). */
#include <unistd.h>
#define g_access access
typedef enum
} mysql_pass_st;
/* To make it easier later when extending the format: */
/* Function prototypes. Declared here so I dont have to scroll the whole file */
static void append_mysql_escaped_param(GString *query, GString *buffer, GString *param);
static void mysql_storage_init( void );
static void mysql_storage_deinit( void );
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_load( irc_t *irc, const char *password );
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_check_pass( const char *my_nick, const char *password );
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_save( irc_t *irc, int overwrite );
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_remove( const char *nick, const char *password );
/* Utility/Helper functions */
/** Function prototypes. Declared here so I dont have to scroll the whole file */
static void mysql_storage_save_nick(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data);
static void append_mysql_escaped_param(GString *query, GString *buffer, GString *param);
static char* ret_mysql_esc_str(MYSQL *mysql, GString *buffer, GString *param);
static storage_status_t save_kv_pair(GString *q, GString *buf, char *table_name,
char *fk_column_name, char *key_name, char *value_name,
long fk_column_value, char *key, char *value);
static int send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query, unsigned long len);
static GList * mysql_multiple_rows(MYSQL *mysql_handle, char* query);
static void mysql_free_multiple_rows(GList *table);
static void mysql_free_single_row(gpointer data);
static GSList* mysql_copy_single_row(MYSQL_RES *result);
static long storage_get_user_id(GString *q, GString *buf, GString *nick);
typedef struct database_object_t {
MYSQL *mysql;
GString *query_string;
GString *string_buffer;
gpointer data;
MYSQL *mysql = NULL;
* A wrapper for mysql query.
static int send_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *query, unsigned long len){
int return_value = mysql_real_query(mysql, query, len);
unsigned int m_errno = mysql_errno(mysql);
char *info = mysql_info(mysql);
fprintf(stderr, "QUERY\t%s\n", query);
fprintf(stderr, "\tLength: %03lu Errno: %u %s\n", len, m_errno, ((info==NULL)? "":info));
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\t%s\e[0m\n", mysql_error(mysql));
return return_value;
* Escapes param and then append to query. Uses buffer for temporary storage;
static void append_mysql_escaped_param(GString *query, GString *buffer, GString *param){
g_string_set_size(buffer, param->len*2+1);
mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, buffer->str, param->str, param->len);
g_string_append(query, buffer->str);
static char* ret_mysql_esc_str(MYSQL *mysql, GString *buffer, GString *param){
/// re-initializing the buffer.
g_string_set_size(buffer, param->len*2+1);
g_string_printf(buffer,"%s", "");
mysql_real_escape_string(mysql, buffer->str, param->str, param->len);
return buffer->str;
static void free_g_str_list(int num, ...){
va_list arguments;
GString *gs=NULL;
va_start ( arguments, num );
int i;
for(i=0; i<num; i++){
gs = va_arg(arguments, GString*);
g_string_free(gs, TRUE);
va_end ( arguments ); // Cleans up the list
* @param data as GSList with to element. first one is key. second one is value.
* @param user_data The address of the set linked lists head element.
static void mysql_storage_load_settings(gpointer data, gpointer user_data){
GSList *row = data;
/// save this set settings to irc user settings
set_setstr(((set_t **)user_data), ((GString *)(row->data))->str, ((GString *)(row->next->data))->str);
static void mysql_storage_load_channels(gpointer data, gpointer user_data){
char *name, *type;
long int channel_id=0, user_id = 0;
irc_t **ptr_irc= user_data;
irc_t *irc = *ptr_irc;
irc_channel_t *channel = NULL;
GSList *row = data;
GString *qry= NULL;
GList *m_rows= NULL;
/// get all the fields
channel_id = atol(((GString *)row->data)->str);
row = row->next;
user_id = atol(((GString *)row->data)->str);
row = row->next;
name = g_strdup(((GString *)row->data)->str);
row = row->next;
type = g_strdup(((GString *)row->data)->str);
fprintf(stderr, "\tCurrent Channel: channel_id=%ld, user_id=%ld, name=%s, type=%s\n", channel_id, user_id, name, type);
if( !name || !type ){
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\tMissing values for channels. channel: %s type: %s\e[0m\n", name, type);
/// 4.2 Create/find a channel and assign
channel = irc_channel_by_name( irc, name );
fprintf(stderr, "\tNo IRC channel found. Creating one with name%s\n", name);
channel = irc_channel_new( irc, name );
/// dont know why "type" is hardcoded here.
/// I just followed storage_xml.c
set_setstr( &channel->set, "type", type );
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\tLast channel creation was not successfull\e[0m\n");
/// 4.3 get all the chanel setting and update 1 by 1
qry = g_string_new("SELECT name, value from channel_settings where channel=");
g_string_append_printf(qry, "'%ld'", channel_id);
m_rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql, qry->str);
/// 3.3 Set all the user account settings to irc account struct 1 by 1
g_list_foreach(m_rows, mysql_storage_load_settings, &channel->set);
g_string_free(qry, TRUE);
static void mysql_storage_load_account_buddies(gpointer data, gpointer user_data){
account_t **acc = user_data;
account_t *account = *acc;
GSList *row = data;
/// there are two rows. So 2 iteration on fields
char *handle = g_strdup(((GString *)(row->data))->str);
char *nick = g_strdup(((GString *)(row->next->data))->str);
if(account && handle && nick ){
nick_set_raw(account, handle, nick );
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\tMissing values for account buddy\e[0m\n");
static void mysql_storage_load_account_settings(gpointer data, gpointer user_data){
account_t **acc = user_data;
account_t *account = *acc;
GSList *row = data;
/// there are two rows. So 2 iteration on fields
char *name = g_strdup(((GString *)(row->data))->str);
char *value = g_strdup(((GString *)(row->next->data))->str);
set_t *s = set_find(&account->set, name);
if( s && ( s->flags & ACC_SET_ONLINE_ONLY ) ){
/// not sure whether bellow statement will be needed.
//name = NULL;
set_setstr(&account->set, name, (char*) value );
/// not sure whether bellow statement will be needed.
//name = NULL;
static void mysql_storage_load_accounts(gpointer data, gpointer user_data){
GSList *row = data;
GList *m_rows = NULL;
account_t *acc = NULL;
GString *qry = NULL;
irc_t ** ptr_irc = user_data;
irc_t *irc = *ptr_irc;
char *protocol, *handle, *server, *password = NULL, *autoconnect, *tag;
// int pass_len;
long int account_id = 0/*, user_id=0*/;
struct prpl *prpl = NULL;
* This is the sequence how data is read
* +-------------+
* | id |
* | user |
* | protocol |
* | handle |
* | password |
* | autoconnect |
* | tag |
* | server |
* +-------------+
account_id = atol(((GString *)row->data)->str);
row = row->next;
//user_id = atol(((GString *)row->data)->str);
row = row->next;
protocol = ((GString *)row->data)->str;
row = row->next;
handle = ((GString *)row->data)->str;
row = row->next;
password = ((GString *)row->data)->str;
row = row->next;
autoconnect = ((GString *)row->data)->str;
row = row->next;
tag = ((GString *)row->data)->str;
row = row->next;
server = ((GString *)row->data)->str;
if( protocol )
prpl = find_protocol( protocol );
if( !handle || !password|| !protocol )
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\tMissing values for account\e[0m\n");
else if( !prpl )
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\tUnknown protocol: %s\e[0m\n", protocol );
acc = account_add(irc->b, prpl, handle, password );
if( server )
set_setstr( &acc->set, "server", server );
if( autoconnect )
set_setstr( &acc->set, "auto_connect", autoconnect );
if( tag )
set_setstr( &acc->set, "tag", tag );
g_free( password );
/// 3.2 Get all the settings 1 by 1
qry = g_string_new("SELECT name, value from account_settings where account=");
g_string_append_printf(qry, "'%ld'", account_id);
m_rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql, qry->str);
/// 3.3 Set all the user account settings to irc account struct 1 by 1
g_list_foreach(m_rows, mysql_storage_load_account_settings, &acc);
/// 3.4 Read all the renamed buddy
g_string_printf(qry, "SELECT handle, nick from account_buddies where account='%ld'", account_id);
m_rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql, qry->str);
/// 3.5 Set all the renamed budy to irc account struct 1 by 1
g_list_foreach(m_rows, mysql_storage_load_account_buddies, &acc);
g_string_free(qry, TRUE);
static void mysql_free_multiple_rows(GList *table){
g_list_free_full(table, mysql_free_single_row);
* Execute the query and returns all the result in a tabular format
* You must free this table by caling mysql_free_multiple_rows
static GList * mysql_multiple_rows(MYSQL *mysql_handle, char* query){
my_ulonglong num_rows=0;
MYSQL_RES *result = NULL;
GSList *single_row = NULL;
GList *rows = NULL;
GString *q = g_string_new(query);
int query_status = send_query(mysql_handle, q->str, q->len);
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
return NULL;
result = mysql_store_result(mysql_handle);
/// it was not a query that returns statemnet (e.g. INSERT, DELETE)
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
return NULL;
num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result);
fprintf(stderr, "\t%Ld row%s found\n", num_rows, ((num_rows==1)? "": "s"));
int i=0;
for(i=0;i<num_rows; i++){
single_row = mysql_copy_single_row(result);
rows = g_list_prepend(rows, single_row);
/// As prepending list actually reverses it. We reverse it agian
/// to get the correct order.
rows = g_list_reverse(rows);
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
return NULL;
/// clean up
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
return rows;
static void msyql_free_single_row_field(gpointer data){
g_string_free(data, TRUE);
static void mysql_free_single_row(gpointer data){
g_slist_free_full(data, msyql_free_single_row_field);
static GSList* mysql_copy_single_row(MYSQL_RES *result) {
GSList* single_row=NULL;
unsigned int num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
int i=0;
MYSQL_ROW row=mysql_fetch_row(result);
for(i=num_fields-1; i>=0; i--) {
GString *f = g_string_new(row[i]);
single_row = g_slist_prepend(single_row, f);
return single_row;
* Excutes the passed query and returs the the first row as an array of
* strings. You must free this array by calling mysql_free_single_row()
static GSList * mysql_single_row(MYSQL *mysql_handle, char* query){
GList * rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql_handle, query);
GSList *first_row = NULL;
/// keep only the first row
first_row = rows->data;
/// clear the list but the elements
/// return back the row
return first_row;
///@todo this function must be refactored along with set_settings_flag function.
static storage_status_t set_channel_settings(MYSQL *mysql, set_t *settings, char * table_name, char *key_column_name, long key_column_id){
GString *q = g_string_new("");
GString *buf = g_string_new("");
set_t *set;
for( set = settings; set; set = set->next ) {
if( set->value && (strcmp( set->key, "type" ) != 0)) {
if(save_kv_pair(q, buf, table_name, key_column_name,
"name", "value", key_column_id, set->key, set->value)!=STORAGE_OK){
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
return STORAGE_OK;
static storage_status_t set_settings_flag(MYSQL *mysql, set_t *settings, char * table_name, char *key_column_name, long key_column_id, set_flags_t flag){
GString *q = g_string_new("");
GString *buf = g_string_new("");
set_t *set;
for( set = settings; set; set = set->next ) {
if( set->value && !( set->flags & flag) ) {
if(save_kv_pair(q, buf, table_name, key_column_name,
"name", "value", key_column_id, set->key, set->value)!=STORAGE_OK){
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
return STORAGE_OK;
static void mysql_storage_init( void ) {
mysql = mysql_init(NULL);
if (mysql == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\tCan not initialize MySQL. Configuration won't be saved.\e[0m\n");
if (!mysql_real_connect(mysql, global.conf->dbhost, global.conf->dbuser, global.conf->dbpass, NULL, global.conf->dbport, NULL, 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\t%s\nConfiguration won't be saved.\e[0m\n", mysql_error(mysql));
if (mysql_select_db(mysql, global.conf->dbname)) {
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\t%s\nConfiguration won't be saved.\e[0m\n", mysql_error(mysql));
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_load( irc_t *irc, const char *password ) {
// GSList *row = NULL;
GList *m_rows = NULL;
GString *qry = g_string_new("");
GString *buf = g_string_new("");
GString *nick = g_string_new(irc->user->nick);
long user_id =0;
/// 1. Check if we have such user
storage_status_t ss= mysql_storage_check_pass(irc->user->nick, password);
/// if not found or something else we abort
free_g_str_list(3, buf, qry, nick);
return ss;
/// 2. Read the user settings now
/// 2.1 Get the user id.
user_id = storage_get_user_id(qry, buf, nick);
/// 2.2 Get all the settings 1 by 1
g_string_printf(qry, "SELECT name, value from user_settings where user='%ld'", user_id);
m_rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql, qry->str);
/// 2.3 Set all the user settings to irc struct 1 by 1
g_list_foreach(m_rows, mysql_storage_load_settings, &irc->b->set);
/// 3. Get all the account current user have
g_string_printf(qry, "SELECT id, user, protocol, handle, pass"
"word, autoconnect, tag, server " /// <--- The space at the end is necessary
"FROM `accounts` WHERE `user` = '%ld'", user_id);
m_rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql, qry->str);
/// 3.1. set all the accounts to this user
/// This funciton also handles
/// Setting all account settings and all the buddy list
g_list_foreach(m_rows, mysql_storage_load_accounts, &irc);
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31m\tUser has no account!\e[0m");
/// 4. Get all the channels current user have
g_string_printf(qry, "SELECT id, user, name, type "
"FROM `channels` WHERE `user` = '%ld'", user_id);
m_rows = mysql_multiple_rows(mysql, qry->str);
/// 4.1 set all the channels info to this user
g_list_foreach(m_rows, mysql_storage_load_channels, &irc);
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31m\tUser has no channel!\e[0m");
/// end clean up
free_g_str_list(3, buf, qry, nick);
return STORAGE_OK;
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_check_pass( const char *nick, const char *password ) {
/// mysql variables
MYSQL_RES *result;
int ret_query=0;
unsigned int field_count;
my_ulonglong num_rows=0;
/// return variable
storage_status_t st = STORAGE_OTHER_ERROR;
/// GString wrapper for string params
GString *g_nick = g_string_new(nick);
GString *g_password = g_string_new(password);
/// buffer to build query
GString *to = g_string_new("");
/// query string
GString *query = g_string_new("");
/// building query
g_string_append(query, "SELECT id, nick, password, sha1('");
append_mysql_escaped_param(query, to, g_password);
g_string_append(query, "') from users where nick='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(query, to, g_nick);
g_string_append(query, "' limit 1");
/// executing query
ret_query = send_query(mysql,query->str,query->len);
field_count = mysql_field_count(mysql);
/// process query
/// query is successfull
if(field_count == 4){
result = mysql_store_result(mysql);
num_rows = mysql_num_rows(result);
row = mysql_fetch_row(result);
if(g_ascii_strncasecmp(row[2], row[3], strlen(row[2]))==0){
/// clear up the result
/// query is failed
/// free up GStrings used
g_string_free(to, TRUE);
g_string_free(g_nick, TRUE);
g_string_free(g_password, TRUE);
g_string_free(query, TRUE);
return st;
static long storage_get_user_id(GString *q, GString *buf, GString *nick) {
long int user_id;
GSList *user_row = NULL;
g_string_printf(q, "SELECT id from users where nick='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, nick);
user_row = mysql_single_row(mysql, q->str);
user_id = atol(((GString *)user_row->data)->str);
return user_id;
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_save( irc_t *irc, int overwrite ) {
/// static variables
my_ulonglong num_rows=0;
long user_id = 0;
account_t *acc;
storage_status_t settings_status;
/// dynamic variables. Needs clean up function called
// GSList *user_row = NULL;
// GString *user_id_str = NULL;
GString *nick = g_string_new(irc->user->nick);
GString *pass = g_string_new(irc->password);
GString *buf = g_string_new("");
GString *q = g_string_new("INSERT INTO users (nick, password) values ('");
/// 1. Save the user name
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, nick);
g_string_append(q, "',sha1('");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, pass);
g_string_append(q, "')) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password = sha1('");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, pass);
g_string_append(q, "')");
send_query(mysql, q->str, q->len);
g_string_printf(q, "%s", "");
num_rows = mysql_affected_rows(mysql);
if(num_rows<0 || num_rows>2){
fprintf(stderr, "User neither added, updated, unchanged\n");
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\t%s\e[0m\n", mysql_error(mysql));
g_string_free(nick, TRUE);
g_string_free(pass, TRUE);
g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
/// 2. Save the user settings
/// 2.1 Get the user id
user_id= storage_get_user_id(q, buf,nick);
/// 2.2 Set all the settings 1 by 1
settings_status = set_settings_flag(mysql, irc->b->set,"user_settings", "user", user_id, SET_NOSAVE);
/// something bad happened!
g_string_free(nick, TRUE);
g_string_free(pass, TRUE);
g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
return settings_status;
/// 3. Set all the user accounts
for( acc = irc->b->accounts; acc; acc = acc->next ){
//acc->prpl->name, acc->user, pass_b64, acc->auto_connect, acc->tag
/// 3.1 add user accounts
GString *acc_protocol = g_string_new(acc->prpl->name);
GString *acc_handle = g_string_new(acc->user);
GString *acc_password = g_string_new(acc->pass);
GString *acc_tag = g_string_new(acc->tag);
gboolean server_exists = (acc->server && acc->server[0]);
GString *acc_server = NULL;
GString *account_id_str = NULL;
GSList *account_row = NULL;
acc_server = g_string_new(acc->server);
g_string_printf(q, "INSERT INTO accounts (user, protocol, handle, password, autoconnect, tag, server) values (%ld, '", user_id);
g_string_printf(q, "INSERT INTO accounts (user, protocol, handle, password, autoconnect, tag) values (%ld, '", user_id);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_protocol);
g_string_append(q,"', '");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_handle);
g_string_append(q,"', '");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_password);
g_string_append_printf(q, "', '%d', '", acc->auto_connect);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_tag);
g_string_append(q,"', '");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_server);
g_string_append(q,"') on duplicate key UPDATE password='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_password);
g_string_append_printf(q,"', autoconnect='%d', tag='", acc->auto_connect);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_tag);
g_string_append(q,"', server='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_server);
g_string_free(acc_server, TRUE);
send_query(mysql, q->str, q->len);
num_rows = mysql_affected_rows(mysql);
if(num_rows<0 || num_rows>2){
/// something went wrong.
g_string_free(acc_handle, TRUE);
g_string_free(acc_password, TRUE);
g_string_free(acc_protocol, TRUE);
g_string_free(acc_tag, TRUE);
g_string_free(account_id_str, TRUE);
g_string_free(nick, TRUE);
g_string_free(pass, TRUE);
g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
/// 3.2 add user account settings
g_string_printf(q, "select id from accounts where user='%ld' and protocol='", user_id);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_protocol);
g_string_append(q, "' and handle='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, acc_handle);
g_string_append(q, "'");
account_row = mysql_single_row(mysql, q->str);
account_id_str = (GString *)account_row->data;
settings_status = set_settings_flag(mysql, irc->b->set, "account_settings", "account", atol(account_id_str->str), ACC_SET_NOSAVE);
/// something bad happened!
free_g_str_list(8, acc_handle, acc_password, acc_protocol, acc_tag, account_id_str, nick, pass, buf, q);
return settings_status;
/// 3.3 adding all the renamed buddies.
/// buddies you have renamed to good nicks.
database_object dbo;
dbo.mysql = mysql;
dbo.query_string = q;
dbo.string_buffer = buf; = (gpointer)(account_id_str->str);
g_hash_table_foreach(acc->nicks, mysql_storage_save_nick, &dbo);
/// Testing if my new g_string free funciton works
free_g_str_list(5, acc_handle, acc_password, acc_protocol, acc_tag, account_id_str);
/// 4. Set all the channels
GSList* l;
GSList* channel_row = NULL;
GString* channel_id_str = NULL;
GString *ch_name = g_string_new("");
GString *ch_type = g_string_new("");
for(l = irc->channels; l; l = l->next )
irc_channel_t *ic = l->data;
g_string_printf(ch_name, "%s", ic->name);
//g_string_printf(ch_type, "set_getstr(&ic->set, \"type\")");
g_string_printf(ch_type, "%s", set_getstr(&ic->set, "type"));
if( ic->flags & IRC_CHANNEL_TEMP )
/// 4.1 save channel
save_kv_pair(q, buf, "channels", "user", "name", "type", user_id, ch_name->str, ch_type->str);
/// fetch channel id
g_string_printf(q, "select id from channels where user='%ld' and name='", user_id);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, ch_name);
g_string_append(q, "' and type='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, ch_type);
g_string_append(q, "'");
channel_row = mysql_single_row(mysql, q->str);
channel_id_str = (GString*)(channel_row->data);
/// 4.2 save channel settings
/// the last condition here is a bit geeky.
/// its like this becase of refactoring the code.
set_channel_settings(mysql, ic->set, "channel_settings", "channel", atol(channel_id_str->str));
free_g_str_list(2, ch_name, ch_type);
g_string_free(nick, TRUE);
g_string_free(pass, TRUE);
g_string_free(buf, TRUE);
g_string_free(q, TRUE);
/// all went good till now.
return STORAGE_OK;
static storage_status_t mysql_storage_remove( const char *nick, const char *password ) {
int query_status =0;
/// GString wrapper for string params
GString *g_nick = g_string_new(nick);
GString *g_password = g_string_new(password);
/// Query and buffer
GString *buffer=g_string_new(""), *query = g_string_new("DELETE FROM users where nick='");
append_mysql_escaped_param(query, buffer, g_nick);
g_string_append(query,"' and password=sha1('");
append_mysql_escaped_param(query, buffer, g_password);
g_string_append(query, "')");
query_status = send_query(mysql, query->str, query->len);
/// Free glib objects
g_string_free(g_nick, TRUE);
g_string_free(g_password, TRUE);
g_string_free(query, TRUE);
g_string_free(buffer, TRUE);
if(mysql_affected_rows(mysql) == 1){
return STORAGE_OK;
/// @TODO should we check if password is wrong and return STORAGE_INVALID_PASSWORD?
fprintf(stderr, "\e[31mERROR\t%s\e[0m\n", mysql_error(mysql));
static void mysql_storage_deinit( void ) {
if(mysql!=NULL) {
* If a table has key-value options associated with it in on-to-many
* relation this function helps to save those options.
* @param q query buffer
* @param buf buffer to use for building query.
* @param table_name name of the child table
* @param fk_column_name foreign key column name mapped to parent
* @param key_name name of the key column in key-value
* @param value_name name of the value column in key-value
* @param fk_column_value value to set for fk_column_name
* @param key value to set for key_name
* @param value value to set for value_name
static storage_status_t save_kv_pair(GString *q, GString *buf, char *table_name,
char *fk_column_name, char *key_name, char *value_name,
long fk_column_value, char *key, char *value){
GString *v = g_string_new("");
GString *k = g_string_new("");
// building query.
g_string_printf(k, "%s", key);
g_string_printf(v, "%s", value);
g_string_printf(q,"insert into `%s` (`%s`, `%s`, `%s`) values (%ld, '", table_name,
fk_column_name, key_name, value_name, fk_column_value);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, k);
g_string_append(q,"', '");
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, v);
g_string_append_printf(q, "') on duplicate key update `%s`='", value_name);
append_mysql_escaped_param(q, buf, v);
// executing query
// releasing memory
g_string_free(v, TRUE);
g_string_free(k, TRUE);
if(mysql_errno(mysql)!=0) {
/// something bad happened!
return STORAGE_OK;
static void mysql_storage_save_nick(gpointer key, gpointer value, gpointer data){
GString *query = ((database_object *)data)->query_string;
GString *buffer = ((database_object *)data)->string_buffer;
char * account_id = (char *)(((database_object *)data)->data);
/*storage_status_t buddy_kv_stat = */save_kv_pair(query, buffer, "account_buddies", "account", "handle", "nick",
atol(account_id), (char *)key, (char *)value);
storage_t storage_mysql = {
.name = "mysql",
.init = mysql_storage_init,
.check_pass = mysql_storage_check_pass,
.remove = mysql_storage_remove,
.load = mysql_storage_load,
.save = mysql_storage_save,
.deinit = mysql_storage_deinit
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