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Last active September 12, 2016 03:48
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Stroke-counting function for Sino-Japanese numbers
-- Stroke-counting function for Sino-Japanese numbers
module Strokes where
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.List (elemIndex, maximumBy)
ichi = ""
ni = ""
san = ""
yon = ""
go = ""
roku = ""
nana = ""
hachi = ""
kyuu = ""
juu = ""
hyaku = "" -- hundred
sen = "" -- thousand
-- note: the following must always be preceeded by a number, unlike earlier ones
man = "" -- ten thousand
oku = "" -- hundred million
tchou = "" -- trillion
ichiman, ichioku, itchou, limit :: Integral a => a
ichiman = 10000
ichioku = ichiman * ichiman
itchou = ichiman * ichioku
limit = ichiman * itchou
strokes :: String -> Int
strokes "" = 0
strokes ('一':xs) = 1 + strokes xs
strokes ('二':xs) = 2 + strokes xs
strokes ('三':xs) = 3 + strokes xs
strokes ('四':xs) = 5 + strokes xs
strokes ('五':xs) = 4 + strokes xs
strokes ('六':xs) = 4 + strokes xs
strokes ('七':xs) = 2 + strokes xs
strokes ('八':xs) = 2 + strokes xs
strokes ('九':xs) = 2 + strokes xs
strokes ('十':xs) = 2 + strokes xs
strokes ('百':xs) = 6 + strokes xs
strokes ('千':xs) = 3 + strokes xs
strokes ('万':xs) = 3 + strokes xs
strokes ('億':xs) = 15 + strokes xs
strokes ('兆':xs) = 6 + strokes xs
strokes (x:_) = error $ "Unknown character: " ++ (x:"")
spell :: Integral a => a -> String
spell 1 = ichi
spell 2 = ni
spell 3 = san
spell 4 = yon
spell 5 = go
spell 6 = roku
spell 7 = nana
spell 8 = hachi
spell 9 = kyuu
spell 10 = juu
spell 100 = hyaku
spell 1000 = sen
spell x
| x < 1 = error "Only positive integers"
| x < 100 = spell1 (x `div` 10) ++ juu ++ spell0 (x `mod` 10)
| x < 1000 = spell1 (x `div` 100) ++ hyaku ++ spell0 (x `mod` 100)
| x < ichiman = spell1 (x `div` 1000) ++ sen ++ spell0 (x `mod` 1000)
| x < ichioku = spell (x `div` 10000) ++ man ++ spell0 (x `mod` 10000)
| x < itchou = spell (x `div` ichioku) ++ oku ++ spell0 (x `mod` ichioku)
| x < limit = spell (x `div` itchou) ++ tchou ++ spell0 (x `mod` itchou)
| otherwise = error "I don't know how to count that high"
where spell1 x = if x == 1 then "" else spell x
spell0 x = if x == 0 then "" else spell x
value :: String -> Integer
value "" = 0
value x
| x == ichi = 1
| x == ni = 2
| x == san = 3
| x == yon = 4
| x == go = 5
| x == roku = 6
| x == nana = 7
| x == hachi = 8
| x == kyuu = 9
| has tchou = split tchou itchou
| has oku = split oku ichioku
| has man = split man ichiman
| has sen = split sen 1000
| has hyaku = split hyaku 100
| has juu = split juu 10
where has = (`elem` x) . head
split char val = let Just i = elemIndex (head char) x
in val * front i + back i
front i = max 1 $ value $ take i x
back i = value $ drop (i + 1) x
fix :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
fix f x = fix' [x]
where fix' xs | head xs `elem` tail xs = reverse xs
| otherwise = fix' $ f (head xs) : xs
findLongest :: Int -> [Int]
findLongest n = maximumBy (comparing length) $ map (fix $ strokes . spell) [1..n]
printTable :: Int -> IO ()
printTable n = mapM_ (print . fix (strokes . spell)) [1..n]
-- Upshot:
-- Fixed points at 1, 2, 3, cycle at (4, 5)
-- Most single-digit numbers end up at 2.
-- First occurence of given length:
-- 1 => 1
-- 2 => 4
-- 3 => 6
-- 4 => 15
-- 5 => 124
-- 6 => 14444444444444 (??)
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