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Last active September 28, 2018 02:29
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Simple yet elegant push transition from the rect and back to the same rect.
// PushFromItemAnimator.swift
// Between
// Created by Shial on 11/9/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Szymon Lorenz Solutions. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
class PushFromItemAnimator: NSObject, UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning {
var duration: TimeInterval
var isPresenting: Bool
var rect: CGRect?
init(duration: TimeInterval, rect: CGRect?, isPresenting: Bool) {
self.isPresenting = isPresenting
self.duration = duration
self.rect = rect
func animateTransition(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {
let container = transitionContext.containerView
guard let fromView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .from) else {
guard let toView = transitionContext.view(forKey: .to) else {
let tabBar = transitionContext.viewController(forKey: .to)?.tabBarController?.tabBar
let tabBarHeight = tabBar?.frame.height ?? 0
let tabBarWidth = tabBar?.frame.width ?? 0
if self.isPresenting {
toView.transform = transform(from: toView,
to: (self.rect ?? container.bounds).offsetBy(dx: 0, dy: tabBarHeight),
in: container)
tabBar?.transform = .identity
} else {
container.insertSubview(toView, belowSubview: fromView)
tabBar?.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: tabBarWidth, y: tabBarHeight)
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, delay: 0, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {
if self.isPresenting {
tabBar?.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: tabBarWidth, y: tabBarHeight)
toView.transform = .identity
} else {
tabBar?.transform = .identity
fromView.transform = self.transform(from: fromView,
to: (self.rect ?? container.bounds).offsetBy(dx: 0, dy: tabBarHeight),
in: container)
fromView.alpha = 0
}) { finished in
tabBar?.transform = .identity
func transitionDuration(using transitionContext: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning?) -> TimeInterval {
return duration
func transform(from source: UIView, to destination: CGRect, in view: UIView) -> CGAffineTransform {
let destinationRect = view.convert(destination, to: view)
let sourceRect = source.convert(source.frame, to: view)
return CGAffineTransform.identity
.translatedBy(x: destinationRect.midX - sourceRect.midX, y: destinationRect.midY - sourceRect.midY)
.scaledBy(x: destination.width / source.frame.width, y: destination.height / source.frame.height)
extension YourPushedViewController: UINavigationControllerDelegate {
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, animationControllerFor operation: UINavigationControllerOperation, from fromVC: UIViewController, to toVC: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
switch operation {
case .push:
return PushFromItemAnimator(duration: TimeInterval(0.35), rect: rect, isPresenting: true)
return PushFromItemAnimator(duration: TimeInterval(UINavigationControllerHideShowBarDuration), rect: rect, isPresenting: false)
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shial4 commented Sep 17, 2018

Custom push animation

Simple yet elegant push transition from the rect and back to the same rect.


Remember to assign UINavigationControllerDelegate to YourPushedViewController so it can use custom transition coordinator.



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