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Incomplete SBIconListView reversal. iOS 13.3
#import "SBIconListView.h"
typedef struct SBIconListPredictedVisibleColumn {
unsigned long long column;
double confidence;
} SBIconListPredictedVisibleColumn;
typedef struct SBIconCoordinate {
NSInteger row;
NSInteger col;
} SBIconCoordinate;
@implementation SBIconListView
+(CGRect) defaultFrameForOrientation:(unsigned long long)orientation {
return CGRectZero; // probably
+(unsigned long long) defaultIconViewConfigurationOptions {
return 0;
+(void)getLayoutMetrics:(SBIconListLayoutMetrics *)metrics forBounds:(CGRect)bounds insets:(UIEdgeInsets)insets
orientation:(unsigned long long)orientation numberOfColumns:(unsigned long long)columns numberOfRows:(unsigned long long)rows
iconSize:(CGSize)size iconContentScale:(double)scale options:(unsigned long long)options {
-(CGSize)alignmentIconViewSize {
Class cls = [self baseIconViewClass];
return [cls defaultIconViewSizeForIconImageSize:self.iconImageSize configurationOptions:self.iconViewConfigurationOptions];
-(Class)baseIconViewClass {
return [SBIconView class];
-(CGPoint)centerForIcon:(SBIconView *)icon {
CGPoint iconCoordinate = [coordinateForIcon: icon];
return [self centerForIconCoordinate: iconCoordinate];
-(CGPoint)centerForIconAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
SBIconCoordinate coordinate = [self iconCoordinateForIndex:index forOrentation: self.layoutOrientation];
return [self centerForIconAtCoordinate:coordinate];
-(SBIconCoordinate)coordinateForIcon:(SBIconView *)icon {
long long iconIndex = [_model indexForIcon: icon];
long long layoutOrientation = [self layoutOrientation];
SBIconCoordinate result = [self iconCoordinateForIndex: iconIndex forOrientation:layoutOrientation];
return result;
-(SBIconCoordinate)iconCoordinateForIndex:(unsigned long long)index forOrentation:(long long)orientation {
return [[self layout] iconCoordinateForIndex:index forOrientation:orientation inList: self.model];
-(NSArray *)icons {
return self.model.icons;
-(id)initWithModel:(SBIconListModel *)model layoutProvider:(id)arg2 iconLocation:(id)arg3 orientation:(long long)arg4 iconViewProvider:(id)iconViewProvider {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectZero]) {
_iconLocation = arg3;
_orientation = arg4;
_iconContentScale = 1.0f;
_iconViewConfigurationOptions = [self defaultIconViewConfigurationOptions];
_alignsIconsOnPixelBoundaries = YES;
_iconViewProvider = iconViewProvider;
_iconViews = [NSMapTable strongToStrongObjectsMapTable];
[self setAutoresizingMask: 16];
[model addListObserver: self];
_visibleColumnRange = NSRangeMake(0, -1);
_predictedVisibleColumn.column = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
_draggingDelegate = [[SBIconListViewDraggingDestinationDelegate alloc] initWithIconListView: self];
-(void)layoutAndCreateIcon:(SBIcon *)icon atIndex:(NSUInteger)index {
SBIconView *iconView = [self iconViewForIcon:icon];
iconView.alpha = 1.0f;
if (iconView) {
CGPoint center = [self centerForIconAtIndex: index];
iconView.transform = 0; //unknown = UIPointRoundToViewScale(center); // unsure of what this does
if (self != self.superview) {
if ([self shouldReparentView: iconView]) {
[self addSubview: iconView];
NSArray *array = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:iconView count:1];
[self _updateEditingStateForIcons: array animated: 0];
-(void)removeIconView:(SBIconView *)iconView {
id<SBIconViewProviding> iconViewProvider = self.iconViewProvider;
if (iconViewProvider) {
[iconViewProvider recycleIconView:iconView];
if ([iconView isDescendantOfView: self]) {
[iconView removeFromSuperview];
-(NSMutableArray *)removedIcons {
if (!_removedIcons) {
_removedIcons = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return _removedIcons;
-(unsigned long long)rowAtPoint:(CGPoint)point {
id metrics = [self getLayoutMetrics:nil/*unknown*/];
return [self rowAtPoint:point metrics: metrics];
-(unsigned long long)rowAtPoint:(CGPoint)point metrics:(SBIconListLayoutMetrics *)metrics {
/* unknown struct members, can't be determined */
NSUInteger result;
if ( metrics->var1 == 1 )
return 0LL;
v4 = metrics->var3.var1 * metrics->var4;
v5 = metrics->var2.var1;
v6 = metrics->var5.var0 + v4;
v7 = v4 + v5;
v8 = v5 * 0.5 + v6;
result = 0LL;
while ( v8 <= point.y )
v8 = v8 + v7;
if ( ++result >= metrics->var1 - 1 )
return metrics->var1 - 1;
return result;
-(void)setUserInterfaceLayoutDirectionHandling:(unsigned long long)arg1 {
if (_userInterfaceLayoutDirectionHandling != arg1) {
_userInterfaceLayoutDirectionHandling = arg1;
[self setIconsNeedLayout];
-(void)setIconsNeedLayout {
_needsLayout = 1;
if (!_layoutRunLoopObserver) {
[self _setupLayoutRunLoopObserver]
-(void)setIconsNeedLayout:(unsigned long long)newValue {
_iconsNeedLayout = newValue;
-(UIColor *)tintColor {
return nil;
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