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Created December 21, 2018 16:43
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Loop over S3 videos looking for ones that need new thumbs.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Loop over S3 videos looking for ones that need new thumbs.
Finds all the video/assetid/ prefixes and loops over them, then for each
with enough keys, looks to see if they have thumbs (so skip this one) or a
~orig. file we can use to create thumbs.
import os
import boto3
S3_NAME = os.environ['S3_NAME']
client = boto3.client('s3')
paginator = client.get_paginator('list_objects')
page_iter = paginator.paginate(Bucket=S3_NAME, Prefix='video/', Delimiter='/')
for page in page_iter: # returns 1000 page['Contents'] or page['CommonPrefixes'])
for prefixobj in page['CommonPrefixes']: # video/hst2005_640x480/
video_prefix = prefixobj['Prefix']
objs = client.list_objects_v2(Bucket=S3_NAME, Prefix=video_prefix)
keys = [obj['Key'] for obj in objs['Contents']]
if len(keys) < 3: # need at least metadata.json, collection.json, ...~orig.*
got_thumb = False
orig_video = False
for key in keys:
if key.endswith('~small.jpg'):
got_thumb = key
break # so we don't need to thumb this one
if '~orig.' in key:
orig_video = key
if got_thumb:
print('gotthumb %s' % got_thumb)
# we've got thumbs, no need to do anything, ignore
continue # we've got a thumb, so skip to next video
if orig_video:
print('CREATE %s' % orig_video)
# Call code to create at video_prefix with orig_video
print('wtf? %s' % keys)
# this is probably bogus from testing or broken code, ignore
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