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OSRS Trailblazer Reloaded Starting Strategy by Kirbuti
Last updated: 14 November 2023
Developed based on tasks from the Original Trailblazer League and confirmed tasks in Reloaded
General tips:
On RuneLite: Turn on Entity hider, hide other players and their pets
You will have to set your F keys (keybinds), rune/ammo-picking, shift-drop, and other game settings
Relics and tasks will become fully available on Wiki about 2 hours prior to League release
Take any and all random events that can give gp/gems/XP early on
Prioritize completing tasks above all else until you unlock all your regions, then prioritize points
Don't be afraid to make impulse decisions (except for relics/regions)
Try to always be doing something even if it's not the most "efficient" use of your time
Don't sacrifice real life health or responsibilities for game progression
Have fun!
Morning-of Checklist:
Wake up at 6:00am EST
Check Wiki for Relics of all tiers, brainstorm which ones to choose
Check for new tasks on Isle of Souls and Zeah, and any related to Forestry
Check tasks on this route in case any were removed (as of 8 November all numbered tasks are confirmed)
Check all easy/medium tasks for any potential detours
Have breakfast and coffee
Boot up RuneLite, log in, and get blazin' (trails)
Tier 1 relics (confirmed 7 November 2023):
Endless Harvest: 2x resources from Mining, Woodcutting, and Fishing
Resources sent to bank unless bank is full, otherwise inventory
Same as Original Trailblazer
Production Prodigy: Production Master from Original Trailblazer (all resources processed at once)
25% chance of extra resource, created and sent to bank
Permanent +12 boost to Crafting, Smithing, Herblore, Fletching, and Cooking
Trickster: Cannot fail Thieving, Agility, Hunter, or Firemaking actions
Pickpocketing loot doubled (stacks w/ Rogue's) and noted
Coin pouch limit tripled
Receive Sage's Greaves, aka boots that give passive Agility XP that scales with level
Box traps lure creatures faster, and loot from box traps doubled
Impling jars never break
Burn up to 9 logs at once in a 3x3 grid - also works at Wintertodt braziers
Skills not boosted by any of these relics: Runecrafting, Construction, Farming
I'll probably go Production Prodigy since it'll be good early and late game
GP will get a bit short at times in this guide but once you get to Desert or Karamja section you'll be ok
Trickster is very tempting but the things it helps with can be made up for more easily than Prodigy
Also falls off late game
Endless Harvest is great for the player who wants all the afk time they can get
But Banker's Note relic might make this much less useful
This guide will assume the player does not have the level boosts from Production Prodigy
Ongoing reminders:
If you get any XP lamps from random events, put them on Runecrafting (if taking Desert first)
Other good choices include Agility, Herblore, Prayer depending on first region choice
If you get a grimy irit leaf, have Zahur clean it ASAP after unlocking Desert
Starting Section (Tasks 1-98. This section is applicable to anyone regardless of first region choice):
Make your Tier 1 relic selection
Task: Open the Leagues Menu (1)
Task: Complete the Leagues Tutorial (2)
Go to General Store, buy shears, shear one sheep
Will shear more sheep in Zanaris later
Grab 4 onions at Fred's Farm (for Prince Ali Rescue on down the line + orange cape task)
If you aren't going Desert at any point, don't worry about Prince Ali steps
Go to Magic Tutor, claim runes (drop runes in inventory if needed)
Sell bronze weapons, shortbow, and wooden shield at General store and drop Leagues outfit/extras
Buy spade from general store
Task: Chop Some Logs (3)
Go back to Lumbridge Castle, near where you'll be pickpocketing citizens
Task: Burn some Normal Logs (4)
KEEP THE ASHES from the log you burn (for Prince Ali)
Go to Tree patch behind Lumbridge Castle, buy rake, rake the patch
Task: Rake a Farming Patch (5) (rake the entire patch)
Pickpocket Men/Women to 5 Thieving
Task: Pickpocket a Citizen (6)
Task: Achieve Your First Level Up (7)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 5 (8)
Trickster pickers: Get 15 Thieving here
Check age with Hans (diary task)
Go to Lumbridge castle, middle floor
Task: Spin a Ball of Wool (9)
Talk to Duke Horacio to start Rune Mysteries, get air talisman and antifire shield
Bank upstairs, grab small fishing net, pickaxe, air talisman, shrimps, bread, runes, go downstairs
Task: Locate a Runecrafting Altar with a Talisman (10)
This should work immediately, may require completion of Rune Mysteries
Task: Visit Death's Domain (11) - Lumbridge Graveyard
Task: Dance in a graveyard (12)
Complete Misthalin Mystery for 16 Crafting
Task: Achieve Your First Level 10 (13)
Go to Fishing spot, catch shrimp until 5 Fishing (should be 8 shrimps to catch)
Task: Catch a Shrimp (14)
Go to house in southern Lumbridge, cook at least one successfully, keep at least one raw shrimps
Task: Cook a shrimp (15)
Task: Burn some food (16)
If 30 minutes have passed, claim more runes from Magic tutor
Talk to Count Check, use one-time teleport to Barbarian Village
Complete the entire Stronghold of Security, claim boots
Task: Equip Some Fancy, Fancier or Fighting Boots (17)
Note: Stronghold boots have a negative magic bonus, so take them off when maging
Trickster pickers: Put Sage's Greaves back on, you fool
Get a free rainbow scarf from Gilbert (SE of Barbarian Village across the river)
Warm clothing for Wintertodt
Start Gertrude's Cat, pick up a doogle leaf (sardine will come later)
Grab knife, bucket and a few food from bank
Use knife on a triangle-shaped tree near Varrock West bank to get bucket of sap
For Icthlarin's Little Helper
Buy Staff of fire from Zaff
Task: Equip an Elemental Staff (18)
Task: Pet a Stray Dog in Varrock (19)
Start Romeo & Juliet, get letter from Juliet, give letter to Romeo
Continue Gertrude's Cat at Wilough & Shilop
Start Demon Slayer at Aris, write down incantation (Quest helper remembers for you)
Get keys from Rovin and Varrock Sewer
Task: Slash a web in Varrock Sewers (20)
Rake the Varrock tree patch (the whole patch)
Go to church, talk to Father Lawrence for Romeo & Juliet
Task: Have Elsie tell you a story (21) - upstairs in Varrock church
Go to Varrock Estate Agent's house, start Daddy's Home with Marlo until furniture removal
Bank everything at Varrock East Bank
Steal tea in Varrock until 30 Thieving
Task: Steal from the Varrock Tea Stall (22)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 20 (23)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 30 (24)
Bank the teas for upcoming pickpocketing unless you took Trickster
Trickster pickers: Just steal one tea for task
Buy 450 mind runes, 950 air runes from Aubury. Buy 50 at a time and not the packs
Make sure the rune stocks are above 4800 at all times to get lowest price- stocks shouldn't drain at all
Get magic gear, 3 pots, 2 buckets, pickaxe, and gp from bank
Go to SE Varrock Mine
Task: Mine some Copper Ore (25) - just one for now
Also mine one tin ore
Home Tele to Lumbridge
Task: Cast Home Teleport (26)
Go to furnace
Task: Smelt a Bronze Bar (27) - keep this for Prince Ali Rescue
Task: Defeat a Goblin (28)
Task: Bury Some Bones (29)
Buy pots/buckets from General store if needed
Grab 2 raw potatoes from field NE of Draynor (needed for stew for The Queen of Thieves)
Task: Chop a log from a potato tree (30) (chop the tree in the potato field)
Grab egg from Fred's farm (or chicken coop north of it), make 3 flour, milk 1 cow, finish Cook's Assistant
Task: Milk a cow (31)
Task: Cry in a wheat field (32)
Task: Make some flour (33)
Kill 1 cow, take cowhide
Fill remaining bucket with water, make bread dough and bread on Lumbridge range (diary task)
Task: Use the Range in Lumbridge Castle (34)
Grab air talisman, dramen staff + full inventory of food/teas for healing, go to HAM Hideout
Pickpocket HAM members until you get a steel axe, steel pickaxe, grimy guam, and grimy marrentill
Task: Pickpocket a HAM Member (35)
Task: Clean a Grimy Guam (36)
If you go Kandarin first, also get a rusty sword
Trickster pickers: Get at least 25 Thieving here
Go west then south around fence, get Ghostspeak amulet from Father Urhney
Go to Wizard's Tower, continue Rune Mysteries
Optional: Kill the lesser demon. I think it'll be too busy to do this though- not worth the wait
Go to Draynor
Buy chronicle, 2 cards, 25 wines, forestry kit, 80 total allotment/flower seeds for birdhouses
Cheapest seeds are barley, potato, marigold, hammerstone (2 gp each)
Buy 4 extra barley seeds (you will plant these and protect the crop for a task)
Start Vampyre Slayer, grab 3 garlic from cabinet
Get a task from the Wise Old Man
If you can do it easily, do the task (it'll be an extra task and reward something potentially useful)
Task: Have the Wise Old Man get angry with you (37)
"I'd just like to ask you something"..."Days gone by"..."The Wise Old Man"
NOTE: You may want to skip this task if you want to stay at 5x XP for killing tree spirits
Grab bronze & steel pickaxe, bronze & steel axe, knife, 4 barley seeds, strike casts, 200+ gp from bank
Chronicle to Varrock (can also Fairy Ring from Wizards' Tower to Edgeville (DKR))
Rake the bush patch (the whole patch)
Go to hops patch SE of Champion's Guild
Buy 3 compost from gardener, rake, plant barley, protect
Task: Protect Your Crops (38)
Mine 2 clay at SW Varrock Mine, chop tree, fletch arrow shafts
Task: Mine some ore with a steel pickaxe (39) - Mine a few tin if you need 6 Mining
Task: Chop some logs with a steel axe (40) - Chop a few trees if you need 6 Woodcutting
Task: Fletch some arrow shafts (41)
Go SE of Varrock, grab 4 redberries and 1 cadava berry (be careful of Wizards)
Continue Vampyre Slayer at Blue Moon Inn
Buy 3 additional beers at Blue Moon Inn (for Prince Ali)
Continue Rune Mysteries at Aubury
Go to Apothecary for Romeo & Juliet, give potion to Juliet, finish at Romeo
Task: Complete Romeo and Juliet (42)
Buy pink skirt at Thessalia (for Prince Ali)
Go bank, turn both clays mined earlier into soft clay
Get all magic gear & Dramen staff, take Edgeville Fairy Ring to Enchanted Valley (BKQ)
Wind -> Fire strike tree spirits (KEEP ABOUT 150 CASTS FOR LATER TASKS)
Safespots all over the area
Keep at least one of each type of axe you get as a drop, wait until after Vampyre Slayer to wield them
Use wind strike (Standard casting) until 13 Magic, then fire strike (*Defensive* casting)
Defensive gains combat XP slightly faster but increases total level much faster (good for tasks)
Task: Use a Fairy Ring (43)
Task: Reach Combat Level 10 (44) - not sure when this will be done but it definitely will by here
Task: Reach Total Level 100 (45) - not sure when this will be done but it definitely will by here
At this point in the guide, you should have at least 510 points
Assuming enough points for Tier 2 (& XP boost), recommend NOT claiming it until done w/ tree spirits
Tier 2 is a Transportation? themed relic. Globetrotter is known, Fairy's Flight is speculated
Hopefully whatever remaining relic is better than these
Note: You will *probably* be able to use Last Recall at Tier 2 but with a cooldown
Cooldown depends on Total level, probably looking at 5-6 minute cooldown at this stage
Fairy Ring to Zanaris, grab bucket and shears from bank
Task: Enter Zanaris (46)
Fill bucket with sand
Shear 29 sheep for Sheep Shearer, Prince Ali Rescue, Isle of Souls loom, Sleeping Giants, and Ned rope task
Use the shears on the sheep
Fairy Ring to Edgeville (DKR)
Go to Varrock Palace, pickpocket Warriors for gp until 40 Thieving
Task: Achieve your First Level 40 (47)
Do this even without Trickster, the gp is needed
Safespot Varrock guard at east gate
Task: Defeat a Guard (48)
Pickpocket Varrock guards until 28 coin pouches then open them (at East gate)
Task: Pickpocket a Guard (49)
Task: Pickpocket a Varrock Guard - unconfirmed task but was in Original Trailblazer
Task: Open 28 Coin Pouches At Once (50)
Task: Obtain 800 Coins From Coin Pouches At Once (51)
Grab axe, gp from bank
Chop 10 logs (chop at least one log inside the Lumberyard for diary task)
Make 10 planks, 3 waxwood planks, and buy 5 bolts of cloth, 100 steel nails from Sawmill
Task: Turn a Log Into a Plank (52)
Complete Daddy's Home
Task: Purchase a Player Owned House (53)
Sell 8 bolts of cloth from Marlo's crate back to Sawmill
Minigame teleport to Soul Wars
Grab a couple food, soft clay, and 1300+ coins from bank, go into Edgeville Dungeon
If available, pick up 25 bones from spawns east of ladder. Can skip this if too busy
Task: Receive a Slayer Task from Vannaka (54) (if able to pick, take cows or goblins)
Task: Receive a Slayer Task (55)
Buy a spiny helmet, enchanted gem, a few ice coolers, and bag of salt from Vannaka
Task: Check your Slayer Task (56)
Task: Wear a spiny helmet (57) - buy from Vannaka
Continue past hobgoblins, pick up brass key, take ladder back to surface
Go into Barbarian Village, buy a Steel full helm, wear it
Task: Equip some Steel armour (58)
Spin and fire a bowl in Barbarian Village (diary task)
Home teleport to Lumbridge
Spin balls of wool (KEEP ONE UNSPUN IN BANK), turn 20 of them in to Fred
Task: Complete Sheep Shearer (59)
Grab Research Notes, air/mind runes and 25 bones from bank or kill cows/goblins/rats etc if you still need them
Go back to Wizards' Tower, continue Demon Slayer and complete Rune Mysteries
Task: Complete Rune Mysteries (60)
Task: Visit the Rune Essence Mine (61)
60 tasks unlocked the first region in Original Trailblazer, feel free to do so here if that's the case again
Go to Draynor bank, get hammer, stake, garlic, casts to kill Vampyre for Vampyre Slayer
Task: Pickpocket a Master Farmer (62)
Make two yellow, one red dye at Aggie, combine yellow and red to make orange
Task: Insult Aggie the witch (63) - "You mad old witch, you can't help me" (option 3)
Task: Have Ned make you some rope (64) - need 4 balls of wool and 15 gp
Kill the highwayman south of Draynor Manor for cape
Task: Dye a cape orange (65)
If you do not yet have Tier 2 & boosted XP multiplier, go get it by doing various simple tasks
Task: Enter Draynor Manor (66)
Task: Complete Vampyre Slayer (67) (8x will get 40 attack, 5x will only get 35)
Task: Get a chair to follow you (68)
Wield any mithril, adamant, or rune axes you got from tree spirits, and alch any besides the best tier one
Return to Draynor, do the Rooftop Agility course until 30 Agility
Task: Complete a Rooftop Agility Course (69)
Task: Complete the Draynor Agility Course (70)
Task: Obtain a Mark of Grace (71)
Task: Complete 10 Laps of the Draynor Agility Course (72) - amount of laps confirmed 8 November
Get 30 Agility here, even if this is enough tasks to unlock a new region
Get at least 1372 gp from bank
Chronicle to Varrock
Buy a black full helm from the Champions' Guild and wear it
Task: Equip some Black armour (73)
Run laps at Varrock Rooftop Course until you get 50 laps task
Task: Complete Varrock Agility Course (74)
Task: Complete 10 Laps of the Varrock Agility Course (75)
Task: Complete 50 Laps of a Rooftop Agility Course (76)
Task: Complete Demon Slayer (77) - remember your incantation if quest helper doesn't
Task: Get your revenge against a Dark Wizard (78)
Jump across the fence south of Varrock (diary task)
Kill a unicorn for horn
Go to Varrock Museum, clean finds until all 5 kudos-giving items + pendant found
Speak to Curator afterwards (diary task)
Claim Mining XP from Information Clerk - gives 1000xN XP, if this is 8x you'll get at least 25 Mining
Task: Complete the Natural History Quiz (79)
Go to SE Varrock Mine, mine at least 6 iron ore (diary task + these will be smithed at a furnace later)
IMPORTANT: Get all gp, magic gear, small fishing net, tinderbox, spade, axe, hammer, and a few food from bank
And have 10 free inventory spaces
Fairy Ring to Isle of Souls (BJP)
Run west, pick up 2 bird snares and 5 box traps
Run back east, catch a copper longtail
Task: Snare a bird (80)
If this is enough tasks to get to Desert, consider starting Desert Section and coming back to Karamja later
Most important time-dependent goal to get to is birdhouses & Digsite pendants
Leagues teleport to Brimhaven
Go to charter ship, buy 1 soda ash
Task: Buy Something from Trader Crewmembers (81)
Task: Enter your Player Owned House (82)
Use the rope swing on Moss Giant Island (diary task)
Task: Defeat a Moss Giant (83)
Task: Pick a Pineapple on Karamja (84)
Task: Enter the Brimhaven Dungeon (85)
Task: Defeat a Greater demon on Karamja (86) (upstairs, safespot next to stairs. There are no dogs)
Task: Complete 1 Combat Achievement (87)
Go to Brimhaven Agility Arena, get 13 tickets (only 10 if taking Desert)
You should have 40+ Agility but try to avoid the level 40 traps (especially the Matrix darts)
Task: Receive an Agility Arena Ticket (88)
Task: Buy a Snapdragon From Pirate Jackie the Fruit (89)
Also buy a toadflax to make an Agility potion at some point
If you don't take Kandarin, you'll likely have to kill Lobstrosities for Toad's Legs, or
If you take Desert, have Zahur clean a grimy irit for you, hold in inv and wait for Dr Jekyll random
Go to Karamja Volcano Dungeon
Pick up 1 red spiders eggs
Task: Defeat a Lesser demon (90) - in Karamja Volcano Dungeon. Surprisingly difficult to safespot
Go into TzHaar City
Task: Defeat a TzHaar (91) - safespot north-south across a vent, not east-west
Enter Fight Caves, wait until you get the diary task, and leave
Go to Musa Point
Task: Fill a Crate with Bananas (92) - takes 10 bananas
Fish shrimps at pier (diary task)
Go to Jiminua's shop (NW Tai Bwo Wannai), buy a torch and 1 papyrus
Task: Light a torch (93)
Pick up and drop seaweed 5 times (diary task)
Go towards the Jogre Pothole dungeon, dig for Clue Hunter Trousers
Kill a jogre inside the dungeon (diary task), keep bones for Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
Go to Karambwanji spot, catch enough Karambwanji for 20 Fishing
Watch out for hobgoblins
Task: Catch a Karambwanji (94)
Go to Cairn Isle (diary task)
Use remaining gp to buy bronze bars from Jiminua, smith javelin heads, and sell back. Continue to 16 Smithing
Task: Smith a bronze full helm (95)
Task: Smith a bronze plateskirt (96) - Production Prodigy pickers can do this with 4 Smithing
If you have no gp at all go to Shilo Village and fish first
Go into Shilo Village, buy all fishing supplies
Buy 2 cooked meat from Shilo Village General Store
Catch trout/salmon in Shilo Village until you get 50 salmon task done
You can sell raw trout and salmon back to fishing shop to get gp back for more feathers
Task: Catch a Salmon on Karamja (97)
Task: Catch 50 Salmon (98)
Assuming this is more than enough tasks to unlock first region, start Desert section until 43+ Magic
Ending numbering here since it probably won't matter anymore
Desert Unlock Section (projected first region unlock):
If you have a grimy irit leaf:
Fairy ring to East Desert (DLQ), run south to Nardah, pay Zahur 200 gp to clean your irit
Hold on to the irit at all times until you can give it to Jekyll random for Agility potion
If you don't have one yet, do this as soon as you get one
Leagues teleport to Al-Kharid
Start Prince Ali Rescue at Hassan
Starter section should have acquired all needed items
Task: Defeat an Al-Kharid Warrior (*)
Buy all crafting supplies from Dommik except bolt mould (probably only need like 10 thread)
Do Sleeping Giants for 42+ Smithing
Requires 3 oak logs, wool (not spun), 10 nails, hammer, chisel, bucket of water
Buy uncut gems, sell cut gems at Al-Kharid Gem shop until 500k gp
Task: Cut a Sapphire (*)
Use this as your main money maker until you can kill high level monsters
This amount should cover runes to 49 Magic via MTA, three rune weapons, and fairy ring CIS
Go to Ali Morrisane, play Sudoku to unlock both rune shops
Buy 300 Natures, 50 Cosmics, 50 Laws and 1 death from Ali Morrisane
Go to Mage Training Arena alchemy room until 49 Magic
Smelt an iron bar, steel bar, and molten glass in Al-Kharid
Task: Smelt an Iron bar (*) - might want to superheat this
Task: Smelt a Steel Bar (*)
If needed, get 25 Construction from the supplies in the crate (don't use the steel bars)
Save 6 oak planks, 4 steel bars, 5 nails
Teleport to POH, build Workshop, Crafting Table 2, craft four clockwork devices
Task: Build a Room in Your Player Owned House (*)
Bank wherever, grab hammer, saw, chisel, 2 oak planks, 5 nails, iron bar
Task: Pan for an uncut jade (*) - panning tray spawns near panning site
Task: Travel to Fossil Island (*)
Task: Build a Bank on Fossil Island (*)
Task: Pet the Museum camp dog (*)
Grab axe, RAKE, 4 oak logs, 4 clockworks from bank, some food
Go to Northwest mushtree, unlock it
Go to House on the Hill mushtree, unlock it, return to Northwest mushtree
Run through Tar Swamp to Swamp mushtree (beware of tar monsters), unlock it, return to Northwest mushtree
Run to Volcanic mushtree, unlock it, build first two birdhouses
Task: Fully unlock Mycelium transport system (*)
Return to Northwest mushtree, build last two birdhouses
Continue doing birdhouses as often as possible to train Hunter, especially after Digsite Pendants
Minigame teleport to Soul Wars
Mine 10 tin, 50 iron, and 15 coal at mine south of bank
Task: Mine 10 tin ore (*)
Task: Mine 50 iron ore (*)
Task: Mine 15 coal (*)
Mine extra iron to 40 Mining if needed
Mine 10 gold ore after 40 Mining
Also mine 1 silver and 4 clay for Desert quests
Get the following spawns on Isle of Souls:
Pick up Big fishing net spawn, run up west side of island
Pick up Lobster pot spawn on west coast
Pick up Pestle & mortar and rope spawns in tower
Complete Karamja Easy Diary, lamp on Runecrafting (only remaining task should be mining gold ore)
Task: Complete the Karamja Easy Diary (*)
Claim lamp from Minas, lamp on Runecrafting
Grab some gp from bank
Leagues teleport to Karamja (Brimhaven)
Buy 15 pineapples from charter ship (will deposit these in Hosidius for task later)
Leagues teleport to Al-Kharid
Craft one games necklace, one ring of dueling, and as many digsite pendants as you can
Task: Craft an Emerald Ring (*)
Task: Use a Digsite Pendant to Teleport to Fossil Island (*)
Task: Steal some Silk (*)
Task: Complete the Al-Kharid Agility Course (*)
Task: Tan a Cow Hide in the Kharidian Desert (*)
Task: Craft a Leather Body (*)
Buy from Shantay: Desert outfit, 10 waterskins, 10 passes, 1 empty waterskins, 75k+ gp
Get from bank: Bird snares, pickaxe, knife, waterskins (incl empty one), food, dramen staff, Varrock tele runes
Enter desert wearing desert robes (diary task)
Cut open a cactus (diary task)
Catch a golden warbler (diary task)
Run to Ancient Vault, buy a Ring of Shadows for 75k gp
Teleport to Varrock (diary task)
Task: Teleport using Law Runes (*)
Task: Smith 150 Iron Arrowtips (*)
Buy a rune sword and rune mace from the Champions' Guild
If you go for the melee relic, get a longsword instead of shortsword
Task: Equip a Rune Weapon (*)
Buy cheapest mithril and adamant weapons from Varrock sword shop if you need the tasks
Task: Equip a Mithril weapon (*)
Task: Equip an Adamant weapon (*)
Buy more strike/bolt/blast casts from Aubury
Have Aubury teleport you to essence mine (diary task)
Leagues teleport to Al-Kharid
Grab magic spells, rope, antipoison, food
Fairy Ring to BIQ, enter Kalphite lair
Task: Enter the Kalphite Lair (*)
Go to potato cactus spawn (beware of lvl 85s in multicombat), pick up and drop one five times (diary task)
Safespot a kalphite guardian
Task: Defeat a Kalphite guardian (*)
Cast wind blast on something
Task: Cast a Blast Spell (*)
Home teleport to Lumbridge
Go to Draynor, chop and light normals, oaks, willows to 50 Firemaking
Task: Burn some Oak Logs (*) - keep like 15 of these for birdhouses, oak shortbow task, Sleeping Giants
Task: Chop 100 Willow Logs (*) - keep a few of these for birdhouses and tasks
Task: Burn 100 Willow Logs (*) - keep one for Icthlarin's Little Helper
Task: Achieve Your First Level 50 (*)
Do any Forestry events that happen (at least 5 medium tasks for them)
Can also do teaks on Isle of Souls
Fish for one raw sardine, one raw herring, and one raw anchovy in Draynor
Task: Catch a Herring (*)
Task: Catch an Anchovy (*)
Cook the herring on the fire by the Friendly Forester (fish and cook a few shrimps if you need 5 Cooking)
Task: Use a herring on a tree (*)
Buy more chronicle charges if you need them
Continue Prince Ali Rescue until needing to return to Osman for key print
Bank for raw sardine, doogle leaf, all raw karambwanji, 2 meat, 2 potato, 2 bowls, fly fishing rod, feathers
Chronicle to Varrock
Fish trout in Barbarian Village (diary task)
Task: Complete Gertrude's Cat (*) (need the Cooking XP for Queen of Thieves, no need to raise cats if no Kandarin)
Get karambwanji, cook 5 in a row in Varrock
Task: Successfully Cook 5 Pieces of food (*)
Cook some of the trout and salmon you fished in Shilo Village to 32 Cooking
Task: Enter Cooks' Guild (*)
To enter the guild I think you actually need the level (Prodigy boost might not work)
Move POH to Pollnivneach
Task: Move Your House to Pollnivneach (*)
Cook 2 stews from scratch (bowl -> water -> raw potato -> cooked meat -> cook on range)
Buy a newspaper in Varrock Square (diary task)
Give a dog a bone (diary task) - kill a low level NPC for bones
Complete Shield of Arrav (gets 1kxN XP lamp from Minas, minimum level 20) - contingent on finding another player
Probably should wait to claim lamp if the skill you want to put it on is below 20
Leagues teleport to Al-Kharid
Get keyprint from Osman for Prince Ali Rescue
Teleport to Lumbridge, go to Draynor
Task: Feed a Draynor guard some stew (*)
Complete Prince Ali Rescue
Task: Go Through the Al Kharid Gate (*)
Do Tempoross for any easy tasks available
Can get some easy combat achievements from this
Don't loot from pool until high loot multiplier
Go outside to quarry, claim Camulet from Lazim
Go into Lumbridge Mine, buy bone dagger, crossbow, and X bolts
Start Death to the Dorgeshuun
Pickpocket HAM members for 2 full sets of robes
Might be worth doing Tears of Guthix since Desert gives a zillion QPs
Task: Complete Death to the Dorgeshuun (*)
Should get 31 Ranged
Task: Craft a Ruby amulet (*) - make an Amulet of Strength to help train melee skills
Train to 37 Ranged (bone cbow) and 35ish Strength (rune sword)
Active: Slayer tasks
AFK: Ammonite crabs on Fossil Island or Sand crabs on Isle of Souls
Complete Spirits of the Elid
You'll have to flinch the golems (sword for white/gray golems, mace for black golem)
Visit the genie (diary task)
Task: Use the Bank in Nardah (*)
Task: Complete Spirits of the Elid (*)
Task: Pray at the Elidinis Statuette (*)
Task: Use the Protect from Melee prayer (*)
Task: Restore 5 Prayer Points at an Altar (*)
Task: Superhuman Strength and Improved Reflexes (*)
Have Zahur clean an herb for you (diary task) - if you didn't have an irit earlier
Should get to 45 Prayer
Fairy Ring to Isle of Souls (BJP)
Go to Dungeon, kill a blue dragon and bury the bones
Task: Defeat an Adult Chromatic Dragon (*)
Task: Bury Some Wyvern or Dragon Bones (*)
Loot the Isle of Souls Dungeon chest for dark key, then open Dark chest
Task: Open the Dark Chest
If you don't have a tarromin yet, kill forgotten souls until you get one
Complete Icthlarin's Little Helper
Flick protection prayers against the boss
Task: Enter Sophanem (*)
Task: Have a conversation with your cat (*)
Carpet ride from Shantay Pass to Pollnivneach (diary task)
Enter your POH in Pollnivneach (diary task)
Task: Take a Carpet Ride from Pollnivneach to Sophanem (*)
Task: Defeat a crocodile (*)
Tasks related to Pyramid Plunder (first room sarcophagus is an easy diary task)
Kill a vulture (diary task)
Do tasks related to Sorceress' Garden
Task: Pick a Winter Sq'irk (*)
Task: Pick a Spring Sq'irk (*)
Task: Pick an Autumn Sq'irk (*)
Task: Turn in a Winter Sq'irkjuice to Osman (*)
Complete The Golem
Travel to Uzer via Magic Carpet (diary task)
Steal a feather from the Desert Phoenix (diary task)
Task: Complete The Golem (*)
Complete Shadow of the Storm
XP on Ranged most likely
Guardians of the Rift to X Runecrafting
If you have access to Zeah, get a Rune pickaxe first
May want to wait until access to Rune pickaxe
Task: Craft a Fire rune (*)
Task: Craft 4 Runes with 1 Essence (*) (air runes at 33 Runecrafting)
Task: Craft 200 Essence Into Runes (*)
Task: Craft 50 Water runes (*)
Task: Craft 50 Cosmic runes (*)
Task: Craft an Air Rune (*)
Task: Craft a Body Rune (*)
At 35 Runecrafting, do What Lies Below (need to access Chaos altar through GotR)
Mage Training Arena until X Magic/Bones to Peaches/Infinity boots/Master wand
Go to Puro-Puro, get starting jars/net, catch 200 implings and keep claiming extra jars as needed
Task: Catch a Baby Impling (*)
Task: Catch 50 Implings in Puro-Puro (*)
Task: Catch 200 Implings in Puro-Puro (*)
Loot Young implings for a lockpick (1/10 chance)
Task: Reach Combat Level 25 (*) (not sure when it'll be obtained but throwing it in here)
Task: Reach Total Level 250 (*) (not sure when it'll be obtained but throwing it in here)
Zeah Unlock Section (projected second region unlock):
Note: Going Desert first means The Garden of Death is auto-unlocked and cannot be completed
Region Teleport to Kourend
Go upstairs to castle, pray at altar (diary task)
Steal from any stalls at Kourend Castle that complete tasks
Task: Steal a chocolate slice (*)
Steal 50-100 cakes at Kourend Castle (food for Wintertodt)
Grab unf guam potion and all gathering tools from bank (axe, pickaxe, tinderbox, knife, spade)
Complete any one-step tasks you have levels for
Run east to Docks
Take boat to Land's End (diary task), use bank, take boat back to Piscarilius
Start Client of Kourend at Veos
Do Piscarilius and Arceuus parts of Client of Kourend
Buy an Eye of newt at Regath's store in Arceuus
Task: Make an attack potion (*)
Buy Fairy Ring CIS for 80k gp
Do Lovakengj, Shayzien parts of Client of Kourend
Dig for clue hunter garb in Shayzien
Heal a soldier with a bandage (diary task)
Do Hosidius part of Client of Kourend, return to Veos
Do Dark Altar part of Client of Kourend, finish quest, favour on Piscarilus, XP on Herblore (two 500xN XP lamps)
Can also claim lamp from Minas in Varrock Museum for more Herblore XP
Complete The Queen of Thieves (bring stew)
Browse Warrens general store (diary task)
Complete The Ascent of Arceuus (need food/strike casts to kill some ghosts)
Go to Hosidius, plough fields/make fertilizer to 20% Favour
Buy 150 compost in Hosidius market (3k gp, will have from quest rewards)
Buy as much compost as you need to get 20 Farming (for The Garden of Death)
Not needed if Desert
Steal fruit from stalls, bank 5+ strange fruits (use these to cure poison later)
Grab strike casts, kill hobgoblins until you get 2 limpwurt roots
Complete The Depths of Despair (need food/strike casts to kill snake)
Grab 15 pineapples and any allotment seeds you can plant from the bank
Fill compost bin
Plant whatever allotment seeds you have in Hosidius patch
Task: Plant Seeds in an Allotment Patch (*)
Go to Piscarilius, hunt sandworms to 100% Favour
Grab food, antipoison/strange fruits, Fairy ring to Southern Kebos (BLS)
Complete The Garden of Death (should get at least 48 Farming)
Start incorporating seaweed into birdhouse runs
Go back to Hosidius, unlock Tithe Farm minigame teleport and get supercompost
Task: Fill a Bucket with Supercompost (*)
Get Magic equipment, antifire shield, a few food
Fairy Ring to Kebos (CIR), Complete Getting Ahead (monster is safespottable)
Should get at least 39 Construction with an 8x multiplier
Teleport to Wintertodt, stay until 99 Firemaking, fletch all logs, public chat off
If you have games necklaces and digsite pendants, do seaweed & birdhouses every hour
Save crates until 60+ Woodcutting, 40+ Farming, and/or boosted drops multiplier
Task: Achieve Your First Level 60 (*)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 70 (*)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 80 (*)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 90 (*)
Task: Achieve Your First Level 95 (*)
Task: Reach Level 99 Firemaking (*)
After 15 Fletching:
Task: Fletch 150 Iron Arrows (*)
After 20 Fletching:
Task: Fletch an Oak Shortbow (*) (bowstring from Isle of Souls earlier)
After 35 Fletching:
Task: Fletch a Willow Shortbow (*) (bowstring from Isle of Souls earlier)
Get 8 oak planks, hammer, saw, 14k+ gp
Move POH to Hosidius (costs 8750 gp) and enter POH (diary task)
Kill a sand crab (diary task)
Buy 700 compost, finish 100% Hosidius favour
Do Tithe Farm for all rewards that give points/tasks
Gricoller's Can, Farming outfit, Herb sack, Autoweed
Can complete some of this later if minigame multipliers are higher at certain relic tiers
At 65 Farming, go to Farming Guild and start on Medium contracts (Easy contracts not worth the effort)
Task: Catch a butterfly (should be ruby harvests outside the Farming Guild)
Mine iron at Mount Karuulm (diary task)
Fish trout at River Molch (diary task)
Fairy ring to Edgeville (DKR)
Task: Build a Waka Canoe (*)
Shayzien favour:
Heal soldiers to 5%
Kill lizardmen to 20%
Get 16 Strength here for the quest
Tale of the Righteous to whatever% (if above 40%, tackle crime, otherwise heal soldiers to 40%)
Tackling crime to whatever% - claim Strength XP
Defeat dudes for T5 armour to 100% (can start at 60%)
After 20% Shayzien favour, buy the cheapest mithril and adamant weapons if you need those tasks
Task: Equip a Mithril Weapon (*)
Task: Equip an Adamant Weapon (*)
Lovakengj favour:
Get 42 mining before going to Lovakengj
Buy a face mask from Konar or any other slayer master
Buy a rune pickaxe from Toothy's shop (no favour requirement)
Task: Mine some Ore With a Rune Pickaxe (*)
Mine sulphur to 20%
The Forsaken Tower to whatever% (can start at 20%)
More sulphur to 65%
Minecart scrolls to 100% (can start at 65%)
Make a strength potion in the pub (diary task)
Task: Drink a Strength Potion (*)
Complete Kourend/Kebos Easy diary (need 12 Herblore and tarromin/limpwurt root)
Kill lizardmen until Xeric's talisman drop
After 60 Woodcutting (probably got this from Wintertodt), go to Woodcutting Guild, buy a rune axe if needed
Task: Chop some Logs With a Rune Axe (*)
Task: Burn 100 Yew Logs (*)
Task: Fletch 1000 arrow shafts (*)
Get Karamja gloves, axe, food, antipoisons, everything else for Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup
Fairy ring to Shilo Village (CKR)
Task: Obtain a Gem While Mining (*) (go into the village and mine one rock)
Task: Successfully cut a Red Topaz (*)
Do Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup for all the tasks associated with it
Task: Equip a Full Tai Bwo Wannai Villager Set (*)
Costs 1000 trading sticks and can be resold for 800 (remember Karamja gloves 1)
Task: Enter the Tai Bwo Wannai Hardwood Grove (also chop teak/mahogany trees for diary tasks)
Costs 100 trading sticks (*)
Task: Equip a Matching Tribal Mask and Broodoo Shield (*)
Use antipoisons on green, food on white, ignore yellow/orange and run away/hop
Make a shield w/ broodoo mask, two snakeskin, 8 nails, hammer
Task: Find a Gout Tuber (*) - exchange for red topaz machete (1200 sticks, gout tuber, 3 red topaz)
Task: Equip a Red Topaz Machete (*)
Task: Complete Varrock Easy Diary (*) (lamp on TBD)
Task: Dismantle 20 Filled Bird Houses (*) (should have this by now)
<end guide>
This guide has X numbered tasks and Y total, totaling Z points
Not including any tasks specifically for Zeah
Original Trailblazer unlocked First region at 60 tasks, Second region at 140 tasks, Third region at 300 tasks
Original Trailblazer unlocked tiers at 0, 500, 2000, 4000, 7000, and 15000 points
<Deadman Test: 2 hours, 45 minutes of gameplay got to Karambwanji fishing task.>
Deadman Test has 10-20x XP multipliers, different autocompleted quests, and limited run energy
League will likely have 5-8x multipliers, we know what quests we have, and unlimited run energy
Skips all Agility training, Romeo & Juliet, Tree spirits, Varrock Museum cleaning
8 tasks skipped, 59 completed (60 tasks were needed for first region unlock in Original Trailblazer)
Monsters killed: Varrock guard (level 21)
Goblin (level 2, Lumbridge)
About 12-15 giant rats (level 3, behind Lumbridge castle)
Lesser demon (level 82)
TzHaar (level 133 - black meleer)
Count Draynor (level 34)
Runes purchased: 400 mind, 800 air
Runes remaining: 277 mind, 534 air
Runes used: 123 mind, 266 air
Supplemental tasks (easy-medium tasks not included in starter guide):
Task: Reach Base Level 5
Task: Reach Base Level 10
Task: Complete a Beginner Clue Scroll
Task: Complete an Easy Clue Scroll
Task: Complete a Medium Clue Scroll
Task: Drink From the Tears of Guthix (should wait on this until Desert unlocked)
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