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Last active February 16, 2023 15:53
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Bofa Rush Ironman v1.3 by Kirbuti
Bofa Rush Ironman v1.3 by Kirbuti (last update: 16 February 2023)
Section 0: Setup/General notes
This guide is designed to prioritize:
1. Rushing 43 Prayer while as low of a combat level as possible,
2. Obtaining barrows gloves,
3. Completing Song of the Elves immediately afterwards,
4. Begin completing Corrupted Gauntlet with stats that are reasonable to do so
This is not necessarily the fastest or most efficient way to achieve these milestones.
Many thanks to Oziris, B0aty, and others for development of prior ironman guides.
Set up authenticator for account AND email associated with account
This is required in order to claim 10k from Stronghold
See this article on using one email for multiple RS accounts:
XP lamps go to Herblore unless otherwise specified (for lamps w/ lvl reqs, try to get the level beforehand)
After buying Chronicle you should always carry an emergency tele
While low hitpoints, emergency food recommended
While low level, keep at least 15% run energy to get gap if attacked
While low level, accept all random events that give gp, gems, etc.
Search [INV] for inventory setups throughout the guide
Search [Diary] for achievement diary steps throughout the guide
See the very end of the guide for topics not covered and explanations why
Section 1: Unlocking Ardougne Cloak
1A. Starting Off
Complete Tutorial Island, don't forget to finalize ironman status
As of 9 November 2022, it is no longer required to be female for Recruitment Drive
In Lumbridge, sell to general store: bronze weapons, bronze axe, wooden shield, shortbow
Buy spade from general store
Drop air/mind runes, claim more from tutor
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Pickpocket a man/woman
Pick up all the spawns in Lumbridge castle kitchen and basement
Start Rune Mysteries, get air talisman
Get 15 Firemaking using log spawns on castle top floor. Bank least 4 ashes and 7 logs
Fletch 1000 arrow shafts from these log spawns
[INV] Any food you have
Use Count Check's one-time teleport to Barbarian Village
Go north to hall, take one piece of cooked beef and burn it
Pick up all food spawns in hall (hop worlds for more)
Stronghold of Security Floors 1-3 for 10k gp
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Enter second level of Stronghold of Security
(Optional) Complete last floor for fancy boots
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Perform the 4 emotes from Stronghold of Security
Home tele to Lumbridge
Buy steel axe from Bob
Start The Restless Ghost
Complete Misthalin Mystery
[INV] Spade, all your air/mind runes, air talisman
Start Cooks Assistant
Start X Marks the Spot
Drop runes, collect more from tutor if you can
Start Sheep Shearer
Pick up 1 egg from Fred's house
First two clues of X Marks the Spot (Lumbridge)
Kill a giant rat west of castle w/ air strike, keep meat (Druidic Ritual) and bones (Demon Slayer)
Head west (north of fence), then south, talk to Urhney, equip amulet
Pick up 5 swamp tar near swamp cave entrance
Continue Restless Ghost w/ Ghost in Lumbridge
Go to Wizards Tower for Rune Mysteries and Restless Ghost steps
Go to Draynor
Start Vampyre Slayer
Grab 3 garlic from Morgan's house
Grab 2 cheese from Aggie's house
Draynor steps of X Marks the Spot
Buy Chronicle, 10 cards, 5 wines for emergency food
[INV] 5000 gp, spade, treasure scroll, 18 free spaces
Complete Ernest the Chicken
Pick up bronze med helm spawn in Draynor Manor
Complete X Marks the Spot
Don't put lamp on anything yet
Buy wizard hat, two eye of newt, fly fishing rod, 10 sardines, and 15 feather packs in Port Sarim
Start Pirate's Treasure
Complete Client of Kourend (walk between each house)
Follow map on wiki in-depth guide to not get attacked by anything
Bank the things you bought earlier
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Pray at the altar on top floor of Kourend castle
Dig for Clue hunter garb in Shayzien
Grab 5 snape grass on Hosidius coast
There are hobgoblins, save enough run to get in and out fast
Don't put lamp on anything yet, put favour on Piscarilius
Bank at Land's End for next section
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Sail to Land's End
[INV] 1 rat meat, 1 eye of newt, spade, 250 coins, 18 free spaces, strike spells, XP lamps
Take boat back to Port Sarim
Do Pirate's Treasure Karamja & Port Sarim sections, get key from Redbeard Frank
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Pick 5 bananas in the plantation
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Travel to Port Sarim from Musa Point
Buy rake, seed dibber, trowel, secateurs, watering can, 5 plant cure from Sarah, store in Leprechaun
[Diary] Falador Easy: View Sarah's Farming shop
Kill 2 cows by Crafting Guild, take all loot
Grab onion north of Rimmington (just one, we will buy more later)
Complete Witch's Potion
Kill rat in archery store for tail
Boat from Rimmington to Ardougne
1B. Kandarin Part 1
[INV] Jug of water, logs, bucket of water, 1010+ gp, XP lamps
Complete Monk's Friend
(Optional) Complete Clock Tower (neither the gp nor qp is ultimately needed)
Buy 2 swamp paste in Port Khazard
Complete Hazeel Cult, side with Hazeel (no combat)
Buy POH from Estate Agent in Ardougne
Use lamps from X Marks the Spot and Client of Kourend on Construction
Thieve cakes for food until 20 Thieving, then silk to 21 (need at least 10 silk for future quests)
Bank 15 bread
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Steal a cake
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Check pets with Probita
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Use altar in East Ardougne
Complete Sheep Herder (bring 100 gp to start)
Buy from Ardy General store: 3 ropes, 5 vials, 30 balls of wool, 7 papyrus
Complete Tribal Totem
Chop and light normal logs/oaks to 30 Firemaking (several trees SE of Zoo)
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Sell silk to silk trader (sell back one that you stole earlier)
Complete Sea Slug (bring small fishing net)
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Fish shrimp on the platform
Start Fishing Contest (start on West side of mountain)
Be careful of bats on the way
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Buy a candle in Catherby
Buy 15 pineapples from Charter ship and put into compost bin
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Talk to Sherlock
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Play church organ
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Pick 5 flax
[INV] Pot, spade, 10 coins, fishing pass, garlic, 16 free inv slots
Complete Murder Mystery
Continue Fishing Contest (vines, contest)
Buy fishing rod from Grandpa Jack for 5 gp
Walk south around Fishing Guild
Dig for Clue hunter gloves/boots south of Fishing Guild
Walk north to Barbarian Assault, unlock Minigame Teleport (go through Tutorial)
Test the teleport to make sure you unlocked it
Start Barcrawl
Pick up at least 10 planks for Daddy's Home (a lot more will come from Tempoross)
[INV] Rope, hammer, food
Start Waterfall Quest, get to step where you need to go to Tree Gnome Village (remember to read book)
Start Dwarf Cannon, complete until needing to go to Ice Mountain
Walk to Gnome Stronghold
Train to 20 Agility at Gnome Stronghold course
This is to get 30 Agility after Tourist Trap
Barcrawl Grand Tree
Buy 3 vodka, 1 dwellberries, 1 choc dust, 5 choc bars, 5 milk, gnome spice, 4 flour, 12 onions, 1 orange
Vodka can be bought east, everything else west
Make hangover cure, 1 bread dough, 1 pastry dough
Buy 1000 bronze arrowtips on 3rd floor
Sometime before The Tourist Trap fletch 1k bronze arrows for 10 Fletching
Minigame tele to Clan Wars, go north of Ferox to pick up 2 iron bars (HCIM risk)
Go back into Ferox, restore energy at pool
[INV] Dwellberries, rope, spade, 4 buckets of water, hangover cure, food
Go into Ferox basement, use Soul Wars portal
Exit Soul Wars portal into Edgeville, use lever into Wilderness and back to Ardougne (HCIM risk)
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Use lever to teleport to Wilderness (HCIM risk) (take lever one extra time)
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Enter wilderness from lever
Complete Plague City
1C. Asgarnia/Misthalin
[INV] Cabbage, bronze med helm, bucket, 400+ gp, food, pickaxe, chronicle
Boat to Rimmington, walk to Falador (via South gate)
Buy iron chainbody from Wayne
Start The Knight's Sword
Start Black Knight's Fortress
[Diary] Falador Easy: Get a haircut (free as of 9 November 2022)
[Diary] Falador Easy: Fill a bucket with pump north of bank
Barcrawl Falador
Buy 5-10 wizard's mind bombs from Falador Pub
Buy 8 woad leaves from Wyson (select the 20 gp option to get two leaves at a time)
Continue Black Knights' Fortress (entire Fortress section)
Continue Dwarf Cannon at Ice Mountain
Chronicle to Varrock
Mine 7 clay at mine by Champions' Guild
Start Gertrude's Cat, make a seasoned sardine
Make 7 soft clay at bank
[INV] 4500 gp, research package, Redbeard's key, bucket of milk, seasoned sardine, steel axe, barcrawl card, bones
Buy pink skirt and priest gown (top & bottom) from Thessalia
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Browse Thessalia's store
Start Romeo & Juliet
Start Demon Slayer
Talk to Prysin about keys, get first key from guard in tower
Talk to Reldo for The Knight's Sword
Grab bucket (upstairs) and pie dish from kitchen, fill bucket at sink
Wash the drain outside the palace
Start Priest in Peril (talk to King Roald)
Go into sewers to get second key for Demon Slayer
Barcrawl Blue Moon
Buy 4 beers at Blue Moon Inn
Talk to Dr Harlow for Vampyre Slayer (get stake)
Continue Pirate's Treasure (open chest upstairs, read the clue)
After reading the pirate message you can drop it
Talk to Aubury for Rune Mysteries (give him research package)
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Give a dog a bone
Start Daddy's Home, get the 3 waxwood logs
[INV] Bucket of milk, seasoned sardine, axe, 3 waxwood logs, barcrawl card, 4000 gp, rest open slots
Go to Sawmill for Gertrude's Cat and Daddy's Home
Buy 5 bolts of cloth and 100 steel nails
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Chop dead tree in Lumberyard and make a plank from it (2 tasks)
Barcrawl NE Varrock
Complete Varrock Museum Quiz
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Steal 1 tea from tea stall
Buy rotten tomato from crate east of General store
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Buy newspaper from Benny
Complete Gertrude's Cat, start raising kittens, for now feed them with the sardines you bought earlier
(Optional) Keep a ball of wool with you to keep kittens happy for 50 minutes at a time
Keep chocolate cake for Desert Treasure and stew for The Queen of Thieves
Continue Romeo & Juliet (talk to Juliet, give letter to Romeo, go to Father Lawrence)
Buy staff of fire from Zaff
Complete Daddy's Home
Sell 8 bolts of cloth back to Sawmill (if selling one per world, 250 gp each or 2000 gp overall)
Buy 300 mind runes, 800 air runes from Aubury
[INV] Strike casts (all), pickaxe, 19 free spaces
Go SE of Varrock, kill bear for meat (Druidic Ritual), pick up bones for Demon Slayer
Pick 16 redberries and 1 cadava berries
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Mine iron southeast of Varrock
Complete Romeo & Juliet
Bank the redberries
Go to Barbarian Village and safespot barbarians until 13 Magic (keep bones drops for Demon Slayer)
Teleport to Lumbridge
[INV] 20 balls of wool, egg, milk, flour, bread dough, ghost's skull, gp
Complete Cook's Assistant
Complete Sheep Shearer
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Learn age from Hans
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Make bread on castle range
Grab axe, tinderbox, pickaxe, small fishing net from bank
Complete The Restless Ghost
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Chop and burn oak logs in Lumbridge
[INV] Pickaxe, small fishing net, gp, 10 free spaces
Go to Al-Kharid
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Mine iron ore from Al-Kharid mine
Buy all crafting supplies from shop, 3 needles and 50 thread
Bolt mould is the only thing not needed
Start Prince Ali Rescue and talk to Osman
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Fish anchovies south of Al-Kharid bank
Buy desert outfit, 10 waterskins, 1 empty waterskin, 10 passes, 4 bronze bars from Shantay
Make pie shell, raw redberry pie
[INV] Falador teletab, house teletab, pickaxe, coins, food, raw redberry pie, bucket, gp
Get thrown in jail and "teleported" to Port Sarim
[Diary] Falador Easy: Get security book from guard on upper level of jail
Go north to house with range, cook redberry pie
If it burns, buy flour & redberries at food shop, get water from house in north Port Sarim, reuse pie dish
Continue The Knight's Sword
Talk to Thurgo, give him pie, ask about sword
Go into dungeon and mine 2 blurite ore
Falador teletab, talk to Squire and get portrait from Sir Vyvin's room
House teletab to Rimmington, return to Thurgo and get sword
Run back to Falador
Complete The Knight's Sword
Complete Pirate's Treasure (Falador garden, kill level 5 gardener)
[Diary] Falador Easy: Kill a duck in Falador Park
Complete Black Knights' Fortress
[INV] 3 bronze bars, hammer, 30-50 feathers, shantay passes, waterskins (1 empty), knife, food, strike casts
Teleport to Lumbridge, go to Al-Kharid
Complete The Tourist Trap
[Diary] Desert Easy: Enter the desert while wearing desert robes
[Diary] Desert Easy: Cut open a desert cactus to fill a waterskin
Mercenary is safespottable against other NPCs, requires careful setup
Guard is also safespottable against other players if you have an alt (don't walk through your alt)
XP Rewards on Agility, you will need this XP to do Grand Tree
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Complete Al-Kharid Rooftop Course
[INV] Notes (Rune Mysteries), 25 bones, 10 gp if banking in Al-Kharid
If you still need 25 bones, kill chickens in Lumbridge or pick up spawns in Edgeville Dungeon
Go to Wizard's Tower
Get Demon Slayer key from Traiborn
Complete Rune Mysteries
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Teleport to essence mine with Sedridor
Get food from Draynor bank, pickpocket HAM members for rusty sword and steel pickaxe
(Optional) Get an extra rusty sword- small chance 1 won't get Ardy task done
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Enter the HAM Hideout
Keep any HAM robes, gems, buttons, or herbs
Make dyes at Aggie: 4 red (12 redberries), 4 blue (8 woad leaves), 5 yellow (10 onions)
Talk to Ned to make wig for Prince Ali Rescue, dye it yellow
Get imprint for Prince Ali Rescue (be careful of jail guards)
Buy rainbow scarf from Diango (counts as warm clothing at Wintertodt)
Buy some seeds from Olivia for initial birdhouses later (1k is enough)
UPDATE: As of 15 February 2023, allotment and flower seeds work for birdhouses
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Complete Draynor Rooftop course
[INV] Spade, strike casts, blue/orange dyes, rat/bear/beef/chicken, fishing trophy, bronze bar, imprint, food, gp
Walk to Falador
[Diary] Falador Easy: Climb over Falador western wall
Complete Goblin Diplomacy (3 mails in crates in the village)
Complete Fishing Contest on the east side of the mountain
Complete Druidic Ritual
Buy pestle & mortar from Jatix
Teleport to Lumbridge, go to Al-Kharid, get key from Osman
1D. Kandarin Part 2
[INV] Spade, 2 rusty swords, barcrawl card, 1000 gp
Minigame tele to Clan Wars, drink refreshment pool
Portal to Castle Wars
Go to Yanille (stay south of lake to avoid ogres)
Barcrawl Yanille
Buy a Greenman's ale and hunter gear in Yanille
Butterfly net, butterfly jar, noose wand, 2 bird snares, 5 box traps, teasing stick
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: View Aleck's Hunter shop
Dig for Clue Hunter cloak SE of Yanille
Go to Port Khazard
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Start a game of Fishing Trawler (can leave immediately after boat launches)
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Have Tindel identify a rusty sword
Buy 13 buckets of slime, 4 seaweed, 4 buckets of sand at charter ship
[INV] Strike casts, barcrawl card, food, 4 seaweed, 4 buckets of sand, gp
Go to Ardougne
Make 4 molten glass at Ardy furnace
Start Biohazard, complete sections in Ardougne
Kill mourner (Level 11, 19 hp) with fire strike (bring food)
Boat to Rimmington, give vials to artists
Barcrawl Port Sarim
[INV] 3 beers, rope, bronze key, wig, skin paste, pink skirt, food
Go to Draynor, rescue Prince Ali (HCIMs be careful of jail guards)
Minigame tele to Clan Wars, recharge run, leave Ferox to the south (HCIM risk)
Start Enter The Abyss (start in Wildy, get scrying orb in Varrock)
[INV] Scrying orb, 50+ coins, priest gown top/bottom, plague sample, touch paper, barcrawl card, pickaxe
Have Aubury teleport you to the essence mine with scrying orb in inventory
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Have Aubury teleport you to essence mine
Continue Biohazard (Varrock section)
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Jump over fence south of Varrock
Minigame tele to Fishing Trawler
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Have Cromperty teleport you to the essence mine with scrying orb in inventory
Complete Biohazard
[Diary] Ardougne Easy: Enter Combat Training Camp
Barcrawl Ardougne
Complete Ardougne Easy Diary, use XP on Agility
If not 30 Agility yet, hold on to the lamp until you are (see a few lines below for how to get the level)
Grab pickaxe from bank, mine iron by Monastery to 17 Mining (bank these and cloak tele to get back)
[INV] 2k+ coins, barcrawl card, small fishing net, food, knife, Ardy diary lamp (if below 30 agil), chronicle
Minigame tele to Fight Pits
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Attempt the Fight Cave or Fight Pits
[Diary] Karamja Hard: Win the Fight Pits (skip if you don't have an alt)
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Use the fishing spots at the banana plantation
Barcrawl Musa Point
Buy a Karamjan rum
Pick a banana nearby, slice it, use on rum to make banana rum for Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
If not 30 Agility yet, train on the low wall in Brimhaven Arena until you get it, then use Ardy Diary lamp
Barcrawl Brimhaven (SE bar)
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Go to Moss Giant Island
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Collect 5 seaweed on Karamja (pick up and drop one spawn 5 times)
Buy one 3-dose antipoison from Jiminua (just one for now- these are expensive)
Stay along the coast to not get hit by things from Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup
Fish at least 200 karambwanji to feed kittens
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Go to Cairn Isle
Chronicle to Champions' Guild
Start Dragon Slayer I, minigame tele to Soul Wars (walk if on cooldown), talk to Oziach
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Enter the Champions' Guild
Pick up leather gloves in Edgeville, equip, grab 3 nettles
[INV] Axe, fly fishing rod, 500 feathers, 2 soft clay, chronicle
Chronicle to Champions' Guild (again)
Continue Dragon Slayer I, ask all questions
Check quest guide to make 100% sure you asked all questions
Go to Barbarian Village
Create 2 unfired bowls (one is for Dragon Slayer I), only fire one of them
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Spin and fire a bowl in Barbarian Village
Fish trout to 30 Fishing in Barbarian Village
Bank a few of these to cook later for Death Plateau (10 cooked trout needed)
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Catch trout at Barbarian Village
Home tele to Lumbridge, fish trout/salmon to 35 Fishing
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Catch salmon in River Lum
Start The Lost Tribe, get the Brooch
Get antifire shield from Duke for Dragon Slayer I
Go to Al-Kharid, complete Prince Ali Rescue
Section 2: Tempoross, Wintertodt, 43 Prayer, Combat Quests
2A. Tempoross
Go to Tempoross until 65 Fishing. Raise kittens in the process.
Soloing will not get you any Construction XP but will get more rewards
Massing is less rewards but easier and gets Construction XP
Refer to UIM Colossi's Low level solo guide
This should get the following rewards:
300k in casket loot, including rune items, gems, jewelry, gold bars, and gp
Rune items will be alched after lava dragons grind
350 normal planks, 250 oak planks, 3500 steel nails
250 raw swordfish, 500 raw bass, 750 raw lobster, 1400 raw tuna, 200 raw pike
5500 spirit flakes
8000 fishing bait, 8000 feathers
At least one of tackle box/fish barrel/tome of water
About 45-48 Cooking
Some Construction levels if you did masses
During Tempoross grind:
Buy 1000 feathers (or 10 packs) and 1 inventory of bronze bars (there is a Shantay shop at Tempoross)
Complete Observatory Quest (3 planks, molten glass, bronze bar, food)
Do this while handing in a cat
Grab some antipoisons from the spawn nearby
After Tempoross grind, boat back to Al-Kharid
If you did not get any sapphire necklaces from Tempoross caskets, craft up to 10 of them
If you also did not get any gold bars, don't craft any at this time and skip going to Mage Bank for now
If you need to get 22 Crafting to make necklaces:
Turn in Dwarf Cannon for Crafting XP (bring Nulodion's Notes & Ammo mould)
Cut any uncut sapphires you have
Craft tiaras from any silver bars from caskets
Do NOT cut opals/jades/red topazes yet as you will break a lot of them
Minigame tele to Soul Wars, grab knife from bank, leave to Edgeville
Take lever to Wildy, go to Mage Bank (HCIM risk but recommend doing this anyways and hovering logout button)
Buy 20 cosmic runes
Enchant sapphire necklaces into games necklaces
Cook some of the raw fish you got from Tempoross rewards. This is your food supply for Wintertodt
Best place to cook is Rogues Den, don't need to cook all at this time
2B. Wintertodt
Chop and burn logs to 50 firemaking
Chop oaks to 30, willows to 35, teaks to 50
2 Oaks & 4 Willows south of Ardy Zoo Unicorn Pen
Teak south of Castle Wars (1 tree) or Northern coast of Isle of Souls (3 trees)
Go to Wintertodt until 60 Woodcutting, saving all crates. Raise kittens in the process
This will likely also get at least 90 Firemaking. You can stay until 99 if you want
Fletch as little or as much as you want. Fletching will slow down wc xp gained
If you solo, this will get extra Construction XP
Open the crates at 60 woodcutting, using full inv trick to get extra rolls from each crate
If you do not get 13 magic logs, keep going until you do (at this point open each crate individually)
If you did not get any games necklaces earlier, don't worry about turning in cats
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Medium: Subdue the Wintertodt
Complete Witch's House
Getting this done before lava dragons makes them a bit safer without gaining too many combat levels
All monsters are safespottable, first two may need a few food
For safespot, refer to DakotaMeatballs' Episode 26 at 2:58
Use supplies from Temp/Todt to get 27 Crafting, craft a sapphire amulet and enchant into Amulet of Magic
2C. Lava Dragons & Wilderness tasks
Buy 7500 casts of fire strike (82500 gp), kill lava dragons for bones.
Starting at 13 Magic, using all of these casts gets about 53 Magic
Buy extra casts if needed. Each kill should be ~75-100 casts. With tome it's ~50-75 casts each
Without looting bag, only try for 10 kills per trip. With bag go for 15-20
Prioritize other loot to put in looting bag, keep bones in inventory
If you are attacked at Lava Dragon Isle, bury the bones in your inventory
Each bone is effectively 595 prayer xp at Chaos altar or 340 XP buried on Lava Dragon Isle.
If you get 40 Prayer, completing Recruitment Drive, Priest in Peril, and Holy Grail will get you 43
40 Prayer takes 61 bones at Chaos altar
43 Prayer takes 85 bones at Chaos altar
If you get these drops, keep at least one: Rune axe, rune kiteshield, rune full helm, lava battlestaff
Alch the rest (use mind bomb to boost)
If PKers become an issue:
Option 1: Run big bones from Boneyard to Chaos altar to 40+ prayer
Option 2: Skip this section altogether (HCIMs may want to consider this)
Getting overheads now is just for convenience
First quest that "needs" overheads is Monkey Madness I (much later into the guide)
Not a bad idea to wait until 60% Arceuus favor (listed later) and use ensouled heads
Otherwise kill blue drags in Taverley Dungeon after getting Iban's
[Diary] Wilderness Hard: Kill lava dragon and bury its bones on Lava Dragon Isle
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Cast low alchemy at the fountain of rune (don't need runes for this)
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Pray at the Chaos altar in level 38 Wilderness
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Enter the KBD lair
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Equip any team cape in the Wilderness
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Restore some prayer points at the Demonic ruins
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Kill a mammoth (SE of Ferox)
If 52+ magic, boost to alch rune items from Tempoross and Lava drags (otherwise wait till later)
2D. Early Combat Quests
[INV] Strike casts, 5 coins, 6 logs, scrying orb, food
Complete Fight Arena
Complete Tree Gnome Village
Pick up purple dye for RFD goblins later
Continue Waterfall Quest, get Glarial's Pebble from Gnome Village
Take tree to Grand Exchange, then Gnome Stronghold
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Use spirit tree at Grand Exchange
[Diary] Western Medium: Travel to Gnome Stronghold by spirit tree
[Diary] Western Easy: Complete one lap of Gnome agility course
Have Brimstail teleport you to ess mine w/ scrying orb for Enter The Abyss
[Diary] Have Brimstail teleport you to essence mine
[Diary] Western Easy: Kill a terrorbird in enclosure (SW area of Stronghold)
[Diary] Western Easy: Score a goal in gnomeball
Pick up two toads NW of Grand Tree
[Diary] Western Easy: Pick up a toad in Gnome Stronghold
Start The Grand Tree through needing to go to Hazelmere
[INV] Glarial's pebble, Nulodion's notes, ammo mould, rope, 6 air/water/earth runes, food
Complete Waterfall Quest (should have a games neck to Barb, otherwise Minigame tele)
Drop runes outside tomb
Complete Dwarf Cannon (if you hadn't already)
Ardy cloak and walk south (or Trawler/NMZ Minigame tele) to get to Hazelmere, continue Grand Tree
[INV] Brooch, Scrying orb, Silverlight, armour, food, spade, strike casts, 53k coins
Chronicle to Varrock
Buy rune sword, green chaps/vambs, coif, black legs/helm from Champion's Guild
Buy bronze sword from sword shop (for Horror From The Deep)
Buy black platebody from Horvik
Buy willow shortbow, maple shortbow, oak longbow, and 250 steel arrows from Lowe
Talk to Reldo for The Lost Tribe
Complete Enter The Abyss
Complete Demon Slayer
Spirit tree to Gnome Stronghold
Complete The Grand Tree
Complete Jungle Potion
Buy 5 antipoisons and 5 charcoal from Jiminua's store
Dig for Clue hunter trousers outside of Jogre lair
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Kill a jogre in the Pothole dungeon
Keep jogre bones for Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
Get extra volencia moss in case needed for Fairytale 1
(Optional) Get two extra snake weed, one extra ardrigal, one extra rogue's purse for other quests
These are for Legends and Zogre Flesh Eaters which are not done in this guide
Minigame teleport to Pest Control and bank for next section (if below 40 combat, boat back to Ardy instead)
[Diary] Western Easy: Use Pest Control minigame teleport
[Diary] Western Easy: Complete a novice game of Pest Control
Section 3: More early quests + Fossil Island
3A. Unlocking Fossil Island
[INV] Strike casts, telegrab runes, gp, hammer, weapon, spade
Boat to Port Sarim
Kill Wormbrain in Port Sarim jail, telegrab map piece for Dragon Slayer I
Boat to Zeah, go to Hosidius
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Kill a sand crab
Plough fields to 5% Hosidius favour, make 150 fertilizer to 20% Hosidius favour.
Buy compost in Hosidius
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Dig Saltpetre
Complete the Depths of Despair
Make 700 more fertilizer to 100% Hosidius favour (XP from all the fertilizer gets 13 Farming)
Mine Doric's Quest ores south of Hosidius (6 clay, 4 copper, 2 iron)
Also mine 15 extra clay for future quests
Complete The Queen of Thieves (grab stew from bank)
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Browse the Warrens General Store
Train to 42 Thieving at Fruit stalls, keeping golo tops, strange fruits, papayas, and 5 apples
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Steal from a Hosidius fruit stall
This will get 45 Thieving (req for blackjacking) after completing The Feud
[INV] Brooch, redberry pie, 2 iron bars, pickaxe, hammer, food, Doric's Quest ores, Falador/House teletabs
Teleport to Falador
[Diary] Falador Medium: Teleport to Falador
[Diary] Falador Medium: Pickpocket a Falador guard
[Diary] Falador Easy: Find out your family crest from Sir Renitee
Smith blurite bar in Falador
Continue The Lost Tribe in Goblin Village
Complete Doric's Quest
[Diary] Falador Easy: Smith blurite limbs on Doric's anvil
Complete Recruitment Drive
Buy initiate plate and legs (quest gives helm for free)
[INV] Knife, 2 buckets, silk, lobster pot, unfired bowl, mind bomb, 37k+ gp
Get 2 buckets of sap north of Falador (use knife on evergreen tree)
Go to Ice Mountain, talk to Oracle for Dragon Slayer I
Go into Dwarven Mine, get map piece
Go to pickaxe shop, buy adamant and rune pickaxes
[INV] 18750 gp, hammer, saw, 4 oak planks, molten glass, 4 steel bars, house tele, axe, tbox, initiate armour
Go to Seers Village
Move POH to Hosidius
Should have well beyond 25 Construction from Temp/Todt by now. If not, get it
Complete Elemental Workshop I
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Kill one of each elemental
Barcrawl Seers Village
Buy 20 stews from Seers Village pub
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Buy stew from Seers Village pub
Start Merlin's Crystal
In Catherby, buy big fishing net, two lobster pots, fish one cod and other things for diary
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Fish a mackerel in Catherby
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Fish and cook a bass in Catherby
Continue Merlin's Crystal, kill Mordred, claim Excalibur
[Diary] Falador Medium: Chop and burn willow logs in Taverley
[Diary] Falador Medium: Pray at altar in Taverley wearing full initiate (stone circle)
Tele to POH, leave and reenter in Building Mode
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Enter your POH in Hosidius
Build POH workshop, Crafting Table 2 and craft 4 clockworks
[INV] Pickaxe, SoA items (depending on gang), opal, cup of tea, gp, 2 ropes, p&m, vial,
tinderbox, charcoal, strike casts
Teleport to Varrock
Read altar for Merlin's Crystal
Mine 50 essence for Priest in Peril if needed
Complete Shield of Arrav (doesn't matter which gang, Phoenix Gang is slightly easier overall imo)
After completing this you should be able to get 100 Kudos
Go towards Paterdomus, kill 2 bats near limestone mine, take both sets of bat bones
Kill temple dog for Priest in Peril
Start Elemental Workshop II (read book at Exam Centre)
Complete The Dig Site
Obtain opal during quest if you don't have one yet
Give Level 3 certificate to Curator for fruit blast for RFD
Complete Varrock Museum cleaning finds/digsite pendant/talking to Minas to get Kudos for quests you've done
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Speak to Curator Haig Halen after 50 Kudos
Talk to Roald for Priest in Peril
Buy 10 silk from Thessalia if you need it (for Enlightened Journey)
Smith 7 bronze wire at Varrock West Bank
Get 40 Agility on Varrock Rooftop course
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Complete Varrock Rooftop course
Complete Bone Voyage
POH tele to Hosidius to get to WC Guild
Repair bank after quest
If you have a Digsite pendant, unlock House on the Hill teleport and mushtrees
Start birdhouse runs with best logs possible, do them as often as possible from this point onward
Especially important after starting seaweed farming (see Section 4C)
3B. Filling in the gaps
Go to Lumbridge
[INV] Brooch, pickaxe, light source, eye of newt, greenman's ale, rotten tomato, ashes, fruit blast, gp, weapon
Complete RFD Introduction
Start any RFD subquests you can, talk to Cook for each subquest started
Complete The Lost Tribe
Buy a bone c'bow and 1k bone bolts
Mine the entrance to the swamp cave along the way
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Slay a cave bug in Lumbridge Swamp Caves
(Optional) Complete Death to the Dorgeshuun (not necessary for SotE or anything else in this guide)
Start quest prior to pickpocketing HAM robes
(Horror From the Deep & Shadow of the Storm will get 30 Ranged for Animal Magnetism)
Start Lost City until needing to go to Entrana
Teleport to Camelot
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Teleport to Camelot
Complete Merlin's Crystal
Start Holy Grail (talk to Arthur and Merlin)
Move POH to Pollnivneach
Complete Elemental Workshop II
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Create a mind helmet
Go to Entrana, bring food and spells for tree spirit
Talk to High Priest on Entrana for Holy Grail
Complete Lost City
[Diary] Falador Easy: Go to Entrana
Chop five dramen branches but only create one staff
[INV] Stake, garlic, melee gear, food, spade, pickaxe
Go to Draynor Manor
Go upstairs to get whistles and napskin for Holy Grail
Complete Vampyre Slayer
Dig up skull in grave behind Manor (for Fairytale I)
Ardy cloak tele
Get 41 mining at Ardougne Monastery iron (bank the ores)
[INV] Pickaxe, Excalibur, 2 magic whistles, gear to fight Black Knight Titan
Sail to Brimhaven
[Diary] Karamja Easy: Mine gold ore NW of Brimhaven
Continue Holy Grail (kill titan)
Cloak tele and sail to Brimhaven again
Complete Karamja Easy Diary, use XP on Herblore
Complete Holy Grail
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Get tea from Galahad
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Cross coal trucks log shortcut
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Mine coal at coal trucks
Section 4: Unlocking Farming
4A. Fairy Rings & Blackjacking
Go to Al-Kharid
Smelt 5 silver bars, craft sickle and unstrung holy symbol
[INV] Any gloves, 4 buckets, gp, casts/gear for The Feud guys (safespottable)
Complete The Feud
[Diary] Desert Easy: Travel to Pollnivneach by carpet (do this once, POH tele every other time)
Get 4 Ugthanki dung
Get 50 Thieving via Blackjacking
Buy wines from bar for food
On RuneLite, recommended to change left click to pickpocket and shift click to knock-out
(Optional) Unlock rune shop from Ali Morrisane (helpful for HCIMs)
Complete Priest In Peril
Start Creature of Fenkenstrain (read sign in Canifis)
Buy 1 raw shark
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Kill a snail and craft a snelm (kill 2 thin snails and take meat)
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Kill a Canifis civilian with wolfbane
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Get a slayer task from Mazchna
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Tan a hide at Sbott (make a hard leather)
Get 60 Agility at Canifis Rooftop course
[Diary] Morytania Medium: Complete Canifis Rooftop course
Complete Nature Spirit
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Enter Mort Myre Swamp
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Restore prayer at grotto
Complete Fairytale I
Talk to gardeners at Falador allotment & Port Sarim spirit tree
Ardy cloak tele, talk to gardeners at bush patch fruit tree (run west)
Tele to Lumbridge (use actual spell), talk to gardener at tree patch, run back to Martin
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Use Lumbridge teleport spell
Depending on the items you receive, complete other tasks necessary to obtain them and finish the quest
Nature talisman is the only hard one (play GotR and buy one for 50 pearls)
See GotR section a bit further down the guide
Pray flick or flinch Tangleroot
Start Fairytale II, unlock Fairy Rings (no levels or items required)
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Travel to Unicorn Pen Fairy Ring (BIS)
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Travel to Empty Island Fairy Ring (AIR)
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Travel to McGrubor's Wood Fairy Ring (ALS)
[Diary] Kourend Medium: Travel to Mount Karuulm Fairy Ring (CIR)
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Travel to Wizards' Tower Fairy Ring (DIS)
Tele to Burthorpe (minigame tele or games neck)
If you got a bad task from Mazchna earlier, get a new one from Turael
Buy 5 Asgarnian ales & 10 wizard's mind bombs
Buy whatever graceful items you can at this point (possibly the full set)
Gloves > Cape > Legs > Boots > Top > Hood
Buy 50-100 lockpicks in Rogue's Den
Note: The Desert Treasure gilded cross chest was allegedly nerfed so it may not require this many
[Diary] Falador Hard: Crack a wall safe
Complete Rogue's Den for full Rogue outfit
Cook raw food on fire while waiting for run energy to recharge between tries
POH tele to Pollnivneach wearing Rogue outfit
[Diary] Desert Medium: Enter POH via Pollnivneach house portal
Blackjack until 85 Thieving
This should yield upwards of 3m gp
Should cover all buyable gear including cannon and about 1m in runes/skilling supplies
GotR should provide plenty of runes as is
This is the level required for pickpocketing Elves which helps with getting shards outside of CG
Keep up with birdhouses and cats as you do this, POH tele to Pollnivneach to get back quick
4B. Guardians of the Rift
Move POH to Hosidius
POH tele to Hosidius
Buy basket pack, sack pack, plant pot pack, bucket pack from Vannah
Bank these, grab one sack, buy 10 potatoes, fill sack
Fill a basket with 5 apples
Go to Arceuus
Pay 80k to unlock Fairy Ring CIS (north of library)
Find books in Arceuus library to 50% favour
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy: Hand in a book at the Arceuus library
Complete The Ascent of Arceuus
(Optional) Find books in Arceuus library to 100% favour. Only 60% is needed for spellbook
RuneLite plugin makes this pretty quick and easy
Bring strange fruits for run energy restoration
Buy any elemental staves you don't have yet from Filamina (staff icon in Arceuus)
Complete Temple of the Eye
Play Guardians of the Rift until 400 pearls, purchase Ring of the Elements
Ring provides alternative teles to:
Digsite pendant (Earth altar)
Explorer's ring (Air altar)
Ring of Dueling (Fire altar)
Chance of tarnished locket which can be traded in for Amulet of the Eye (unlimited bank teles)
Keep any unique talismans you receive
UPDATE: As of February 2023, you can use a Catalytic tiara for MEP2
A bit of Mining XP will be earned here
This will likely take quite a bit of time and earn you quite a bit of rc xp
A peer of mine took about 500k xp (46-67 rc) getting 300 pearls, per their own estimate
Runes crafted here should be enough to get B2P and infinity boots from MTA
MTA will ultimately require the following runes:
B2P + Boots: 800 laws, 800 cosmics, 1420 natures
+ Wand: 2000 laws, 2000 cosmics, 3650 natures
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Enter the Chaos runecrafting temple
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Have Mage of Zamorak teleport you into Abyss
To repair pouches: exit to Wizard's Tower, take fairy ring to Edgeville (DKR),
enter abyss, minigame tele back to GotR
If you get Amulet of the Eye, minigame tele to Clan Wars to get to Abyss instead
Don't forget to keep raising cats btw
[Diary] Varrock Easy: Craft some earth runes
This should complete Varrock Easy. Wait until 30 Herblore to claim lamp
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Craft some lava runes at the Fire altar
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Craft some water runes
Buy seeds from Olivia
1 marigold, 6 cabbage, 6 onion needed for Garden of Tranquility
Buy more seeds from birdhouses if you need them
Pickpocket Master Farmers for more seeds to use to speed up Farming training
Mine 2k volcanic ash on Fossil Island
Birdhouse reminder btw
Use ash on entire bins of compost during farm runs, especially the one in the Farming Guild
4C. Farming Quests
[INV] Food, antipoisons, strange fruits, Kharedst's Memoirs, Dramen staff
Complete The Garden of Death (gets 30 Farming instantly)
HCIMs without overheads be careful, need to run past several lizardmen
[INV] All farming tools, hammer, silver bar, g'speak ammy, 3 bronze wire, needle, 5 thread, spade, telegrab,
3 papyrus, ball of wool, potato sack, unlit candle
Start Enlightened Journey (Complete through the "Getting started" section of Wiki Quick Guide)
Plant Auguste's sapling in Falador, protect with basket of apples
After fully grown, 6 branches can be pruned at a time.
Takes 30 mins until 6 more branches can be pruned.
Need 18 branches total (12 for quest, 6 for diary)
Complete Creature of Fenkenstrain
[INV] Ring of charos, all farming tools, 2 plant cures, marigold seed, cabbage seeds, onion seeds,
hammer, 1 pure ess, pestle/mortar, plant pot, 2 compost) - get these as needed for the quest
Complete Garden of Tranquility
While waiting for things to grow, buy pineapples from Charter ship to use for ultracompost later
Or do the RFD subquests listed in the next subsection
While near Varrock, buy adamant platebody and rune platelegs from Champion's Guild
Reminder to get willow branches in Falador if you can
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Harvest a white tree fruit
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Select colour for kitten (requires activated ring of charos)
Complete RFD Goblins (bread, orange slices, purple dye, gnome spice, fishing bait, bucket of water, charcoal)
Complete RFD Mountain Dwarf (320 coins, milk, flour, egg, bowl of water, 4 asgarnian ales, gloves)
Get 42 Crafting and craft 2 fishbowls
Complete RFD Pirate Pete. (raw cod, p&m, 3 bread, knife, fishbowl, needle, 3 bronze wire)
Begin farming seaweed along with your birdhouse runs
If you need initial sports to plant, Wait underwater until spores spawn on the ground
Craft as many Digsite pendants as you can at this point
[Diary] Use digsite pendant to teleport to digsite
[INV] Trip 1: Tbox, 10 silk, 8 empty sacks, yellow dye, red dye, bowl
Trip 2: 10 logs, 12 willow branches, 2 empty slots
Complete Enlightened Journey (pick up with "The big balloon" section of Wiki Quick Guide)
(3 papyrus, ball of wool, potato sack, 8 empty sacks, unlit candle, yellow dye, red dye,
10 silk, bowl, 10 logs, tinderbox, 12 willow branches)
Unlock routes to Castle Wars and Varrock for diaries
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Use the balloon to travel *from* Varrock
Requires 10 willow logs to unlock plus 1 regular log for diary trip
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Use balloon to travel *to* Castle Wars
Requires 10 yew logs to unlock plus 1 yew log and 1 regular log for diary trip
POH tele to Hosidius
Unlock Tithe Farm minigame teleport by entering minigame area (test to make sure it's unlocked)
Move POH to Rellekka (10k gp)
Gradually work up to 54 Farming with seaweed, seeds from birdhouse runs/Wintertodt, etc.
Most tree patches don't need to be protected, ultracompost is good enough
Protect if it's easy (e.g. apple basket for willow trees)
At 45 Farming you unlock Farming Guild, start using Seed Vault and big compost bin
At 54 Farming play Tithe Farm until 65 Farming (get extra watering cans, 10 total)
Should be enough to unlock herb sack and auto-weed
At 65 Farming start doing Medium contracts at Guild and set up regular herb, tree runs
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Medium: Enter the Farming Guild
70 Farming required for SotE, keep training as high as you can
Do birdhouses when you do seaweed
NOTE: In this guide, the highest Crafting requirement is only 49 but it is good practice
to train Crafting as high as possible towards Glory, Fury, and Zenytes. So do your seaweed
I prefer to keep all Farming-related diary steps in one place. I have them listed below (all are boostable):
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Plant jute seeds north of Seers' Village (just plant, not harvest) (13 Farming)
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Place scarecrow in Morytania flower patch (47 Farming)
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Harvest strawberries from Ardougne allotment (31 Farming)
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Pick limpwurt roots from Catherby flower patch (26 Farming)
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Check health of any fruit tree in Brimhaven (27 Farming)
[Diary] Falador Medium: Craft a basket at Falador loom (30 Farming for 6 willow branches)
[Diary] Falador Medium: Place a scarecrow in Falador flower patch (47 Farming)
[Diary] Morytania Hard: Harvest Watermelon from Harmony allotment (47 Farming)
[Diary] Morytania Hard: Harvest mushrooms near Canifis (53 Farming)
[Diary] Lumbridge Hard: Pick belladonna at Draynor Manor (63 Farming)
[Diary] Ardougne Hard: Check health of palm tree in Tree Gnome Village (68 Farming)
[Diary] Western Hard: Check health of palm tree in Lletya (68 Farming)
[Diary] Varrock Hard: Harvest at least 2 yew roots from Varrock tree patch (68 Farming)
[Diary] Ardougne Hard: Pick poison ivy berries by Ardougne Monastery (70 Farming)
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Hard: Plant some logavano seeds at Tithe Farm (74 Farming)
[Diary] Karamja Elite: Check health of palm tree in Brimhaven (68 Farming)
[Diary] Karamja Elite: Check health of calquat tree (72 Farming)
[Diary] Western Elite: Have Prissy Scilla protect your magic tree (75 Farming)
[Diary] Kandarin Elite: Pick dwarf weed from Catherby herb patch (79 Farming)
[Diary] Ardougne Elite: Pick torstol from Ardougne herb patch (85 Farming)
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Elite: Craft battlestaff from scratch in Farming Guild (85 Farming)
[Diary] Falador Elite: Harvest at least 3 magic roots from Falador tree patch (91 Farming)
Section 5: Quests that require a lot of items
While near Catherby on a farm run:
[Diary] Kandarin Easy: Get a pet fish from Harry in Catherby
This should complete Kandarin Easy Diary. Wait until 30 Herblore to claim lamp
If you don't have 27 Hunter yet, get it at this time
Create sapphire amulet (strung, not enchanted) and 2 necklaces of passage
[INV] Yellow dye, swamp tar, 50 coins, spade
Necklace of Passage tele to Outpost
Start Making History
Start Eagles' Peak until needing to go to Varrock
Continue Making History (Ardougne, Rellekka sections)
POH tele to Rellekka
Continue Eagles' Peak in Varrock
[INV] Strike casts/weapons/armour, maze key, food, hammer, 3 planks, 90 steel nails, 2k gp, prior map pieces
Continue Dragon Slayer I
Go to Rimmington, complete Melzar's Maze, get map piece, create Crandor map
Go to Port Sarim, buy and repair boat
Go to Draynor, hire Ned to captain your boat
[Diary] Lumbridge Easy: Kill zombie in Draynor Sewers
This should complete Lumbridge Easy. Wait until 30 Herblore to claim lamp
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Chop willow logs in Draynor
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Pickpocket Martin the Master Gardener
[INV] Antifire shield, weapon/casts, full inv of food
Go to Crandor for Dragon Slayer I, enter dungeon, resurface, enter again
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Visit Crandor via Karamja Dungeon
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Use hidden wall in Karamja Dungeon
Open Crandor shortcut in dungeon before fighting Elvarg
Kill Elvarg, take head
Pick up 4 red spiders eggs after defeating Elvarg
Minigame tele to Soul Wars
Complete Dragon Slayer I
Buy rune platebody and green d'hide body from Oziach
Grab unstrung holy symbol and ball of wool from bank, create strung symbol
Go to Monastery, bless holy symbol
[INV] 20+ gp, gold bar, tbox, pickaxe, 2 rope, guam pot unf, light source, p&m, bat bones, dragon bones
Complete Watchtower
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Collect cave nightshade from Skavid caves
If you need dragon bones, kill Elvarg in Nightmare Zone
[INV] 1 of each ele rune, bronze sword, any arrow, glass, tbox, hammer, 60 nails, 2 planks, swamp tar
Complete Horror From The Deep
Can just bring mage gear and hide during melee/ranged phases
[Diary] Kandarin Medium: Complete 1 lap of Barbarian agility course
[INV] vial, p&m, papyrus, 4 soft clay, chisel, necklace of passage, waterskins, bird snare, axe, pickaxe
Complete The Golem
Use Necklace of passage teles
Get phoenix feather near necklace tele
Grab extra black mushroom
Get gems from throne near end of quest
[Diary] Desert Medium: Cut teak tree at Uzer
[Diary] Desert Medium: Steal a phoenix feather from the Desert phoenix
[Diary] Desert Easy: Mine 5 clay in northern desert
[Diary] Desert Easy: Catch a golden warbler
[INV] Silverlight, strange implement, black armour, silver bar
Complete Shadow of the Storm (silverlight, strange implement, black armour, black shroom, silver bar)
[Diary] Desert Medium: Travel to Uzer via carpet (use this once and Necklace of Passage otherwise)
Use XP on Ranged, should now be at least 30 Ranged
Complete RFD Evil Dave (fully grown cat, about 10 stews)
Use a fully grown cat for this (do this later if you only have a kitten)
Get 18 Slayer, recommended to use bone cbow to train Ranged in the process
Getting tasks from Vannaka and Chaeldar are diary tasks (can Turael skip if they're bad)
Superheat/smelt 7 iron ores into bars
Smith 1 iron spit
Cook nettle tea (nettles into bowl of water on range)
Pickpocket buttons from HAM members if still needed
Go to Draynor Manor, start Animal Magnetism at Ava
[INV] 6 pots, 12 buckets of slime, weapons/armour, g'speak ammy, sapphire amulet, dramen staff, axe
Go to Haunted Woods Fairy Ring (ALQ)
[Diary] Morytania Medium: Obtain bark from hollow tree
Kill 6 chickens, grind bones into bonemeal, repeat for another 6 bonemeal, claim 60 Ecto-tokens
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Offer bonemeal at Ectofuntus
Start Ghosts Ahoy at Velorina, continue until needing to visit Old Crone
Continue Making History at Droalak
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Cook a thin snail on the Port Phasmatys range
[INV] Ectotokens, milk, nettle tea, bowl of water, g'speak ammy, silk, needle, thread, knife, spade, dyes,
oak longbow, 400+ gp, earmuffs, gear to kill lvl 32 lobster, ghoul, and banshee
Continue Animal Magnetism at Alice
Go to Crone, continue Ghosts Ahoy and Animal Magnetism
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Kill a banshee in the Slayer Tower
[Diary] Morytania Easy: Kill a ghoul
This should be the last Morytania Easy step. Hold off on claiming lamp until 30 Herblore
Fairy ring from Canifis to Haunted Woods to get back to farm
Continue Animal Magnetism until given undead chickens
If you need extra dyes for Ghosts Ahoy, complete Animal Magnetism through Turael step
See [INV] tag below for needed items
Complete Ghosts Ahoy
[Diary] Morytania Medium: Visit Dragontooth Isle
[Diary] Morytania Medium: Use ectophial teleport
[INV] 5 iron bars, hammer, undead chickens, mith axe, buttons, hard leather, holy symbol, games neck
Complete Animal Magnetism
[INV] 2 eagle capes, 2 fake beaks, enchanted key, chest, scroll, rope, varrock tele
Necklace of Passage tele to Outpost
Complete Making History
Complete Eagles' Peak
[Diary] Varrock Medium: Cast teleport to Varrock
[Diary] Fremennik Medium: Travel to polar hunter area via eagle
[Diary] Western Medium: Travel to jungle hunter area via eagle
[Diary] Desert Medium: Travel to desert hunter area via eagle
Section 6: Quests that require a lot of time
[INV] Gear to kill wolves, axe, 100 feathers, knife, hammer, chisel, food
Complete Big Chompy Bird hunting
Make at least 20 ogre arrows
Get 2 extra raw chompies for RFD Skrach
[INV] Milk, egg, flour, cake tin
Complete RFD Lumbridge Guide (pot, egg, flour, cake tin)
[INV] Gear to kill chompies, axe, iron spit, raw chompy, tbox, pickaxe, ball of wool, bellows
Complete RFD Skrach
Buy adamant gloves
[INV] 2 ropes, bow/arrows, spade, plank, bucket, tinderbox, strike casts, graceful outfit, food
Complete Underground Pass
Write down your path on the platform puzzle, refer to that for Regicide
Use Iban's blast on any quest bosses from this point onward unless otherwise specified
Upgrade staff to 2500 casts after quest
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Upgrade Iban's staff
Should not need to recharge before completing SotE but if necessary just pay to recharge
[INV] 6k gp, tbox, raw shark, Iban's + runes, melee gear, bucket, axe, tbox
Complete The Fremennik Trials
POH is in Rellekka to provide convenient tele back
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Fill bucket at Rellekka well
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Chop and burn oak logs near POH portal
Kill Lanzig/Borrokar/Lensa/Freidir with Iban's for lyre (1/17 chance) before starting trials
Best order is Manni, Olaf, Sigli, Sigmund, Swensen (during Sigmund), Thorvald, Peer
(This is the order the Wiki guide uses)
Melee the Draugen (his magic & ranged defence is really high)
Buy Berserker helm after quest
(Optional) Complete The Fremennik Isles for Nezzy helm instead
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Change boots with Yrsa (browsing her store works and is free)
[INV] Bird snare, butterfly net, butterfly jar, weapon, pickaxe, tiara mould, house tele runes
[Diary] Fremennik Medium: Travel to Miscellania by fairy ring CIP
Fairy ring to DKS
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Kill 5 rock crabs
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Catch a cerulean twitch in the polar hunter area
[Diary] Fremennik Medium: Catch a snowy knight in the polar hunter area
Enter cave, start The Giant Dwarf, sail into Keldagrim
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Browse stonemason's shop
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Steal from Keldagrim crafting or baker's stall
[Diary] Fremennik Hard: Steal from Keldagrim gem stall
POH tele to Rellekka
[Diary] Fremennik Medium: Steal from Rellekka fish stall
[Diary] Fremennik Medium: Mine coal in Rellekka
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Mine silver ore, craft tiara in Rellekka
Sail to Waterbirth Island
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Collect 5 snape grass on Waterbirth Island
You should have Fremennik Easy Diary completed now. Wait until 30 Herblore to claim lamp
[INV] Spade, lit candle, rope, bronze wire, chisel, 3 bones, Iban's + runes, antipoison
Complete Shilo Village
(Optional) Sell quest items to Yanni for 2k gp
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Mine a red topaz from a gem rock
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Take the Lady of the Waves to Port Khazard (boat south of Cairn Isle)
Get 49 crafting if needed
Kill cave crawlers for whiteberries if needed
Start The Hand in the Sand until you pickpocket sand from Sandy
(beer, 150 gp, vial, redberries, whiteberries, lantern lens, 5 earth runes, bucket)
Go to Tai Bwo Wannai Village
Start Tai Bwo Wannai Trio until you get karambwan vessels (get three total)
Follow the Wiki Quick Guide, skip things you took care of already
You should already have banana rum, karambwanji, and jogre bones
Make the marinated jogre bones
Get 6 tickets from Brimhaven Agility Arena and buy 2 toadflaxes
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Claim a ticket from the Brimhaven Agility Arena
Complete The Hand in the Sand
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Collect daily sand from Bert
Get 50 crafting (should be really close), make an amulet of strength if you don't have one yet
Get 30 Herblore if needed
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Use Vigroy/Hajedy's cart
Complete One Small Favour
(4 steel bars, bronze bar, iron bar, chisel, 2 guams, marrentill, harralander, bowl of hot water, empty cup,
hammer, 5 pigeon cages, pot, soft clay, 5k+ gp to buy gems from Gnome, pickaxe)
Remember pickaxe to kill Slagilith
Use XP on Herblore to get 38
Create two Agility potion(3)s, decant into a 4 and 2 dose
Complete Tai Bwo Wannai Trio
(knife, banana, small net, p&m, iron+ spear, agil pot(4), strike casts, tbox, jogre bones, seaweed, karamjan rum)
Kill an extra monkey and keep bones for Monkey Madness I
When fishing karambwans, use fairy ring DJR to bank at Shayzien
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Catch a karambwan
Make some prayer potions and energy potions if you are out of strange fruits
Complete Monkey Madness I (gold bar, ball of wool, karamjan monkey bones)
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Use gnome glider to travel to Karamja
[Diary] Karamja Medium: Charter a ship from Karamja shipyard (to anywhere else)
Buy dragon scimitar after quest
Put larger XP on attack/defence
[INV] 60+ gp, 10 bread, 10 trout, iron bar, asgarnian ale, food for Troll Stronghold, games neck
Complete Death Plateau
Complete Troll Stronghold (don't forget climbing boots)
[Diary] Fremennik Easy: Enter the Troll Stronghold
(Optional) Complete Eadgar's Ruse (Climbing boots, vodka, pineapple chunks, 2 logs, 10 grain, 5 raw chickens,
tbox, p&m, ranarr pot unf)
Big Herblore XP, can be done in pursuit of 70 Herblore
(Optional) Complete My Arm's Big Adventure (bucket, 3 ugthanki dung, all farming supplies)
Big Herblore XP and extra patch, can be done in pursuit of 70 Herblore
Section 7: Unlocking the Mid Game
Reminder for birdhouses, herb runs, tree runs, farming contracts
Plant limpwurt seeds in flower patches if you haven't done so yet (need 20 for Temple of Ikov)
If looking for an AFK activity, train ranged w/ bone cbow on ammonite crabs
Get 50 mining if needed
Complete Sleeping Giants (3 oak logs, 1 wool (not ball), 10 nails, hammer, chisel, bucket of water)
Complete Heroes' Quest (Harralander pot unf, pickaxe, strike casts, antifire shield, fishing rod/bait)
Get a yew shortbow/longbow if needed
Catch young implings in Puro for Yew longbow if you need to brute force it
Allegedly you can use thrown weapons instead as long as you have ice arrows equipped (not confirmed)
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Cast teleport to Ardougne
[Diary] Ardougne Medium: Pickpocket master farmer north of Ardougne
Complete Temple of Ikov (yew+ bow, 20 UNNOTED limpwurt roots)
Not required to grab boots of lightness since you have graceful
Complete Family Crest (shrimps, salmon, tuna, bass, swordfish, pickaxe, 2 rubies, ring mould, necklace mould,
antipoison, blast spells)
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Collect 5 red spiders eggs in Edgeville Dungeon (pick up and drop same one)
[Diary] Wilderness Easy: Kill an earth warrior in Edgeville Dungeon
These should complete Wilderness Easy Diary. Lamp on Herblore
Choose chaos gauntlets to fight Kamil
Get 12 magic logs if you still need them
Complete Desert Treasure (shantay passes, 650 gp, 12 magic logs, 6 steel bars, 6 molten glass, ashes, charcoal,
blood rune, bones, silver bar, garlic, p&m, spice, chocolate cake, climbing boots, iron bar,
facemask, tinderbox, 50+ lockpicks)
[Diary] Kandarin Hard: Slay a shadow hound in the Shadow Dungeon
[Diary] Desert Hard: Use altar to change spellbook
Stay on normal spellbook until SotE Fragment fight
Start Legends Quest until able access to Kharazi Jungle (machete, axe, radimus notes)
Pick a vanilla pod along south coast
Complete RFD Sir Amik Varze
Buy rune gloves
Complete Regicide (25+ coal, bow/arrows, 2 ropes, spade, limestone (not brick) or pickaxe, tbox,
4 balls of wool, p&m, gloves, pot, cooked rabbit or axe)
Create extra barrel of Naphtha for MEP1
Get 60 Ranged and 69 Agility
As of December 2022, MEP2 gives enough XP to get 70 along with RFD Awowogei.
If necessary, train to 60 Ranged via Slayer or afking ammonite crabs
After 50 Ranged get Ava's Accumulator
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium: Purchase upgraded device from Ava
Complete Roving Elves (Glarial's pebble, key, spade, rope, lots of food)
Choose the bow
Start MEP1 with Eluned immediately afterwards to unlock Lletya
Complete Mourning's End Part I (bear fur, 2 silk, red/yellow/green/blue dyes, bucket of water, feather,
rotten apple, premade t'd crunch, magic logs, leather, ogre bellows, barrel of naphtha)
Complete Mourning's End Part II (mourner gear, chisel, rope, catalytic talisman or item list)
Get the items from list prepared ahead of time if you didn't get catalytic talisman earlier
Some of the items are random, just handle those once you get the list itself
Get 70 Cooking
Mess Hall recommended, karambwans also okay but you'll burn a lot of them
Complete RFD Awowogei (m'speak ammy, karamja greegree, gorilla greegree, ninja greegree, zombie greegree,
banana, monkey nuts, rope, knife, p&m)
You should now have 175 QP
Complete RFD Finale (Iban's everything except Gelatinoth mother, use blast spells for that)
Use XP lamp on Herblore
Buy barrows gloves
Train melee through Slayer
Prioritize: Blocks, Superiors, Rune pouch*, Unlocks, Rings, Extends, Helm
Can get Rune pouch at LMS instead if you prefer
Point boosting recommended until Superiors + 300ish spare points to block/cancel bad tasks
Block suggestions: Black demons, Metal dragons, Hellhounds, Fire giants, Trolls, Elves
Unblock Black demons after MM2, reblock after obtaining 4 Zenyte shards
Unblock Hellhounds for Cerberus, reblock after obtaining Primordial crystal
Amulet of Glory > Strength > Power.
I've never done Wilderness slayer but it would likely be best points for mid level non-HCIMs
(Optional) Buy a cannon and smith cannonballs if you can afford it
(Optional) Complete pirate quests for black mask after 58 Slayer
(Optional) Play Barbarian Assault for Fighter torso
(Optional) If you get dagannoths task, kill Rex for Berserker ring and imbue it
(Optional) Get a fire cape. Can wait until after Bofa, not a major priority this early
Do your hard clues, try to get black d'hide top/chaps, magic shortbow
If you get a magic shortbow, play LMS to imbue it
Get 60 Attack, then 70 Strength
Get all defenders at Warriors' Guild. Train defence on cyclopes in the process
Get 70 Mining at Motherlode Mine and/or mining sandstone in quarry
Get 70 Smithing at Giants' Foundry and/or Blast Furnace (after mining)
Start The Giant Dwarf to access Keldagrim
Get 70 Hunter at Birdhouses, Salamanders, Red Chinchompas
Get 70 Construction via Mahogany Homes
After 70 Farming, plant teak trees on Fossil Island, chop and bank those logs if you need them
Get 70 Farming doing Guild activities, usual runs, and Tithe Farm
Get 70 Herblore doing as many herb runs as quickly as possible
Diary tasks not accounted for (reasonable easy/medium tasks):
[Diary] Ardougne Medium:
Grapple Yanille south wall (requires mith grapple)
Kill a swordchick (requires Tower of Life)
[Diary] Desert Easy:
Enter Kalphite lair
Kill a vulture
Clean an herb at Zahur
Collect 5 potato cacti in Kalphite lair
Sell Pyramid Plunder artefact to Simon Templeton
Open sarcophagus in first room of Pyramid Plunder (requires starting Icthlarin's)
[Diary] Falador Easy:
Craft a mind tiara
Repair a strut in Motherlode Mine
[Diary] Kandarin Medium:
Create superantipoison from scratch in Seers/Catherby
Enter Ranging Guild
Use grapple shortcut on Water obelisk island (requires mith grapple)
String maple shortbow in Seers Village bank (requires 50 Fletching)
Kill fire giant in Waterfall Dungeon
Complete a Wave in Barbarian Assault
Steal from the chest in Hemenster
[Diary] Karamja Medium:
Earn 100% favour in Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup
Cook spider on a stick
Cut teak log in hardwood grove
Cut mahogany log in hardwood grove
Exchange gems for a machete (requires gout tuber- use normal machete on dense jungle)
Trap a horned graahk
Chop vines, use stepping stones, climb stairs in Brimhaven Dungeon
[Diary] Kourend/Kebos Easy:
Mine iron ore at Mount Karuulm
Heal a wounded Shayzien soldier
Create a strength potion in Lovakengj pub
Fish trout from River Molch
[Diary] Lumbridge Medium:
Grapple across River Lum (requires mith grapple)
Craft coif in Lumbridge cow pen
Get slayer task from Chaeldar (mentioned but not mandated)
Catch essence or eclectic impling in Puro-Puro
[Diary] Varrock Medium:
Have Apothecary make you a strength potion
Enter Tolna's Dungeon (requires A Soul's Bane)
Get a slayer task from Vannaka (mentioned but not mandated)
Make 20 mahogany planks in one go (costs 30k gp)
[Diary] Western Easy:
Catch a copper longtail
Mine iron near Piscatoris
Fletch oak shortbow in Gnome Stronghold
Claim chompy hat after killing 30 chompies
Medium diaries NOT worth rushing: Desert, Falador, Fremennik, Kourend/Kebos, Morytania, Western, Wilderness
Get Infinity boots and Bones to Peaches from Mage Training Arena
(Optional) Get Master wand too
Refer to GotR section for runes needed
Go to Wizard's Guild and buy mystic top, bottom, and hat
Get 80 Magic, complete Mage Arena I and II (HCIMs can just do the first one)
I recommend bursting jellies in Catacombs, otherwise MM1 dungeon is fine
Complete Song of the Elves (full steel set, red/purple dye, mourner gear, gas mask, silk, runite bar,
8 limestone bricks, tbox, rope, nature rune, flowers or irit, adamant chainbody, wine of zamorak,
cabbage, black knife/dagger, cadantine seed, seed dibber, vial of water, p&m, hammer, saw,
pickaxe, axe, spade, best obtainable magic gear, nightshades, blood blitz runes)
Use blood blitz on Fragment on Seren. Should not need brews. Nightshade method guarantees this
Obtain a Bow of Faerdhinen and full Crystal armour from Corrupted Gauntlet
If struggling to get completions, recommended to train Ranged by:
1. Hunting red chins north of Prifddinas and train with those
Unlock MM2 tunnels for this
2. AFKing ammonite crabs on Fossil Island with iron/steel knives/darts or bone cbow
Going on rate for 1 enhanced seed (400 kc) gives a lot of supplies/gp which will help get 82 smith/craft
These are boostable reqs
If you get a 2nd enhanced weapon seed before 6 armour seeds, highly recommended to make blade too
Yes, you need to get the Crystal helm. There are plenty of places to use Bofa off slayer tasks
This is the end of the main guide
Topics not covered:
Hunting Implings
Rushing Hunter can bypass other item reqs e.g. magic logs, glory but isn't very reliable
Hunting eclectics is the best way to get medium clues though
Obtaining Xeric's talisman
Option 1: Complete Kourend/Kebos Easy Diary, kill lizardmen for Shayzien favour
Option 2: After unlocking Fairy Rings, thieve chests in Lizardman Lair
Not included in this guide since most of Zeah is sparsely visited
Obtaining Arclight
Train slayer in Zeah Catacombs where applicable and add 3 ancient shards to Darklight
Lovakengj, Piscarilius, and Shayzien favour
Lovakengj: Make juniper charcoal to get 65% favour (overnight), Forsaken Tower, minecart scrolls
Piscarilus: Hunt sandworms
Shayzien: Heal soldiers to 5%, kill lizardmen until Xeric's talisman, tackle organized crime to 86%,
obtain Shayzien Armour 5 to get 100%
Kingdom of Miscellania
Prereq quests are easy, fund this with gp obtained from Gauntlet. Not needed prior imo
If you have gp to spare after blackjacking feel free to throw some in
Barbarian Fishing
Helps with early Agility & Strength XP but not necessary. I prefer Tempoross and its rewards
43 Prayer without Wilderness
Use Iban's on Blue dragons in Taverley. Get overheads prior to MM1 unless you're very confident
Rushing 70 Agility helps but not required. Don't bother collecting hides
83 Construction + semi-max POH
Mahogany Homes via teaks obtained from Kingdom
93 Crafting for Zenytes
Buy a lot of buckets, mine a lot of sand, farm a lot of seaweed, superglass make
92 Mining for Amethyst
Mine as much sand as you'll need for 93 Crafting first, then pick your favorite option below:
1. Motherlode Mine (semi-afk, very easy, Falador Hard Diary req)
2. Blast Mine (click intensive but great way to get runite ore. Use dynamite from CoX/diary reward)
3. Volcanic Mine (semi-click intensive, very fast XP once you get solo method down, chance of d pick)
4. Powermining granite in Quarry or iron in Mining Guild (fastest but yields no ores)
Don't forget you also need 90 Fletching to make amethyst darts. Buy broad arrows for this
Dwarf quest line
Only worth doing if you want quest cape. Just start The Giant Dwarf for Keldagrim
Farming XP from Forgettable Tale not worth the effort since release of The Garden of Death
Myreque quest line
Morytania has a lot of great self-contained content, such as Sepulchre and ToB
There isn't anything locked behind these quests that is beneficial for rushing SotE
Rag & Bone Man I and II
Only worth doing if you want quest cape
Can wait until high level and having more teleports to get this out of the way quickly
Tears of Guthix
Helps train low level stats but not required for other quests
King's Ransom
Not needed until after 70 Prayer. By then it shouldn't be an issue to complete Knight Waves
A Kingdom Divided
Unlock this once you can kill bosses where it is appropriate to use thralls (e.g. Zulrah)
Dragon Slayer II
Rushing this is a great way to get 70 Prayer via Myth's Guild green dragons
Monkey Madness II
Getting bofa first makes this a piece of cake and demonic gorillas will be much easier to kill
Could start the quest to unlock tunnels to train Magic and Ranged
Lunar questline & spellbook
Incredibly useful to have but not technically required for rushing SotE.
After Dream Mentor, unlock imbues at NMZ
Don't make glass without Superglass make
Obtaining a Dragon pickaxe
As of February 2023, I would recommend killing KQ while trying for KQ head for Desert Hard Diary
Even after KQ head this is among the fastest ways to obtain one, especially with partisan
If you don't get d pick from KQ prior to head, move to one of the three solo-scale Wildy bosses
For HCIMs, Volcanic Mine is the "safest" way but not very fast, plus it would cost 2.5m gp to repair it
Prior to 92 Mining it's not super important to have a d pick, but it is a significant upgrade over rune
Not worth it imo, runes come from GotR and armour has substitutes
Only do this if you have POH portal and Morytania Hard diary
Killing Zulrah
Recommended to get bofa + armour first. Thralls help too
Otherwise use blood blitz for diary kill
Killing lizardman shamans
Bofa with Shayzien armour works, blowpipe would be faster though, even with adamant darts
PvM Progresion after Gauntlet, Zulrah, DWH, and Trident
Get useful drops from Slayer creatures & bosses asap and prioritize:
1. Get Dex from CoX (solo recommended), unlock rigour
2. Get all uniques from Graardor
3. Get Zamorakian spear from Kril, convert to hasta
4. Get Osmumten's fang from ToA (solo recommended)
5. Get Avernic defender from ToB
6a. Get Ancestral robes from CoX
6b. Get Tumeken's shadow from ToA
6c. Get Twisted bow from CoX
7. Get everything else from GWD including Nex
That's just my idea, no perfect order for this
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