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Created July 15, 2014 18:24
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Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.3.10)
// Compass (v1.0.0.alpha.20)
// ----
$blue: #33a9e0;
$blue-light: #e1f2fa;
$blue-dark: #0076ad;
$slate: #45454c;
$slate-light: #efeff4;
$slate-dark: #1e1e21;
$red: #cb4e52;
$red-light: #f7e2e2;
$red-dark: #9c292d;
$gold: #f3ae4e;
$gold-light: #fceddf;
$gold-dark: #c07b1b;
$purple: #6479bf;
$purple-light: #cbd6f4;
$purple-dark: #31468c;
$orange: #ed844a;
$orange-light: #f4d4c6;
$orange-dark: #ba5117;
$green: #45ad60;
$green-light: #c8edcd;
$green-dark: #127a2d;
$pink: #d37295;
$pink-light: #f2d1e3;
$pink-dark: #a03f62;
$brand-palettes: (blue: (base: $blue, light: $blue-light, dark: $blue-dark), slate: (base: $slate, light: $slate-light, dark: $slate-dark), red: (base: $red, light: $red-light, dark: $red-dark), gold: (base: $gold, light: $gold-light, dark: $gold-dark), purple: (base: $purple, light: $purple-light, dark: $purple-dark), orange: (base: $orange, light: $orange-light, dark: $orange-dark), green: (base: $green, light: $green-light, dark: $green-dark), pink: (base: $pink, light: $pink-light, dark: $pink-dark));
@each $palette in map-keys($brand-palettes) {
@each $color, $i in map-get($brand-palettes, $palette) {
@if $color == "base" {
// This would normally be a silent class using %
.background-#{$palette} {
background-color: $i;
// This would normally be a silent class using %
.color-#{$palette} {
color: $i;
@else {
// This would normally be a silent class using %
.background-#{$palette}-#{$color} {
background-color: $i;
// This would normally be a silent class using %
.color-#{$palette}-#{$color} {
color: $i;
.background-blue {
background-color: #33a9e0;
.color-blue {
color: #33a9e0;
.background-blue-light {
background-color: #e1f2fa;
.color-blue-light {
color: #e1f2fa;
.background-blue-dark {
background-color: #0076ad;
.color-blue-dark {
color: #0076ad;
.background-slate {
background-color: #45454c;
.color-slate {
color: #45454c;
.background-slate-light {
background-color: #efeff4;
.color-slate-light {
color: #efeff4;
.background-slate-dark {
background-color: #1e1e21;
.color-slate-dark {
color: #1e1e21;
.background-red {
background-color: #cb4e52;
.color-red {
color: #cb4e52;
.background-red-light {
background-color: #f7e2e2;
.color-red-light {
color: #f7e2e2;
.background-red-dark {
background-color: #9c292d;
.color-red-dark {
color: #9c292d;
.background-gold {
background-color: #f3ae4e;
.color-gold {
color: #f3ae4e;
.background-gold-light {
background-color: #fceddf;
.color-gold-light {
color: #fceddf;
.background-gold-dark {
background-color: #c07b1b;
.color-gold-dark {
color: #c07b1b;
.background-purple {
background-color: #6479bf;
.color-purple {
color: #6479bf;
.background-purple-light {
background-color: #cbd6f4;
.color-purple-light {
color: #cbd6f4;
.background-purple-dark {
background-color: #31468c;
.color-purple-dark {
color: #31468c;
.background-orange {
background-color: #ed844a;
.color-orange {
color: #ed844a;
.background-orange-light {
background-color: #f4d4c6;
.color-orange-light {
color: #f4d4c6;
.background-orange-dark {
background-color: #ba5117;
.color-orange-dark {
color: #ba5117;
.background-green {
background-color: #45ad60;
.color-green {
color: #45ad60;
.background-green-light {
background-color: #c8edcd;
.color-green-light {
color: #c8edcd;
.background-green-dark {
background-color: #127a2d;
.color-green-dark {
color: #127a2d;
.background-pink {
background-color: #d37295;
.color-pink {
color: #d37295;
.background-pink-light {
background-color: #f2d1e3;
.color-pink-light {
color: #f2d1e3;
.background-pink-dark {
background-color: #a03f62;
.color-pink-dark {
color: #a03f62;
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