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Last active September 3, 2020 01:03
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  • Save shaxxx/20bf4f85e2c66022e0ca74856811f5d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save shaxxx/20bf4f85e2c66022e0ca74856811f5d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Crosswalk + Ionic4
//star blank Ionic project
ionic start walk sidemenu --type=angular
//change to Ionic project folder
cd walk
//add android platform
ionic cordova platform add android
//remove Ionic webview
ionic cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
//add crosswalk webview
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview
//add plugin to fix crosswalk build error due to gradle error
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-android-support-gradle-release
//modify src/index.html and change
<base href="/" />
<base href="/android_asset/www/" />
//modify src/main.ts to fix "URL scheme "file" is not supported." when loading SVG assets
function androidFetchWorkaround() {
const originalFetch = (window as any).fetch;
(window as any).fetch = (...args) => {
const [url] = args;
if (typeof url === 'string' && url.match(/\.svg/)) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true);
req.addEventListener('load', () => {
resolve({ ok: true, text: () => Promise.resolve(req.responseText) });
req.addEventListener('error', reject);
} else {
return originalFetch(...args);
.catch(err => console.log(err));
//run on android
ionic cordova run android
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M-Abozaid commented May 17, 2019

I'm getting
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
with both <base href="/android_asset/www/" /> and <base href="/" />

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