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Created November 23, 2018 08:52
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Convert Bazaar repository to Git repository
set -e
if [ $# != 1 ]; then
echo "Usage: ./ bzr_repo/"
exit -1
# 切换进 bzr 仓库
cd "$1"
# 如果 Git 仓库已经存在则为了安全起见自动退出
if [ -d ".git" ]; then
echo "There is already a Git Repository!"
echo "Please remove it manually for safety."
exit -1
# 初始化 Git 仓库
git init -q
git commit --allow-empty -m "An Empty Commit" -q
# 添加 Git 仓库配置文件
cat > .gitignore << EOL
git add .gitignore
git commit -m "Add .gitignore file" -q
echo "Git Repository is initialized successfully."
# 解析 bzr 仓库的提交历史
commit_count=$(bzr log | grep -E "^revno:\s[0-9]{0,3}" -c)
echo "Commit Count: $commit_count"
# 开始迁移
echo "Migration Started..."
for (( revno=1; revno<="$commit_count"; revno++ ))
sleep 1s
bzr_rev_msg=$(bzr log -r $revno | sed '1d') # 获取当前 revno 对应的提交信息
bzr revert -r "$revno" -q # 将 bzr 工作目录切换到 revno 版本
git add . # Git 添加工作区到 Index
git commit -m "$bzr_rev_msg" -q
echo "Commit revno=$revno successfully."
echo "Migration Finished Successfully!"
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