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niklas-ourmachinery /
Created January 24, 2019 16:30
Reducing build times by 20 % with a one line change

Reducing build times by 20 % with a one line change

Experimenting a bit with the /d2cgsummary and /d1reportTime flags described by Aras here and here I noticed that one of our functions was consistently showing up in the Anomalistic Compile Times section:

1>	Anomalistic Compile Times: 2
1>		create_truth_types: 0.643 sec, 2565 instrs
1>		draw_nodes: 0.180 sec, 5348 instrs
d7samurai /
Last active September 21, 2024 13:45
Minimal D3D11

Minimal D3D11

Minimal D3D11 reference implementation: An uncluttered Direct3D 11 setup + basic rendering primer and API familiarizer. Complete, runnable Windows application contained in a single function and laid out in a linear, step-by-step fashion that should be easy to follow from the code alone. ~200 LOC. No modern C++, OOP or (other) obscuring cruft. View on YouTube


Also check out Minimal D3D11 pt2, reconfigured for instanced rendering and with a smaller, tighter, simplified overall code structure, or Minimal D3D11 pt3, with shadowmapping + showcasing a range of alternative setup and rendering techniques.

sebbbi / FastUniformLoadWithWaveOps.txt
Last active May 11, 2024 07:37
Fast uniform load with wave ops (up to 64x speedup)
In shader programming, you often run into a problem where you want to iterate an array in memory over all pixels in a compute shader
group (tile). Tiled deferred lighting is the most common case. 8x8 tile loops over a light list culled for that tile.
Simplified HLSL code looks like this:
Buffer<float4> lightDatas;
Texture2D<uint2> lightStartCounts;
RWTexture2D<float4> output;
[numthreads(8, 8, 1)]
nicowilliams /
Last active September 16, 2024 11:43
fork() is evil; vfork() is goodness; afork() would be better; clone() is stupid

I recently happened upon a very interesting implementation of popen() (different API, same idea) called popen-noshell using clone(2), and so I opened an issue requesting use of vfork(2) or posix_spawn() for portability. It turns out that on Linux there's an important advantage to using clone(2). I think I should capture the things I wrote there in a better place. A gist, a blog, whatever.

This is not a paper. I assume reader familiarity with fork() in particular and Unix in general, though, of course, I link to relevant wiki pages, so if the unfamiliar reader is willing to go down the rabbit hole, they should be able to come ou

mariobadr / game_loop.cpp
Last active May 23, 2024 02:36
A basic game loop using std::chrono
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2016 Mario Badr
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
ocornut / (Archived) imgui_memory_editor.h
Last active August 28, 2024 05:01
Mini memory editor for dear imgui (to embed in your game/tools)
// Mini memory editor for Dear ImGui (to embed in your game/tools)
// Animated GIF:
// Click "Revisions" on the Gist to see old version.
LPGhatguy / demo.lua
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
OpenGL function loader for LuaJIT. This is a fixed up version of slime73's original code. See demo.lua for usage.
local glfw = require("glfw3") --Let's say we have a magic GLFW3 binding there!
local openGL = require("opengl")
openGL.loader = glfw.GetProcAddress
--and somewhere else
local vbo ="GLuint[1]")
gl.GenBuffers(1, vbo)
gl.BindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo[0])
gl.BufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, ffi.sizeof(vertices), vertices, GL.STATIC_DRAW)
markandgo / utf8.lua
Last active June 27, 2024 04:28
Kyle Smith's utf8.lua with some extra functions
-- $Id: utf8.lua 179 2009-04-03 18:10:03Z pasta $
-- Provides UTF-8 aware string functions implemented in pure lua:
-- * string.utf8len(s)
-- * string.utf8sub(s, i, j)
-- * string.utf8reverse(s)
-- * string.utf8char(unicode)
-- * string.utf8unicode(s, i, j)
-- * string.utf8gensub(s, sub_len)